[BG2:EE2.5.16.6] [Android 11] Mod Request: I want to install the UI.MENU from EEUITWEAKS-4.0.2 only

Idk if this is hard to do or not, because I have 0 experience with this, and I'm also on Android 11, and thus have the issue of being unable to see the data files in Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition, the "com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition" file when opened has nothing inside it.
All I really want is being able to open the cheat menu/console menu on my mobile device.
I genuinely need help here.
All I really want is being able to open the cheat menu/console menu on my mobile device.
I genuinely need help here.
Sorry to bother you @Gusinda but can you help me about this? Thank you in advance.
To gain access to the folder:
Not sure what device you have but it shouldn't make any difference. I have a Samsung Note with A12 and I have also used this method on another Samsung device using A11. It has been done on A13 but not by me...
Yo will need a third party File Manager. The free version of 'X-Plore File Manager' from Google Play is what I use. After installing the FM, navigate to the Android/data folder and it will prompt you to allow Read/Write access to the folder. Follow the onscreen instructions (giving R/W access to the Android folder). You will need to use this app whenever you want to access the area as the permissions don't flow onto to other apps.
You should now be able view and add to the 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition' folder. Unpack override.zip into the /Files folder for it to work and make sure that the .zip file is not located in the game's folder. The unpacking can be done using X-Plore
- open one pane on the /downloads folder where override.zip is, swipe left to open the other pane and navigate to 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/Files'
- swipe right again to the downloads folder
- touch override.zip to open it
- select the override folder and press the copy icon
- it should give you a prompt that it is copying the contents to the folder in the other pane
- swipe left again to make sure the contents copied...
You should end up with something like:
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/Files/override (Folder)
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/Files/override/UI.MENU (File)
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/Filles/baldur.lua (File)
Run the game and Long press on the Skull should open the console.
If that all works for you, then you can also add /portraits under the /Files folder and add your custom portraits; ie:
Let me know how you go.
Al the best and Happy New Year
Thank you so much @Gusinda ! It actually worked.
One question though, I don't really know how to exactly give myself XP, the top left panel that opens
That "gives xp" doesn't work or I'm just dumb, or do I have to try and do it manually via the console commands?
Oh, and also XPLORE doesn't work for some reason it doesn't show the files even if I accepted the prompt to "confirm access",so I had to try another temporary solution, that one works, but after I start the game the file becomes hidden, but the modification worked, so there's that.
I'm on a Lenovo phone btw.
And also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🤣
With regard to the XP, the button should work. Make sure that you have your PC or whoever you want the XP added to selected first before trying to give the XP. Just tried it on my device without any probs.
Happy Gaming
Hi! Yeah, the XP button works, just a little tired when I was trying it, cuz y'know, new year celebration in the middle of the night XD.
Hello again! @Gusinda , sorry for bothering you again but I followed your instructions regarding x-plore, but it doesn't work either, it still doesn't show me the contents of the data file, and idk if this is possible but can the Ascension mod be in bg2:EE in Android?
And also, are there any mods that improve AI overall (making use of their special abilities more and using alot more spells without me doing it myself, and overall smarter AI, for both companions and enemies.)
Thanks in advance!
And I don't want to reset my progress on throne of bhaal since I've gotten so far into it, but I can't access the data files and the temporary solution requires me to literally wipe my entire storage data for the game, including my save files.
Ascension should work on Android in fact any mods barring exe dependent ones will work just fine. As for Ai mods I think SCS is what you're looking for here's the link https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/tweaks/scs/
SCS makes the enemy AI smart as hell yes, but not my own companions, though I already have that covered with AI scripts beforehand, and I already have SCS and ascension in my download files.
Just trying to confirm if it CAN work.
Though I'm about to try total commander (on play store, a file manager) to try and solve this issue myself, wish me luck.
Still waiting for @Gusinda for the response
that won't work I fear because of the added restrictions of your lenovo device....I suggest you place your modded files on obb Instead of data since it's the least restrictive part of the Android directory and read up on this https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1190312/#Comment_1190312 if you wanna make changes in the baldur.lua file.
Oh, I can actually put mods, but it's a temporary solution, I need to first clear the storage/cache on my Baldur's gate 2 EE app, then go to the files and delete the data file, then go into the game, once it's launched and ur in the menu screen, leave the game, then go to the newly made Baldur's gate 2 EE data file, go inside it, and there should be a folder named "files" (though it's empty), rename that folder into "p" and create another separate folder and name that folder into "files" (don't put it into the com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition data file yet. Make it in ur downloads directory or smthin.) But idk what to really put in the "files" since idk what content should be really in there.
So far I only really got the UI.MENU working by making a override folder inside that files folder. Then place that folder inside the com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition folder.
Idk how to add anything else.
After that and launching the game and making a new game, the files folder I made will vanish, and the com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition will be empty once again, though the UI.MENU I put in still worked perfectly.
Putting things in the obb folder thing literally deletes the obb folder from existence, so there's that.
Hello again @Agerio , I kinda have like barely any experience in modding (LITERALLY 0 on mobile modding), and I want to install the entirety of the Ascension mod into BG2:EE and also some AI scripts that I mentioned earlier.
Yeah I need help
Can you copy successfully the two obb files outside the Android directory?, If soo then try reading the linked post. Let me know if you have encountered obstacles. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1182971/#Comment_1182971
Yes I can, I'll let ya know if i got into a obstacle
@Agerio , so far I was done giving terminux access to my internal files or something, I don't quite understand what to do next, do I extract the weidu+centralfix file or something? And when I try to download the installer.sh thing, it immediately requests me to open it with terminux.
Basically he says that you should copy both the installer.sh and weidu+centralfix to your download folder, open termux, paste this command "cp storage/downloads/{installer.sh,weidu+centralfix.zip} . && chmod +x installer.sh" without the quotes then you run installer.sh by inputting "./installer.sh" again without quotes. and if you type weidu, it's help section should show up.
Yes @Agerio , but the only thing in confused about is that whenever I "download" the installer.sh, it makes me open it with terminux and does this:
Any advice about this @Agerio ?
Don't open it that way just make sure the installer.sh file is in the download folder and it should be like this.
So all I have to do is have both the weidu+centralfix.zip and installer.sh in the downloads folder? I don't have to extract anything right? (Just asking), and after that I just type in the command and I'm done?
Okay @Agerio I figured that one out, but after putting in the commands, what do I do next? (I'm assuming I should follow gusinda's instruction which was also linked to that comment)
How do I put mods in after doing that tho?
You there?