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Patch 8193.32 for NWN:EE: Apple M1 support, Performance Improvements & more

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
A new patch comes to Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition today!

?Apple M1 support
?‍♀️Performance Improvements
?‍♂️Curated Content: A Hunt Through The Dark series by Markus Schlegel
?️Scriptable UI for module authors
?More bug fixes!

Check out the full patch notes here.


  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @JuliusBorisov Re. the patch notes - can you clear up possible confusion here please. Under "SCRIPTABLE UI" there is mention of 2 demo scripts. However, in the last bullet-pointed text of this section it says "See the mentioned include file and demo for starting points." which sort of implies that there is a demo module. My guess is that is referring to the afore mentioned demo scripts. If there is a demo module where do I find it?


  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 455
    Both NWN:EE Development and Retail seem to have been patched to the same version. Houston, we again have achieved parity.
  • KamirynKamiryn Member Posts: 74
    Toolset: "Test Module" does not work anymore if the toolset is started with the userDirectory parameter because NWN will look for the module in the default directory. Bug was introduced in build 8193.31.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    Added a setting that allows players to control their non-PC party members in the same way as DMs do (drag, ctrl+click, etc). This is off by default, and can be enabled in server settings.

    I'm having difficulty finding any documentation on this. I've figured out that it must be enabled in the config file directly, and that once selected with Ctrl, creatures can be made to move with Shift-Click. Is there anything else I can do with this?
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    The performance improvements are the best part of this update for me, too bad the small problem i reported in tyrants of the moonsea wasnt fixed though.
  • Alessandro1970Alessandro1970 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2021

    ...M1 support for Baldur' s Gate ?

    Post edited by Alessandro1970 on
  • MordynMordyn Member Posts: 3
    Anyone else having character audio issues on M1 Mac native ?
  • jimdad55jimdad55 Member Posts: 75
    edited September 2021
    Yeah, I’m on an M1 iMac and am busy working my way through Aielund and voicing of characters have been fine since I started.

    However, since the patch they are speaking like Daleks, kinda strangled sound. Could be the patch as it was fine the evening before.

    Need to test a little more though as one of my modules with voicing from me still seems fine. Not sure if there’s a different way of handling stock NPC lines as opposed to user built lines using a microphone. I remember before an audio issue with the “oal” file which I gather deals with audio so Beamdog may know how to handle this.
  • Alessandro1970Alessandro1970 Member Posts: 10
    @JuliusBorisov will it be a M1 "AppleSilicon" patch for Baldur's Gate ?
  • jimdad55jimdad55 Member Posts: 75
    edited September 2021
    @JuliusBorisov will it be a M1 "AppleSilicon" patch for Baldur's Gate ?

    Could you start a separate thread for anything to do with future Baldur's Gate issues? This is for NWN:EE and performance issues on it. Thanks. Maybe here -?

    @JuliusBorisov , any thoughts on the audio issues. I think I remember the file I talked about in a previous post as "Open Audio Language"? Done some more testing and it seems all the ones where I have voiced something using iMac mics are fine but anything using stock voice sets (?) is distorted. Would an audio file from Aielund be of any use? Acts 1+2 audio for characters' voices was fine. Now it is pretty bad.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Our team is working on a hotfix.

    The Enhanced Editions of BG & other IE games should be working on M1 (their iOS versions, anyway). There are no immediate plans for the native support of M1 for those games.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    A hot fix is now released on Steam -

    The GOG and Beamdog Client builds are being uploaded.
  • jimdad55jimdad55 Member Posts: 75
    A hot fix is now released on Steam -

    The GOG and Beamdog Client builds are being uploaded.

    Nothing about the audio issues yet ?

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @jimdad55 We haven't been able to repro the audio issues you've mentioned. Do they happen in the base game and base modules, or only in the curated content?
  • MordynMordyn Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2021
    @JuliusBorisov I have a M1 8GB Macbook Air, with NWN:EE on steam, the garbled voiced dialogue occurs in the base game no mods, an example is the first conversation with Pavel when running the M1 native nwmain from the steamapps/common/neverwinter nights/bin/macos folder, however the audio appears fine when running the intel version from the steam launcher. I'm not using headphones or anything just the audio from the laptop speakers.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • MordynMordyn Member Posts: 3
    Updated to .33, Steam launcher still starts the intel version, m1 native version still has garbled voices did a restart just to check, same.
  • jimdad55jimdad55 Member Posts: 75
    edited October 2021
    It's worse in some bits than others, ( which doesn't help you). Here's what I'm getting in the original campaign at the start with Pavel as mentioned above. I'm using NWN natively on an MI iMac. I'm afraid the iMac's mics create a reverb-ie sound which will make it hard to distinguish but there is a distortion there.

    I notice it more in the curated Aielund although this isn't the worst example. It's just the bit I'm on at the moment. There is some on Spartan the dragon's short bit ( maybe that's a feature? :) ) but you can hear it in then Elven king welcome.

    Seems to be whenever voice sets are used ? No problem with user input in the form of sound files.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    We've identified the issue now, thanks all. However, as the patch notes say, there is no immediate patch planned.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    edited October 2021
    Party members (and enemies) still have a tendency to face plant into a wall instead of getting around the obstacle, but it's happening much less frequently and the addition of party control *more* than makes up for it. Overall, in the games/modules I've tested so far, I think gameplay on the .33 version has been a smoother experience than I ever remember.

    Edit: Surprisingly, the Helmed Horror on the 4th level of the Host Tower still cant navigate to the door it needs to open, but immediately face plants a wall.
    Post edited by rashkae on
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