How to format your posts

Some people are wondering how to format your posts, here is a quick guide to post formatting. If you know html, just use that since that's all this is.
Italics is achieved by putting the text you want to be italic inside of <i></i> ex: <i>Make me italics!</i>
Underline is achieved by putting the text you want to be italic inside of <u></u> ex: <u>Make me underlined!</u>
There are also a bunch of others you can use.
A link to Baldur's Gate is achieved by <a href="The full link to the website">The text that shows up in the link</a>
Embedding a picture is similar

<img src="full link to your image">
Now since we can't have things 100% consistent, use square brackets for spoilers
As with anything, with great power comes great responsibility. Abuse it and lose it.
You can even get really tricky with hidden text that you have to select the text to read
Bold is achieved by putting the text you want to be bold inside of <b></b> ex: <b>Make me bold!</b>Italics is achieved by putting the text you want to be italic inside of <i></i> ex: <i>Make me italics!</i>
Underline is achieved by putting the text you want to be italic inside of <u></u> ex: <u>Make me underlined!</u>
There are also a bunch of others you can use.
pre is very handy for when you want to paste something where you want to preserve the formatting.
Friendly arm inn
Candle Keep --|
blockquoteLinking to other pages is a bit more complex, but not really.
A link to Baldur's Gate is achieved by <a href="The full link to the website">The text that shows up in the link</a>
Embedding a picture is similar

<img src="full link to your image">
Now since we can't have things 100% consistent, use square brackets for spoilers
[spoiler]Hidden text[/spoiler]
As with anything, with great power comes great responsibility. Abuse it and lose it.
You can even get really tricky with hidden text that you have to select the text to read
Post edited by ScottBrooks on
Nice one dude :O)
Beginning to like this forum
Ok! THX!
< font color="colorname">your text goes here< /font>
For the sake of readability, please do not abuse this code by making rainbow-like posts or coloring your text in bright colors that are hard on the eyes (like red, yellow, orange or cyan). Only use colors if they suit your formatting needs, such as highlighting a specific sentence or word, and not gratuitously.
That being said, I'm no moderator and you're free to do as you please. Mine was just a friendly piece of advice.
?I've already trolled myself like five times.
Take that buttons!
On the New Discussion button click on the little triangle on the right side and you'll see the option to create a poll.
Appreciate it.
different text color
Its probably very simple but Im kinda moron:/ Can anyone tell me how to edit my post? How to add something to existing post?
Ok nevermind:D
Yes, accually discovered it just a moment after:) But thanks for help.