Your favourite battles (BG1/BG2)

In my opinion, the brawl on the second floor of the Den of Seven Vales is easily one of the most memorable moments in BG2. I always went for that battle right after Irenicus' Dungeon, following the battle with Draug Fea (sewers) and right after that, if I braved, to the one of the most exciting battles of the entire series at the guarded compound.
The challenge was guaranteed and the reward was grand indeed.
The challenge was guaranteed and the reward was grand indeed.
I usually let Jaheira spam the room with entangle and use summons for distraction, and a couple of Yoshi's traps if he can succeed with em', then draw them out one by one with ranged weapons and let Minsc loose. Good fun
Mencar was cool, but also the gang in the sewers. But, let's not forget, the countless assassins in Baldur's Gate 1!
One of my personal highlights is my fight against the Shadow Dragon. I'd buffed up to the max, got all the best weapons out, saved, saved again to be sure, then unleashed hell on it...only for Minsc to kill it in one hit with the Silver Sword.
Well darn.
When I first read the "Icewind Dale" and then the "Dark Elf" series (yes, I read them in that order), I was enamored with Drizzt. Even more so when I read the "Legacy of the Drow" series. When I encountered him in BG1 I saw it as a jolly cross-over of a beloved character. Everything was roses.
But when I read the "Paths of Darkness" books, things started getting a little mopey. Drizzt was revealed, from my perspective, to have some serious, nagging personality flaws. However, such grievances are inconsequential next to the obvious and applaud-able fact that R.A. Salvatore was simply attempting to flush out the character.
The turn to the Dark Side™ was complete after I finished the "Hunter's Blades" trilogy. I now found that Drizzt had all the emotional stability of a bi-polar, 15 year old girl who's boyfriend just dumped her. I winced at his unending and incessant tirades of whining and self-loathing. What deplorable creature was this that had cruelly replaced the honorable and lovable Drizzt of yesteryear? First Wulfgar gets turned into a simpering cretin and now this? Truly, his BG1 avatar had to die to set things right.
Without using a cheap pathfinding trick and a pond, Drizzt is a tough cookie to crack. The killing blow came at the hands of Viconia (that's Shar-endipitous, isn't it?) and it was summons, slow, grease, meta-luck (as in: not the in-game spell) and more summons that were the key to his undoing. In all fairness, the version of Drizzt in the game is not the doom-and-gloom, emo pioneer he became in the book series. But if Skynet can use time-travel to correct mistakes, dammit, so can I.
The first Irenicus battle in Spellhold is quite fun too. A bit sad that Dradeel and Tiax have to die though
One of the most important feature of BG 1 and 2 is it's difficulty. It's not like today's games, where it's either too easy and requires no skill/thought at all, or it's very diffcult and a single mistake can cost you 30 minutes of time lost.
Definatly, but definatly this one:
After that Fight I opened in this house the very first KFC branch in the city of Baldur's Gate!!! yep... it was a good buisness....
picture was taken from google...
@OneTrickPony For me, the fight with Nizidramanii'yt also ended quite quickly when Valygar single-handedly took the beast out in less than ten seconds!
1. Sundalessar: The temple with the rakasha, iron golem, and demon summoning mage.
2. Battle with Drizzt party in BG2
3. Iron throne top floor
4. Centeol + Spiders
Honourable mention: Daveorn, as being the only boss who feels like a genuine well planned boss fight with specially designed AI
Irenicus is one of my all time top bad guys and by the end you simply despise him, a testament to how good he is as a character and how brilliant he's voiced, by killing Bodhi you hurt him in a way you hear in his voice when you tell him. Not to mention that battle is so cramped and intense.