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[mod] The Dreadful Tales: The Bloodied Stings of Barovia - a dark Ravenloft adventure

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
edited October 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
Fall reigns. Halloween is just around the corner. And what is the better way to celebrate, than to delve into the realm of Ravenloft! Weasel Mods welcomes a new mod: The Bloodied Stings of Barovia (released as a part of The Dreadful Tales mod series).

The Bloodied Stings of Barovia is a new dark adventure for Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition. It takes the Child of Bhaal and their party to Barovia, part of the realm of Ravenloft. In this ominous land, the player will face new enemies and formidable creatures, solve intricate riddles, and experience a gripping gothic horror story. Immerse yourself in mists, navigate dangerous forests, and confront undead creatures, all while seeking your way back to Athkatla.

The quest was designed for characters of level 12 or higher with some magical gear. To begin the adventure, locate a new entrance within the Athkatla Graveyard and step through a red portal you'll encounter there. Beware, however, as once you cross this threshold, you won't be able to return home until you've completed most of the quests that await you on the other side.

This mod is part of a new series - The Dreadful Tales - which revolves around horror, death, dread, and the enigmatic Ravenloft, the Domains of Dread.


Special thanks to @Acifer @Go_ForTheEyes @norQ and Soul for their help with this project!

The mod is probably one of my most detailed quests I released. There are many new areas (some brand new ones thanks to @Acifer ), items, voicing, icons, and even music. Enjoy!
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited October 2023
    It's out now, woooo.... Congratz!
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Thank you 🙂!
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Another amazing (just an educated guess) mod by Lava. Thank you so much.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    edited October 2023
    Thanks, people! Actually, I think that's one of my best quest mods and probably one of the bigger quests I made (excluding SotSC, because that's more like a pack and this one is more centered, even though there are some mini-sidequests). It includes 20 new areas (some of them are crafted by @Acifer and they are damn good! Just look at the house on the screenshot attached in the first post). It's all horror-themed, but I guess most might have guessed that considering it is set in Ravenloft.

    As for length, if you know what you're doing, it still takes something like almost 2 hours, so the first run may take you like... up to 3 hours, I guess. Assuming you will also want to discover some secrets / complete side quests.
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 63
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thanks! :)
  • TotalMilk9TotalMilk9 Member Posts: 92
    Wow looks great! Really making me want to play bg2 now.
  • Seth_DivineSeth_Divine Member Posts: 16
    Lava ma dude you're a demigod amongst mortals. I salute you. Hope you included old Svalich woods or lake Zarovich. Cheers. :)
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 60

    It looks amazing!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Lava ma dude you're a demigod amongst mortals. I salute you. Hope you included old Svalich woods or lake Zarovich. Cheers. :)

    I won't take you to main areas, as I don't want to my mods to interfere with original Ravenloft stories and campaigns, BUT I believe the mod offers this gothic atmosphere and a brand new horror story you may quite enjoy. (Some original characters or places are still referenced a couple of times.)

    Anyway, I don't want to spoil too much. I think you may still like the mod and I made sure this won't be just another fight versus vampires, BG2 has that already. So I tried to add something else, something that wasn't there, yet still something that can be considered somewhat... Chilling.

    Enjoy! And again: thanks people!
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    edited October 2023
    thanks for the release.

    I think I've done almost everything in the new quest mod but I still have some questions
    - where is the blacksmith? I couldn't find him, but I found a diary and a broken sword. I guess I missed something
    Post edited by Ulkesh on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    edited October 2023
    I think I've done almost everything in the new quest mod but I still have some questions
    - where is the blacksmith? I couldn't find him, but I found a diary and a broken sword. I guess I missed something
    The blacksmith is where to forge is, but he appears only during the night.

    I am not sure what point in the mod you reach and I am unsure if you saw everything already because I kinda played it with a stopwatch and it took me 1h 45 min and I definitely know where to look for certain stuff. Well, unless you are playing on a story mode or you're using the console to jump between areas. Plus, there are more optional things out there, my favorite one is the rose-covered tree. But there is also a ghost of a child near the bonfire or the quest related to the pile of bones... Had quite some fun recording those!
  • alaisFcZalaisFcZ Member Posts: 39
    the mod looks great! thanks for your work!
  • AverageNoobAverageNoob Member Posts: 3
    Do i need to start a new game to use this mod ? and may i ask where is the new entrance i can't find it, thanks
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    You should start a new game. In theory, there is a small chance it's going to work fine if you never entered the Graveyard District.

    To start the mod, go to the Graveyard and there will be a new entrance to a round tomb, near the Uncle Lester encounter.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Congratulation on the release, it looks REALLY promising!
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Awesome. Thanks yet again
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Looks good, will test it quite soon. Thanks for keeping us all on edge with new adventures Lava :smile:
  • GorionixGorionix Member Posts: 9
    Hello Lava. I see that you finally broke out of the art BG and started making locations from your ideas and work. Don’t stop on this path and I’ll gladly greet BG fans with new, more epic dark fantasy art and stories for them))
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    edited October 2023
    I am not an artist able to create areas from scratch and I will never be one. It's @Acifer who helped to create the brand-new areas and some were created the way I usually create them. But even though, I believe all of them should be pretty cool to explore and uncover.

    I had to update the mod to 1.1 because I had to fix one minor thing, but it's purely a matter of aesthetics, so if someone already installed it and started playing it, it's fine. You don't need to update the mod.
  • AverageNoobAverageNoob Member Posts: 3
    How can i get into the mansion's basement and what should i do with the blood stained hankerchief ? i'm stuck after looting the mansion and don't know what to do to progress.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    There is the handkerchief and a special bowl somewhere in the mansion. There is also a hidden door behind one of the barrels. There you will find an altar. Put both items on the altar and it should do it should trigger a scene.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    On my next play through I plan to test this one. It's always difficult to
    find out which mods are compatible with other mods and which ones
    are not. For instance, I remember having had issues with other mods,
    then I have weidu re-install mods - with the end result that e. g.
    some items suddenly disappeared from my main actor. Kuroisan's
    katana for instance. Over time I really started to hate weidu - it
    makes things without "thinking" about problems and side effects.

    Anyway, looking forward to explore it. I also did not yet read the
    spoilers above, except for how to start this mod, so I can give more
    genuine feedback.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2023
    Alright - I actually did not read the above, and managed to find the blacksmith,
    and enter the mansion too on my own. Then I was stuck as I did not know where to
    proceed next.

    I can't find the bowl nor the hidden door. Is it on the basement? I can see two
    barrels but nothing aside from there and Jan does not find anything hidden.

    By the way the mansion could one day become a stronghold for evil
    characters. And perhaps a to-vampire transformation.

    Anyway just spawning ideas. :D

    PS: I also didn't know the ghost child had something to do with the bones.
    I may have to re-start the quest as I didn't read the backstory properly of
    that traveller. Perhaps a dialogue option could be added to him, so he can
    re-tell the story. I read it yesterday late at night.

    Also what's with the locked chest in the mansion? Guess it will open when I
    do prior steps, so I need to find the hidden door.

    Edit: I'll give it another run tonight or tomorrow.

    Re-Edit: Wait... I just realised there is a cellar. I didn't see it before, so now I
    found some things. \o/
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2023
    I finally found all items, then went to the starting location.

    I also placed these items into the center, but nothing happens. Often in other
    quests a portal may emerge; or perhaps I am in the wrong place. Should
    something happen when you put all four items into that container?

  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Nevermind - the journal helped me. I needed FIVE items, not four. I
    forgot the gem. :D
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    I think I found a tiny bug. The unused honey does not disappear; the
    item description says 16 hours. I slept for 8 hours several times in a
    row just now, but the honey remains in the inventory (the one I found
    somewhere, I think in the mason; I did not try the scroll yet).
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    That one portion won't disappear, all the other portions (when you actually summon them via the spell) should disappear properly. It's a minor thing, so I will leave it as it is, at least for now.

    Hope you had fun! Cheers!
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Alright, I finally finished it. \o/

    It is probably Lava's biggest mod. I am not sure it is the best, largely
    because some of the other mods are great. For instance, White Queen is
    still the greatest one; in part because of the Black Queen subset. Even
    though it is smaller than the Ravenloft mod.

    Perhaps the Ravenloft mod can get some upgrades in the future. A stronghold
    option may be great for evil characters. Terrain-wise the mist was epic,
    would be cool to extend that theme. The bees were a bit peculiar - I don't
    think it fits right into Ravenloft but I understand there had to be a
    primary storyline, and the honey stuff is fun - perhaps add some corrupted
    honey too or more honey effects. Blood honey to heal vampires. On that
    note, I think the mod needs a few more vampires. May not have to be
    overpowered but perhaps a vampire sorceress that appears from one grave
    (e. g. there were three graves I think, one is used lateron, the two
    other ones could have a tiny add-on content perhaps, or a separate
    vampire). The monsters could also be a bit more varied - I understand
    that you probably do not want to re-use "official" content, to keep the
    work separate from any other content, but something that may fit towards
    the theme. Actually perhaps we should call it Ravenloft-inspired, since
    it is not Ravenloft after all. I'd also change the name of the guy who
    gives the cloak; perhaps towards Strahdche or Straahda or something like
    that. And then have a few more unique monsters - you already have that,
    actually, via the bee theme, and fog undead and so forth, but I am thinking
    of thingies that may fit towards the despair setting of a Ravenloft-inspired

    By the way, if you ever have too much time available :D you could perhaps
    tie these Dark Themes together via a new NPC that is connected to these
    quests. I'd suggest a vampire but Hexxat's quest kind of covers this already,
    so perhaps something that isn't quite a vampire, but has a weakness nonetheless,
    but may become something like an undead. Death Knight would be too strong I
    guess (there was that famous death knight in Ravenloft ... and Dragonlance,
    I forgot the name), but perhaps something like the Dusk NPC that has a long
    main quest storyline. Perhaps a fallen paladin that is actually dead but
    can be brought back to half-life (a bit like Yvette from the statue).

    But anyway, I am sure you know better how much time and motivation you have
    available, rather than random internet people putting additional work load
    onto others. :)

    Perhaps a small varied theme may be to build something from the beehives
    near the mansons, like we can harvest some blood-honey-combs or so, and
    these could be used to make some potions; or some disposable item (you
    already have that via the spell, I guess, but it could be sticky honey
    to throw at an enemy ... enemy gets charisma +1 for 5 rounds but also
    a web-like effect :D ).

    Area-wise I'd make the whole plants and what not look more evil and
    desperate, and the fog-effect more profound if that is possible. I have
    no idea how easy that is and I guess it's a time investment that may
    not be worth it, but I just mention it. The area is definitely large
    enough for more content too.

    Perhaps a patrol of some zombie riders too, just randomly going through.
    And some part of the area where the mist is to perhaps add some hoof
    prints or so and indicate to the player that other villages may be
    connected via the roads or something. Anyway that's just a bit of
    feedback. I did not finish all quests, for instance, the talking bone
    things and the ghost one I did not finish because I wasn't sure what
    to do, so I opted to finish the quest quickly and then resume the
    other mods for my current play-through (e. g. next on my list is
    that enhanced planar sphere thingy).
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    The mod is finished, it's traified and I won't be making changes in the story. I am happy with it and I do believe it's pretty Ravenloft, and yes - the mod was based on many original materials, but I believe Ravenloft and Barovia aren't just about vampires or werewolves (even though you will find both of these species in this mod), but about so many more things. BG2 already has tons of vampires: Bodhi, her guild, Hexxat... There is more in the gothic horror genre than this and those themes are also part of Ravenloft setting. I did include them (because yes, they are important), but there are still other people in Barovia and they can also be both victims... and a threat.

    As for NPCs: I already released those - Xzele and Juniper. There are both related to these plots and stories. Those that are playing with all 3 Dreadful Tales mods will be able to see small references.

    I think it may also be a matter of expectations from mods, because I think The White Queen is one of my less interesting mods. Nevertheless, thank you. I must add that if I was to pick one mod I am most happy with, I think I would pick this one. (at least if I were asked that question today)
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