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[v1.12] Nalia At Last: A Romance Mod for BG2:EE Throne of Bhaal

SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
edited April 2024 in BGII:EE Mods



Mod Overview:
Nalia At Last is a very long awaited romance for Throne of Bhaal. It is a standalone Nalia romance for ToB with a romance branch to continue a romance from De'Arnise Romance or Arnel's Nalia Romance

How the mod plays out will depend on if you have the De'Arnise Romance installed, the Nalia Romance installed, or neither.

If for some maniacal reason you have both installed, the Nalia Romance will be assumed since that one has you married at the end.

For non-EET games, you'll have an additional option to summon a romanced De'Arnise Nalia or the other Nalia Romance. Otherwise you'll have to summon standard Nalia and romance her.

Mod Details:
-A small friendship track.
-2 romance tracks, one standalone, one dependent on having either the De'Arnise or the Nalia romance installed.
-5 new Epilogues.
-A few new interjects to match the standard romance interjections of the other Bioware NPCs.

Romance Qualifications:
  • Male
  • Not in any other romance, or De'Arnise/Arnel's Nalia Romance Unfinished/Ongoing (Variable = 1)
  • De'Arnise or Arnel's Nalia Romance Finished/Active (Variable = 2)
If you are evil, have low reputation, or give certain answers to the Solar as the story progresses, expect the romance to eventually break, as she'll feel you are corrupting her and too dangerous to get closer too. As a warning, the Non-Standalone romance is a bit bumpy, if things seem over, there might still be hope.

Some probable questions and answers to them:

Q: Where can I get support?
A: This is the main support thread. You can also message me on my discord channel, here. I have a contact form on my website as well.

Q: The style seems different from Arnel/JCompton
A: Early on I decided to have Arnel/JCompton's Romances merge into one romance branch. They are the *same* Nalia, so it was probable she would go under similiar development and crisis. I wrote for what I felt that Nalia would be, rather than looking too much back on the other two. As an aside, I found similiarities between Nalia and Emily, so it was a challenge to make sure Nalia was Nalia. Rewrites and polishing will aim to make sure there is no overlap in distinction. Lastly, Nalia in ToB is different than SoA, and having a different author is refreshing in a way as it can help show that shift.

Q: Can I translate this mod?
A: This mod is traified for translating. On release, it will largely be stable and no further content is planned to be added. There is some Crossmod with SkitiaNPCs for its future update, but those pieces are already in place in the traification. Just send me the translated text and I can add it to the mod.

Q: What are the differences between a continuation from Arnel's and a continuation from De'Arnise?
A: There are mostly text differences, I.E., acknowledgements of marriage from Arnel. There is a branch of two of dialogue that are unique, but they otherwise follow the same branch. I would pick your favorite.

Q: Nalia is OOC! Can you fix it?
A: Let me know where, and I'll polish it out. This is still in beta, and I've not gotten a chance to go over the writing a third or fourth time yet. I try to stay in spirit of the character.

Q: What is the content/suitably rating.
A: This is very T. One flirt can get a bit spicy, but it's still T and probably tamer than the De'Arnise Romance or Skitia's NPCs.

Q: When will this mod leave Beta:
A: When the storm passes and I can work on it again. It just needs a few more days of love. I want to release it now because I am also getting married in just a couple of weeks, and there's a chance that the little window of time I have may be no time at all. (Also if something happens to me, it would be a tragedy if it never got released after all this time!)


Skitia For this mod, coding, dialogue, and everything else included.

Arnel For the original Arnel Nalia Romance, and the variable.

Jason Compton & Kulyok For the original De'Arnise Romance, and the variable.

Music credits: Me. Created with Sibelius and East West Symphonic Music Library.

Please do not re-upload, republish, sell, compile, or redistribute this mod without permission!
Post edited by Skitia on


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Congrats on the release!
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Congrats! Glad to know there's some non-romantic content as well. I'm curious to see how it'll play with Reunion, which is a really underrated story mod in my opinion. I hope it'll be somewhat consistent between the two Nalias.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Congrats on the release Skitia! *hugs*

    Stay safe and wishing you a happy and fulfilling marriage and honeymoon.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it's finally here.

    the original mod did help nalia imo so i can't wait to jump in and use this.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2022
    Congratulations on the release and thank you very much for this work!!! :) Dozens and hundreds of players around the world have long been waiting for the completion of the romances with Nalia, which remained unfinished for so long! Finally this wait is over, thanks to you!
    Special thanks also for giving a chance to both versions of the romance, each of which is good in its own way!
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    edited September 2022
    I just got to TOB in my EET run. I'm going to install this and give it a shot. Thanks for making it!
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    Well, I already ran into a problem lol. I couldn't get it to install. Here is the error.

    Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.] [Beta]
    Extending game scripts ...
    Compiling 1 script ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    ERROR: processing .D actions [NALIA_AT_LAST/dialogue/X3Nal25.d]: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.DEBUG and look for support at: Skitia
    Using Language [English]
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited September 2022
    I'm not in a comfortable position to support/mod for a few more days, too much power flickering at the moment.

    But the bad news is that I can install it on my EET installation...which will make troubleshooting difficult.

    You might want to try it with no other mods installed (Besides EET and what you needed installed before it.)
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    Ok, no problem. I'll try installing it again on my next play through early on in my install order. Probably a few months from now.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Thanks so much for working on this!

    I'm curious as to which of the two SoA romance mods you would recommend to use with this?
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    Amazing! So happy to see this.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks so much for working on this!

    I'm curious as to which of the two SoA romance mods you would recommend to use with this?

    Pick your favorite one, or try each one out once. Romancing her in ToB or with one of the two SoA romances allows you to replay it three different times with different experiences.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Skitia wrote: »
    I'm not in a comfortable position to support/mod for a few more days, too much power flickering at the moment.

    But the bad news is that I can install it on my EET installation...which will make troubleshooting difficult.

    You might want to try it with no other mods installed (Besides EET and what you needed installed before it.)

    Are you ok? Did you managed to find a safe place from the hurricane?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I did, my area was not hit too hard.

    I have friends though whose cars are all underwater or a sister whose apartment door was blown open by the sheer power of the winds, so not everyone was as lucky.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Skitia wrote: »
    I did, my area was not hit too hard.

    I have friends though whose cars are all underwater or a sister whose apartment door was blown open by the sheer power of the winds, so not everyone was as lucky.

    I'm glad to hear that you are well. Or at least as well as someone can be under such dreadful circumstances...

    Hoping that everyone recovers from this disaster as fast as possible and everything returns quickly to normal.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Sour wrote: »
    Well, I already ran into a problem lol. I couldn't get it to install. Here is the error.

    Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.] [Beta]
    Extending game scripts ...
    Compiling 1 script ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    ERROR: processing .D actions [NALIA_AT_LAST/dialogue/X3Nal25.d]: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.DEBUG and look for support at: Skitia
    Using Language [English]

    This error is fixed. Thanks to Camdawg for finding the specific problematic line.

    I've uploaded a v1 that contains the fix. Download that one and you should be good to play.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Glad to know you're safe and sound. And already back at modding, I see!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Why is your post title "MoD" instead of "Mod?"
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    The D wanted to feel special.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Curious whether you made any allowance for Kulyok's Reunion mod in the process of this
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    No, time ran out for that. I may in the future.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    Skitia wrote: »
    Sour wrote: »
    Well, I already ran into a problem lol. I couldn't get it to install. Here is the error.

    Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.] [Beta]
    Extending game scripts ...
    Compiling 1 script ...
    Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
    ERROR: processing .D actions [NALIA_AT_LAST/dialogue/X3Nal25.d]: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Nalia at Last: A ToB Romance MoD.], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 2 files for [NALIA_AT_LAST/SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-NALIA_AT_LAST.DEBUG and look for support at: Skitia
    Using Language [English]

    This error is fixed. Thanks to Camdawg for finding the specific problematic line.

    I've uploaded a v1 that contains the fix. Download that one and you should be good to play.

    Thanks for making this mod and I appreciate CamDawg's effort to find the problem. It installed without issue. I'll pick up with the auto save after beating BG2 and check it out. I'll let you know if I run into any issues.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    Alright, so I've run into another problem almost right away. After my team spawns in the sacred grove Imoen asks about her dreams and then Nalia's first romance talk pops up. The issue is, after I make a selection the sequence pops back up over and over again. I've tried responding in negative ways and I've tried dropping her from the party and it didn't work. The moment I take her back in the party the sequence immediately starts over and over again. I even force killed her and the moment I resurrected her the sequence went off again. Do you have any guidance on how I might get it to stop doing that through a console command or something? It's almost as if none of the responses are recognized so the game thinks the love talk needs to play out again.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2022
    Are the talks different or the same? I accidentally uploaded a version with very short timers for testing. I've fixed this in a new upload. (But I am getting different talks.)

    Also, is it continuing a romance or starting the ToB standalone version?
    Post edited by Skitia on
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    It's continuing a romance from Baldur's Gate 2. It's the same talk over and over again. It fires off every 5 seconds or so after I reply.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2022
    Can you do C:GetGlobal("PGNaliaLove","GLOBAL") in the console, and share a bit of the text that plays? I need to figure out its number.

    I've not been able to reproduce endless repetition on my own so far, but I've only started from ToB and set variables as if I started from SoA rather from SoA to ToB naturally. You can try the latest release to see if it resolves your issue as well.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    It says that PGNalia love global is set to 2.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    The new beta doesn't install it has this error message.

    ERROR: processing .D actions [NALIA_AT_LAST/dialogue/X3Nal25.d]: Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited November 2022
    That error message was from the first version of the beta, so you may have pulled its files into your folder rather than the one you downloaded.

    I tried with the Master and the newest version of the beta after uninstalling all other mods just to make sure and couldn't replicate the above, so those should work fine for installing.

    For your message before, it's possible the timer is so short that it's not going to 3, which the newest version should fix. If you can double check, you pulled the files from the right download, it should help with both issues. Sorry for all the trouble you're going through!
  • SourSour Member Posts: 121
    I did an uninstall and then downloaded the latest full release. No problems now. The talk that kept repeating is accessible at any time when I force talk to Nalia but everything seems ok. I haven't had enough time to progress the game lately but the problem I was having is fixed. I knew this was a new release and downloaded it in beta form so it's no problem about the bugs. I've beta tested alot of mods and went into it with the idea that I would be reporting problems. Hopefully I'll get some time to progress my playthrough a little more and give some more feedback. Thanks for the help.
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