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Rod of resurrection nerf in 2.6 ?

Is that rod nerfed ? As i remembered it can used to heal party members as side effect. Why this removed ?


  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    It received the same treatment as the spell it mimics.
    Everything got moved behind a !=DEAD filter, including the heal effect.
    Resurrection abilities had a number of issues that could occur when cast on the living.
    Whether or not the heal was considered one of them I do not know, as it's nowhere as serious as the other issues.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    kjeron wrote: »
    It received the same treatment as the spell it mimics.
    Everything got moved behind a !=DEAD filter, including the heal effect.
    Resurrection abilities had a number of issues that could occur when cast on the living.
    Whether or not the heal was considered one of them I do not know, as it's nowhere as serious as the other issues.

    Thanks the update, now i understand :)
    But i liked the previous heal thing in the rod, so i modded it to add a second ability heal, like the firewand has two spells in one wand.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Danacm wrote: »
    kjeron wrote: »
    It received the same treatment as the spell it mimics.
    Everything got moved behind a !=DEAD filter, including the heal effect.
    Resurrection abilities had a number of issues that could occur when cast on the living.
    Whether or not the heal was considered one of them I do not know, as it's nowhere as serious as the other issues.

    Thanks the update, now i understand :)
    But i liked the previous heal thing in the rod, so i modded it to add a second ability heal, like the firewand has two spells in one wand.

    Awesome. Would you share this little tweak mod? I would like to use it in the future
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2021
    Incidentally, it's not just mimicking the spell now. As of 2.6, the rod directly casts the payload spell of Resurrection on its target (if they're dead).
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    Danacm wrote: »
    kjeron wrote: »
    It received the same treatment as the spell it mimics.
    Everything got moved behind a !=DEAD filter, including the heal effect.
    Resurrection abilities had a number of issues that could occur when cast on the living.
    Whether or not the heal was considered one of them I do not know, as it's nowhere as serious as the other issues.

    Thanks the update, now i understand :)
    But i liked the previous heal thing in the rod, so i modded it to add a second ability heal, like the firewand has two spells in one wand.

    Awesome. Would you share this little tweak mod? I would like to use it in the future

    Here is the Rod with ressurrection and heal abilities. I dont know properly creating dialog editing mods so you need to edit yourself the texts. The tooltip.2da is needed to work the ingame tooltips when change between abilities. Just put it to your override, but beware if other mod tweak the tooltip.2da it wont work as intented.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    Thanks the explanation @JuliusBorisov !
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    This was the bug's title: Resurrection Spells Breaking Abilities When Used on Living Targets

    When Resurrection or Raise Dead spells are used on living characters, they can clear innate abilities such as those granted from polymorphing or shapeshifting. Worse, it can also clear the contents of a spell sequencer but not the sequencer itself, making it impossible to re-cast a spell sequencer on the character. As such, these spells are now limited to use on characters that are actually dead.

    Graphics play on living characters. They are even healed hitpoints by Raise Dead and Mass Raise Dead. An unseen consequence is that instances of opcode 172 (remove innate ability) are applied that dispel temporary innates granted from various spells i.e. Polymorph: Self.

    Only dead characters are affected by Raise Dead/Resurrection spells.

    Ctrl-R used to do this as well, but would allow you to recast the sequencer spells, resulting in multiple uses for each sequencer type. You'd
    have to remember the order they were cast in to predict which spells were in the triggers though, unless you always used the same spells. I discovered this in my pre-EE days when I used to experiment with mega-mods, so I'm not sure that it still works...
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited September 2021
    Ctrl-R clears all sequencers and contingencies active on the player and removes the button. Then you can cast them anew.

    The nuance was that resurrection rod would only clear the content but not the button letting the game think you still have one active/memorized and you could not create a new one or overwrite it.

    Is that what you meant Balrog?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    lroumen wrote: »
    Ctrl-R clears all sequencers and contingencies active on the player and removes the button. Then you can cast them anew.

    The nuance was that resurrection rod would only clear the content but not the button letting the game think you still have one active/memorized and you could not create a new one or overwrite it.

    Is that what you meant Balrog?

    Sort of. It would clear the icon for the sequencer and remove it from the special abilities button, but the old one would still be available after a recast. In other words, after burning a sequencer, it wouldn't disappear if you had an 'old' one that was Ctrl-R'd.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,948
    edited September 2021
    In more technical terms, resurrection spells removed the ability that activates the sequencer, but not the effect that denotes what's in the sequencer. That latter effect is what controls whether you can cast a new sequencer. These spells also removed temporary shapeshifting abilities such as those granted by Polymorph Self and Shapechange.

    On the flip side, the rod of resurrection didn't have this effect; it only brought the target back and restored them to full health. Thus, if a character died and was brought back with the rod, they could end up with a sequencer activation but nothing in it, or permanent abilities from Polymorph Self/Shapechange; the "what's in the sequencer" or "duration ends, take away those abilities" effects are cleared by dying.

    The usual breaking points that applied raise/resurrection spells to living party members were Mass Raise Dead (bugged to grant up to 6x the healing it should, to the whole party) and the cutscenes entering and leaving Hell in chapter 7 (which cast Resurrection on all party members).

    The cleanup affects absolutely had to be tweaked to only apply when a character was brought back, and to be added to the rod. Resurrection and Mass Raise Dead healing the living ... that's a matter of interpretation, and Beamdog went with a strict reading.
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