Ask Beamdog

Now when the weekly livestreams are cancelled, we want to continue developing direct communication between Beamdog and our followers, to keep the community informed on studio news, sales, updates, and upcoming events.
This is why we'll start publishing monthly recaps on our blog about what's happening around Beamdog.
As a part of that blog, we'll have a regular Q&A segment for community questions.
Please ask in this thread everything you want to ask Beamdog (in the similar way as it's been done for the livestreams). We'll try to get answers from Luke Rideout every 2 weeks, and then will directly communicate them back to you. Later, a part of these answers will be included into the appropriate montly recap.
1. January, 2019.
2. February 20, 2019.
3. March 19, 2019.
4. April 18, 2019.
5. May 17, 2019.
This is why we'll start publishing monthly recaps on our blog about what's happening around Beamdog.
As a part of that blog, we'll have a regular Q&A segment for community questions.
Please ask in this thread everything you want to ask Beamdog (in the similar way as it's been done for the livestreams). We'll try to get answers from Luke Rideout every 2 weeks, and then will directly communicate them back to you. Later, a part of these answers will be included into the appropriate montly recap.
1. January, 2019.
2. February 20, 2019.
3. March 19, 2019.
4. April 18, 2019.
5. May 17, 2019.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
Hyper Chicken badge. Spill the beans on this monstrosity and don’t dare use NDA as a reason not to, because Our sleuthing deducted that all those NDAs from Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition have expired. Oh I guess this is like Jeopardy and you need it in question form:
What is the story behind the hyper chicken badge and how did all the recipients receive it?
I've got two questions (which are actually the same question about two different features):
For those curious, here's a YouTube video comparing the beginning of BGII with and without EAX.
But if you absolutely NEED to rehash old stuff can you please sell your souls and somehow get KoToR1 and KoToR2 and add new content and remaster
The real answer: I don't know for sure myself... But I am pretty sure it has something to do with Melicamp's quest. Antichickenator was acting up or something. Regardless: I wouldn't tell even if I knew, because it is just so much fun watching all of you get all worked up about the mystery!
Anyway I'll look forward to the next game, thanks beamdog for the very good games
SteamDB Unknown App 965660 Last Update 3 months ago
SteamDB Unknown App 813060 Last Update 5 months ago
SteamDB Unknown App 746550 Last Update 5 months ago
including Myself really Enjoyed it, Why cant a IWD, BG,BG2 new Game or Expansion call it whatever you want be A big hit as well ??? The Stories That can be created for the Forgotten realms and made into A New Infinity Engine game are Literally Endless..... So My question to Beamdog is when you Stop Fixing Bugs and Problems with the Infinity Engine Games What's Next??? You Did State that you will Continue Support The Infinity Engine Games into The Future and Us Players WANT new Content For them!!!! Will We Get it?
Thank You
Therefore, next infinite engine spiritual successor game should be made in unreal. Also faster and easier bug fixing.
@JuliusBorisov When will the Soultaker plot point, which was created by Beamdog as an obvious hook, be resolved?
Pic from an Morrowind mod which used this scaling method.
When will Beamdog stop giving us things that we didn't ask for (like voice set) and start giving us things we do ask for (like an ending for the Soultaker's plot)?
The super cool and secret announcement that flopped and gave us the Dice, Camera and Action pack was announced? If not, will it ever be? If yes, when?
2. Are there still plans to implement UI design suggestions from the Making It Work forum threads?
3. Are you going to externalize more hardcoded UI functions in the IE:EE engine?
4. What is holding back the 2.6 patch?
are there any chances the IE games will ever really support hiDPI displays (not only work with them, but adjust to the system wide pixel ratio / scaling factor, adjusting UI and font sizes accordingly and – if available through ESRGAN/... – use that extra resolution to display high resolution imaginary and backgrounds.
Current state is that when running on a 3840x2160 4k-screen, the games UI is either extremely small (unscaled) or extremely blown up (scaled). When forcing the game to think it's running on a 1920x1080 display, everything is okay, but this is a system's compatibility setting (not good for the future!) and the additional sharpness of these displays is not made any use of (i.e. pixelated fonts, ...).
When going for AI upscaled artwork, without real support for hiDPI, this will make not very much difference.
My apologies as I have not been following the streams too closely; does that mean that 2.6 is going to be the last patch for these games?
My suggestions is to do this and credit the author and give them XY% of the revenue, thus enabling more content with minimal work from the internal teams. If this is legally possible I mean. I know nothing of content clauses that might exist to block this, but it seem to have worked for NVN right?
And yeah btw, Fallout and Arcanum EEs pleasekkthx;)