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[Mod] Brage's Redemption - Brage NPC Mod for BG



  • Granger77Granger77 Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2023
    Awesome! I'm still in my current playthrough, and I'm already planning my next one. I'm thinking I definitely want to take Brage with me through the entire trilogy!

    Thanks jastey!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    @Granger77 thanks for the kind words!
    BGII content is still in the works, but at least BG1 and SoD are finished.
  • Granger77Granger77 Member Posts: 20
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    Brage's Redemption updates to v9.1!


    - Journal entries when receiving the quest items from Borda should be written into journal.
    - Crossmod with SotSC added: crying woman in Nashkel mine area.
  • Granger77Granger77 Member Posts: 20
    Hey Jastey!

    You probably already have one in mind, but if/when you need a proofreader for the further content of this mod, I'd be glad to help.

    Sadly, I'm far from a programmer/coder, so my aid will be limited to plain ol' linguistic grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. etc., lol.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    edited October 2023
    @Granger77 I'd be very happy, thank you for the offer! Do you have any experience with proofreading mods, especially the tra file system and how to identify which line is spoken by whom and it what order?
    EDIT: The whole mod could use proofreading, so knock yourself out!
  • WithinAmnesiaWithinAmnesia Member Posts: 961
    Optional Fighter -> Paladin redemption arc like Anomen and or Sarevok can be influenced / transcend into a better state / class / alignment?
  • mausmaus Member Posts: 24
    Well, I would not rate a LG Paladin a better Class or alignment compared to a LN Fighter... especially when considering which nice items from mods are barred for good aligned characters.
  • PieCheese5PieCheese5 Member Posts: 1
    I reinstalled all my mods in the correct order, but when I try to install Brage's Redemption, I get this

    ERROR: Failure("Resolve")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-C#BRAGE.DEBUG
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    PieCheese5 wrote: »
    ERROR: Failure("Resolve")
    Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-C#BRAGE.DEBUG
    I don't know this error message. It's probably not related to mod content but to something in your setup.
    What I never saw is "please make a backup of the DEBUG", I'm not even sure that makes sense. The DEBUG file should list the install progress, including the error message.
    If you say you reinstalled in teh correct order, what exactly did you do? Uninstall everything, then reinstall?
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    Hello, currently playing it. I very much like it - it's nice to add such an "ordinary man" to the team. I like to roleplay that whole saga is about struggles of common weak people against crazy big tides of chaos.

    Two requests:
    - optional kit for him please, or suggestion which kit would suit the original vision? Maybe something out of Artisan's kitpack? Vanguard?

    - the easier one - can you please share picture of brage but a little less zoomed in? It is too big comparing to other portraits.

    - can you please suggest Acifer to apply filter to his marvelous artwork to be more in tune with baldur's gate portraits? It's now a little bit standing out like a sore thumb yet I appreciate the real artwork instead of AI BS - so i want to stick to modders vision. I'm sure it's nothing very complicated, just a filter probably
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    one more little thing - soundset is not compressed enough - it doesnt go through the sounds of battle etc. It is rather unfortunate. I get that outside battle he is mourning etc. but in battle i need clear confirmation. YES SIR I STRIKE SIR
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 185
    edited January 22
    There was a kit mod "militia officer" wich might fit him quite well. I don't know about Vanguard, since he's fighting with twohanders, whereas Vanguards are more the Sword & Shield Style Fighters.
    Maybe just stay with pure Fighter and give'em the versatility and boosts of Artisans Kit Pack?
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    interesting, thank u
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 757
    edited January 22
    Yes, I think fighter unkitted but with Artisan's fighter overhaul fits Brage more.
    For the portrait, you could use a closeup of the promotional image :

    Battle Master from Morpheus562 could also fits IMHO :
    Post edited by Trouveur on
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    Well let me tell you, with full plate, sense of a cat boots, dex gloves he is absolute unit. saved my ass on scs insane in bandit camp
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    yes, Battle Master seems very in tune. I wonder what Jastey would say. Acifer's portrait is too close to lens and too artificial for my taste.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    I'm sorry the portrait doesn't work for you 100%. (I think it is perfect.) Compared to BG1 portraits, I do not see it is too much zoomed in, they all kind of focus on the head and neck, sometimes even the above head is not fully on the portraits?
    All I can do is tagg @Acifer and let him decide your request.

    With regard to kits: no idea, knock yourself out! If I would design a kit for him (which I don't), I'd chose some fighter / protector kit, considering he was commander of the guard.
  • AciferAcifer Member Posts: 231
    I think @ErykEryk is exaggerating a bit. Personally, I include Brage in my party every 2nd playthrough and never had the feeling that his image would stick out like a sore thumb.
    Unfortunately, since there is no “Baldurizer” Photoshop plug-in, the issue can't be solved simply by applying a filter. If the community wants me to, I can try to rework his image. I don't have a version where his face appears smaller, though. I had chosen this shot back then as the perspective matches with BG2-style portraits as well. But it will take a long time, as I am currently busy with my other projects and first have to gather the files that I created for Brage nearly 6 years ago.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 757
    Hi Acifer, maybe you could do an alternative from the kneeled Brage illustration?
    I did one for private use in my party and I found it satisfying.
    Looking forward to Loretakers 2 by the way. 😀
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    Do not worry. Just keep up the good work. Thank you for the beautiful mod
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