Wine does work, it was just two days ago when I did a megamod install test on an EndeavorOS with Wine 9.22 - the version packaged in the Arch repos atm (and I only had to install OpenAL within Wine to get the game running).
Is it possible to disable the “action” icons on character portraits? Such as the weapon icon when they’re attacking, for example. They’re positively hideous.
@GraionDilach, many thanks !!! I was going crazy ... It worked perfectly fine, but impossible to make it work with wine,i installed openAL, but it change nothing, after le following lines in the dos window.
INFO: status: 0
INFO: Creating DPWrapper
INFO: Steam not found
i have the following windows type error message:
Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition\crash\dump.
My version of wine is Q4wine, unfortunately i don't think there's other solution on ubuntu.
Sounds like your game startup can't get past loading the folders. Are you sure your wineprefix is right and that the user you're launching the game with can edit your wine C:\Users\USER\Documents folders? (Because, honestly, this sounds to me that some of these folders might be owned by root and write-protected for your user.)
It's been a long time I last touched Ubuntu desktops (my last Ubuntu-derivate was a Kubuntu 12.04) but I firmly remember that back then accidental write-protections due to a wrong sudo within Wine was commonplace.
The path seem perfectly correct to me, i did not patched it entirely here but it's the good one, the moded bg2ee game can run without using infinity launcher and i tried also to launch it from the wine browser... Maybe i can try to set a new prefix for the launcher, or set he autorisations but i don't know how to do that...
I read the file of EEex that seem to say that EEex is compatible with wine as long as the proper option is toggled in the infinityloader.ini
Linux — Proton / Wine with the appropriate option toggled in InfinityLoader.ini
Do you know what is the option ?
... Actually, I don't have to edit ProtonCompatibility, either. It really just works for me.
The way I did my setup is to build a megamod installation under Windows (only because I'm installing ~1500 components and PI can't run under Wine), and then just mount the NTFS partition under Linux. Excluding OpenAL and copying over my home dir from Windows (for the EET init variables), I didn't have to fiddle with anything. (Okay, I had to fiddle with the .desktop, but that's simply because i forgot how to set up such.)
I did quite the same, i installed the mods on windows and i pasted the content of the folder into my game folder installed with wine on ubuntu, maybe that Bubb know how to do, i did not find any kind of option about proton/wine compatibility into the InfinityLoader.ini file...
I'm not at home, but i must also check the EEex version i have installed, i also had error when in tried to install B-spell, Olvyn Spell and Shadow Magic, each time for the new spell component and the spell component for the last one, impossible to finalise the installation of spells at the end, because of missing files..!? I don't know if there is a link with my versions of the mods or of EEex .
Offtopic, but:
B_Spell - I've tried to fix it locally, but too many issues to be bothered - mod is very unfinished IMO.
OlyvnSpells - some spells are still EEEx 2.5 compliant and M_MEFUN.LUA keeps throwing warnings into my ingame console but eh, works for the most part, INSTALLATION WITH WARNINGS here.
Shadow Magic - dunno, not using that one.
Hello all,
I have noticed a BGEE introduced a quirk about simulacrum compared to the originals. When a character create a simulacrum and you try to open that character's spellbook you see simulacrum's spellbook instead (which has something to do with simulacrum creature id being same to party character id or something I guess) half the time. Or rather simulacrum seems to go through a state change every 6 seconds/round and when you open the original character's spellbook during that cycle you see the simulacrum's spellbook instead. Best can be tested with a mage character obviously, since you can see the number of your casting slots then.
Would it be within the scope of EEEx to fix such a quirk? Thanks in advance.
I have downloaded some ui from nexusmods. Backed up my first. Of course of course garbage ui doesnt work so i restored initial Wouldn't help. infinity launcher crashes. Help if possible please as I have pretty big install and really would rather not reinstall everything Installing windebugger in the meantime to read the crash..
I have downloaded some ui from nexusmods. Backed up my first. Of course of course garbage ui doesnt work so i restored initial Wouldn't help. infinity launcher crashes. Help if possible please as I have pretty big install and really would rather not reinstall everything
Since UI mods should be installed very early in the install order, I fear it will be hard to fix.
Next fresh install, don't install UI mods after others mods.
Even worse my friend, since this was not weidu mod just replacing the The more i don't understand why restoring previous file wouldnt' help. Anyway i think i will have to reinstall. I was to naive to expect such random "mod" to work (the ui ofc, not EEex)
Hello all,
I have noticed a BGEE introduced a quirk about simulacrum compared to the originals. When a character create a simulacrum and you try to open that character's spellbook you see simulacrum's spellbook instead (which has something to do with simulacrum creature id being same to party character id or something I guess) half the time. Or rather simulacrum seems to go through a state change every 6 seconds/round and when you open the original character's spellbook during that cycle you see the simulacrum's spellbook instead. Best can be tested with a mage character obviously, since you can see the number of your casting slots then.
Would it be within the scope of EEEx to fix such a quirk? Thanks in advance.
I have an update, I modified to print the selected characters (characters[id]) id number, then added eeex function to get id of selected sprite (can't remember function name, file is not with me). Game engine's default id value is buggy, but the eeex gets the correct id and differentiates between simulacrum and real character. Will try fixing it by setting the id in spellbook functions using eeex get id function. So there's light at the end of the tunnel...
Greetings, I hope you have been well. Ran into a bug with EEex and wanted to pass it along. When launching InfinityLoader, I am presented with the following error: "Invalid token in menu: [createCharScreen] on line 35347, character 1"
Confirmed, this issue is caused by ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4115 // Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five: 35.21. This is not an EEex issue.
@Bubb, I've noticed that the latest EEex is missing the 475 EEex_ChangeCurrentScript(S:Script*) line in action.ids.
I tried adding it manually, but this EEex feature doesn't seem to work anymore. Is this intentional?
Similarly, the ActionOverride(EEex_Instant,A:Action*) syntax no longer works since EEex_Instant is not defined. Does this functionality still exist in EEex?
Edit: Also, regarding the removal of 0 EEex_MARKED_SPELL from spell.ids—is it still functional if we add this entry manually?
Edit 2:
From what I tested, the Set Temporary AI Script opcode doesn't seem to be working—unless I'm doing something wrong. I tested it by patching the .cre directly with six effects:
One limitation that I don't think was present in older EEex versions is that SPECIFICS and AREA scripts can't be targeted with these opcodes. I suspect the AREA script in the .ARE .cre structure (labeled in Near Infinity as "EEex: Area script") is not implemented at all - at least in the BG2:EE engine mode. Probably known, since not all features were backported, but documenting it here just in case.
Is it possible to change slots 4 and 5 with this mod? I wanted to replace two of the 'Quick Spell' slots with weapons 3 and 4. I'm using the component from CDTweaks that gives 4 weapon slots to every class.
Is it possible to change slots 4 and 5 with this mod? I wanted to replace two of the 'Quick Spell' slots with weapons 3 and 4. I'm using the component from CDTweaks that gives 4 weapon slots to every class.
Yes, should be doable, try this...
EEex_Actionbar_AddListener(function(config, state)
for i = 0, 11 do
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_1 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_3)
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_2 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_4)
EEex_Actionbar_AddListener(function(config, state)
for i = 0, 11 do
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_1 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_3)
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_2 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_4)
EEex_Actionbar_AddListener(function(config, state)
for i = 0, 11 do
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_1 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_3)
if buttonArray:GetButtonType(i) == EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_SPELL_2 then
EEex_Actionbar_SetButton(i, EEex_Actionbar_ButtonType.QUICK_WEAPON_4)
Thanks! But where should I paste this script?
You should paste it in an M_*.lua file (something like m_mylua.lua). After that, copy said lua file into the override folder.
You should paste it in an M_*.lua file (something like m_mylua.lua). After that, copy said lua file into the override folder.
Thanks again; it worked. But now I'm wondering what to do with action bars that are already packed (like that of multi/dual-classed thieves). It would be nice if I could send things like Thieving, Find Traps, or Turn Undead to the special abilities button; that would leave space for weapons 3 and 4.
You should paste it in an M_*.lua file (something like m_mylua.lua). After that, copy said lua file into the override folder.
Thanks again; it worked. But now I'm wondering what to do with action bars that are already packed (like that of multi/dual-classed thieves). It would be nice if I could send things like Thieving, Find Traps, or Turn Undead to the special abilities button; that would leave space for weapons 3 and 4.
Sorry, I don't know how to add/move buttons...
I'll have to speak with Bubb for that (also because I'm too interested in doing something like that, but with custom buttons...)
Wine does work, it was just two days ago when I did a megamod install test on an EndeavorOS with Wine 9.22 - the version packaged in the Arch repos atm (and I only had to install OpenAL within Wine to get the game running).
INFO: status: 0
INFO: Creating DPWrapper
INFO: Steam not found
i have the following windows type error message:
Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition\crash\dump.
My version of wine is Q4wine, unfortunately i don't think there's other solution on ubuntu.
It's been a long time I last touched Ubuntu desktops (my last Ubuntu-derivate was a Kubuntu 12.04) but I firmly remember that back then accidental write-protections due to a wrong sudo within Wine was commonplace.
Linux — Proton / Wine with the appropriate option toggled in InfinityLoader.ini
Do you know what is the option ?
The way I did my setup is to build a megamod installation under Windows (only because I'm installing ~1500 components and PI can't run under Wine), and then just mount the NTFS partition under Linux. Excluding OpenAL and copying over my home dir from Windows (for the EET init variables), I didn't have to fiddle with anything. (Okay, I had to fiddle with the .desktop, but that's simply because i forgot how to set up such.)
I'm not at home, but i must also check the EEex version i have installed, i also had error when in tried to install B-spell, Olvyn Spell and Shadow Magic, each time for the new spell component and the spell component for the last one, impossible to finalise the installation of spells at the end, because of missing files..!? I don't know if there is a link with my versions of the mods or of EEex .
Offtopic, but:
B_Spell - I've tried to fix it locally, but too many issues to be bothered - mod is very unfinished IMO.
OlyvnSpells - some spells are still EEEx 2.5 compliant and M_MEFUN.LUA keeps throwing warnings into my ingame console but eh, works for the most part, INSTALLATION WITH WARNINGS here.
Shadow Magic - dunno, not using that one.
I have noticed a BGEE introduced a quirk about simulacrum compared to the originals. When a character create a simulacrum and you try to open that character's spellbook you see simulacrum's spellbook instead (which has something to do with simulacrum creature id being same to party character id or something I guess) half the time. Or rather simulacrum seems to go through a state change every 6 seconds/round and when you open the original character's spellbook during that cycle you see the simulacrum's spellbook instead. Best can be tested with a mage character obviously, since you can see the number of your casting slots then.
Would it be within the scope of EEEx to fix such a quirk? Thanks in advance.
Next fresh install, don't install UI mods after others mods.
I have an update, I modified to print the selected characters (characters[id]) id number, then added eeex function to get id of selected sprite (can't remember function name, file is not with me). Game engine's default id value is buggy, but the eeex gets the correct id and differentiates between simulacrum and real character. Will try fixing it by setting the id in spellbook functions using eeex get id function. So there's light at the end of the tunnel...
Confirmed, this issue is caused by ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #0 #4115 // Thieves assign skill points in multiples of five: 35.21. This is not an EEex issue.
I tried adding it manually, but this EEex feature doesn't seem to work anymore. Is this intentional?
Similarly, the ActionOverride(EEex_Instant,A:Action*) syntax no longer works since EEex_Instant is not defined. Does this functionality still exist in EEex?
Edit: Also, regarding the removal of 0 EEex_MARKED_SPELL from spell.ids—is it still functional if we add this entry manually?
Edit 2:
From what I tested, the Set Temporary AI Script opcode doesn't seem to be working—unless I'm doing something wrong. I tested it by patching the .cre directly with six effects:
Opcode: 400
Script Level: 0-7 (matching SCRLEV.IDS)
Timing Mode: 9
Duration: 300000
Probability1: 100
Resource: "TEST01"
Changing it to opcode 82 (Set AI Script) works.
One limitation that I don't think was present in older EEex versions is that SPECIFICS and AREA scripts can't be targeted with these opcodes. I suspect the AREA script in the .ARE .cre structure (labeled in Near Infinity as "EEex: Area script") is not implemented at all - at least in the BG2:EE engine mode. Probably known, since not all features were backported, but documenting it here just in case.
Yes, should be doable, try this...
Thanks! But where should I paste this script?
You should paste it in an M_*.lua file (something like m_mylua.lua). After that, copy said lua file into the override folder.
Thanks again; it worked. But now I'm wondering what to do with action bars that are already packed (like that of multi/dual-classed thieves). It would be nice if I could send things like Thieving, Find Traps, or Turn Undead to the special abilities button; that would leave space for weapons 3 and 4.
Sorry, I don't know how to add/move buttons...
I'll have to speak with Bubb for that (also because I'm too interested in doing something like that, but with custom buttons...)