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Beamdog forums maintenance (Apr 15 - Apr 18)

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
edited June 2024 in News
Outage Notice

Hey there friends!

Starting on April 15, 2024 (9am PT), the Beamdog forums will be unavailable for 3 days. This scheduled maintenance is required to migrate the site to a new hosting server.

Due to technical reasons, the polls feature will no longer be available after the migration.

We also expect a few visual bugs (e.g. quotes having a white background color) that we plan to fix later.
Thank you for your continued support and passion for these games!

—Beamdog Team
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    Thanks for the warning.

    Suggestion: The maintanance should come with the cleaning of posts that are 3 months older or more to prevent the ressurrection of dead threads. ;)
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Felipefpl wrote: »
    Thanks for the warning.

    Suggestion: The maintanance should come with the cleaning of posts that are 3 months older or more to prevent the ressurrection of dead threads. ;)

    Three months is nothing for a forum.
    And it's useful to be able to seek an answer in an 5 years old thread.
    Forums are not a social network which lives only in the present.
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    The person who needs an answer can always make a new thread or ask a question in a existing one. The problem is: most of times this is NOT what happens. PPL bring old threads back to add more to their posts' numbers or even make posts praising dead projects.
  • modestvoltamodestvolta Member Posts: 109
    Felipefpl wrote: »
    The person who needs an answer can always make a new thread or ask a question in a existing one. The problem is: most of times this is NOT what happens. PPL bring old threads back to add more to their posts' numbers or even make posts praising dead projects.

    There's an argument for locking old threads, but outright deleting them isn't helpful to future users. Not specifically regarding BG, but there are plenty of times I've searched for an issue and came across someone else who had the same issue years ago. I didn't even have to ask the question because it'd already been answered by someone previously.

    These forums aren't as active as they used to be; there's a lot of archived info in all the old threads and users who have moved on to other things. If all that info was deleted, I don't know if that info would ever be recreated.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Felipefpl wrote: »
    Suggestion: The maintanance should come with the cleaning of posts that are 3 months older (...)

    Sure, because we definitely need to lock and/or erase all threads with mods that were released over all those years, that include links / files / information telling where to get them or where bugs are reported and walkthroughs are posted...
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
    I didnt suggest to delete useful threads at all... Only the ones who arent useful, many of necro threads are related to bugs that are already fixed...
  • oakheartoakheart Member Posts: 66
    Please don't delete old threads.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    I have 6 pages of pages with bookmarks. Deleting old pages will likely remove many of those pages I have singles out for later. So please keep the old pages.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    edited April 2024
    Well, all of this is off-topic. If you have a problem with any post or thread, please flag it, and we'll handle it.

    Necroposting is not against the rules, per se. But sometimes it's obviously unneeded.

    Thanks for the feedback though.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    We're back (sort of). There might be some bugs present, e.g. currently shows an error to users who are not logged in.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited April 2024
    I can make new posts, but don't seem to have the ability to edit existing ones - should I have?

    Interesting - I can edit this post, but not any others. So it seems the edit function only applies to posts made since the maintenance was completed. Presumably that wasn't intended?
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Grond0 wrote: »
    I can make new posts, but don't seem to have the ability to edit existing ones - should I have?

    Interesting - I can edit this post, but not any others. So it seems the edit function only applies to posts made since the maintenance was completed. Presumably that wasn't intended?
    When I tried to edit a new post, I see (one hour) near the edit option. I wonder if it means than only post from less than one hour can be edited ?
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    It seems like, since the update, screenshots at more than 1 MB can't be uploaded anymore (the attempt results in a "the file failed to upload"-message), which is a bit unfortunate since most of mine (regular SoA in-game screenshots, from the default sceenshot folder) are at about 1-2 mb (with only very few slightly below 1 MB). Is this an intended change?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Enuhal wrote: »
    It seems like, since the update, screenshots at more than 1 MB can't be uploaded anymore (the attempt results in a "the file failed to upload"-message), which is a bit unfortunate since most of mine (regular SoA in-game screenshots, from the default sceenshot folder) are at about 1-2 mb (with only very few slightly below 1 MB). Is this an intended change?

    @Enuhal I routinely use paint to change the default .png files to .jpg. I know you put all your screenshots in spoilers so that there's not the same effect on page loading times, but changing them would reduce them below 1MB if that restriction does continue.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Trouveur wrote: »
    When I tried to edit a new post, I see (one hour) near the edit option. I wonder if it means than only post from less than one hour can be edited ?

    That does seem likely - I can no longer edit the post I made above.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Should be fixed now.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Excellent - it works for me. Thanks @JuliusBorisov.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,093
    Should be fixed now.

    Thank you, screenshots above 1 MB now work again as well :smile:
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    Is it still possible to activate the dark Mode? I cant find it anywhere. :(
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    Timbo0o0o0 wrote: »
    Is it still possible to activate the dark Mode? I cant find it anywhere. :(

    Do you mean on mobile? Just open the site in the PC version in the settings of your browser. I believe you mean you see the white site - that is the mobile version.
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    Yes, i visit this Forum via my Android Phone. When im Reading in a dark space, the new look shines way too bright. 😔 Do you mean i can change it for mobile aswell, when i change it on my Desktop ? Thank you for your answer.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    It worked, thanks a lot.
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