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Features of TobEx...

KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
Which features of TobEx are included in BGEE ? It exist a list somewhere ?

I also read on the general forum, that some features of TobEx can be activated only if we add some options in the ini file, but what are these lines ?



  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    TobEx & BGT : A readme of 2000 lines and you can install what you want.
    TobEx & BGEE : TobEx ?! What is it ?....


    I become nostalgic.
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • MarcmadMarcmad Member Posts: 61
    If we trust that post, We don't need it anymore. But I dont know its features :P
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Marcmad (on voit toujours les mêmes sur ce forum ;)).

    In all ways, TobEx is not compatible with BGEE.

    By features, i want say "components" and i'd like to know what the "ini options" to add.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Kerozevok - A list of ToBEx fixes that have been implemented can be found here. No feature components have been integrated yet.
    All the documentation concerning ToBEx fixes and features was provided to the devs by Ascension64, who is also a beta tester for BG:EE (and for BG2:EE when the time comes).
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    @AndreaColombo Thanks for the answer, but your link is wrong...

    Edit : Ok finding the good topic. Thanks again.
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • syllogsyllog Member Posts: 158
    @AndreaColombo : That link appears dead. It just links back to this thread.
    @Marcmad : it would appear almost none of the functionality besides some fixes is available.
    Some fixes are NOT - e.g. damage <= 0 still causes spell interruption
    Some fixes are - e.g. mirror image no longer protects against area attacks
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @syllog - Kerozevok reported the right link in the post immediately below mine.

    That said, that list old and vastly outdated. A lot more fixes and features from ToBEX have made it into the game since, and more will in future updates.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited June 2014
    @AndreaColombo sorry for bumping old topic, but what are the new added features from Tobex? All actions are read to use? If no, we really need that Eval and Assign actions...

    TobEx adds the following new script action opcodes:

    352 LoseGame()
    353 DialogueSetGlobal(S:Name*,S:Area*,I:Value*)
    354 DialogueIncrementGlobal(S:Name*,S:Area*,I:Value*)
    355 DialogueSG(S:Name*,I:Num*)
    356 Assign(S:Statement*,I:Type*ArgType,I:Local*)
    356 AssignFromObject(S:Statement*,O:Object*,I:Type*ArgType,I:Local*)
    357 Eval(S:Expression*,I:Type*ArgType,I:Loc*)
    358 ClearBlockVariables()

    Btw. the "ANITNSND.2DA" Tobex functionality is really needed for this mod:

    Is there a reference for all scripting differences in Enhanced Edition compared to vanilla + Tobex? How can we create mods without such information :(
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  • GalactygonGalactygon Member, Developer Posts: 412

    Much thanks for the list and your hard work supporting BG(II):EE through all these years. I haven't been active lately and so am not taking part of the BGII:EE beta but plan to return at some point. Seeing ToBEx with BG(II):EE is one of my main areas of interest and as before I am very optimistic about the two. Keep up the good work!

  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    Hmm... still no "wspatck for all" and still no way to enable a check to avoid spell disruption when taking damage.

    Some of these are also handled differently. EE allows you to apply wspatck on a per kit/class basis via clswpbon.2da.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2014
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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @AndreaColombo‌ I just tested and creatures don't awake when asleep after getting hit. If there's a way of changing this with a .2DA I'd like to know, since Sleep is overpowered.
  • DemivrgvsDemivrgvs Member Posts: 315
    @CrevsDaak I think(and hope) that creatures don't awake when asleep after getting hit because BGEE opted for implementing ToBEx feature like it should. ToBEx had two entries for this issue:
    -90 Awaken Fix (enabled by default)
    -100 Awaken On Damage (disabled by default)
    The former requires sleep spells/effects to be tweaked to properly work but allows customization, whereas the latter makes creatures always wake up when unconscious, be it a true sleep effect or not (e.g. when sleep opcode is used by wing buffet, Smite HLA, etc.).
  • GalactygonGalactygon Member, Developer Posts: 412
    @Demivrgvs @Dee @Gate70 @Avenger_teambg @AndreaColombo @Troodon80

    Replying a bit late to this:

    I completely agree that awaken on damage fix can cause problems if not customizable. For example Earthquake relies on both damage and unconsciousness happening at the same time where creatures should not be waking up at damage. Other effects such as wingbuffet also render creatures unconscious and deal damage at the same time that are not considered "sleep".

    I suggest bifurcating the behavior and opcode 39 (state: unconsciousness) in the following manner:
    (1) create a new hardcoded stat (UNCONSCIOUSNESS) that is set to 1 when param2 of opcode 39 is set to 1. It still returns STATE_SLEEPING as true during script checks for the sake of backwards compatibility but otherwise would not set STATE_SLEEPING.
    (2) when param2 of opcode 39 is set to 0, then it functions as the status quo without setting the hardcoded stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS

    That in turn will require opcode 2 (cure: sleep) to be changed so that it can selectively cure STATE_SLEEPING or stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS. My suggestion is to have opcode 2 to act as the following:
    (1) Cure both STATE_SLEEPING and stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS effects if all parameters are set to 0.
    (2) Cure only STATE_SLEEPING but not stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS if param2 is set to 1.
    (3) Cure only stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS if param2 is set to 2.
    (4) Any damage effect is hardcoded to automatically apply this opcode with param2 = 1 (cure STATE_SLEEPING but not stat UNCONSCIOUSNESS)

    There was a discussion about unused proficiency slots in the STATS.ids, so it should be possible to reserve at least one for UNCONSCIOUSNESS. See this thread:
  • DraylynDraylyn Member Posts: 7
    what about the 24 spells per lvl selection screen limit?? any way around that?
  • ggallegherggallegher Member Posts: 78
    Scrollbar on kit selection at character generation for when there were more than ten choices to display at once was a TobEx thing, right?

    Man, I'd love to once more be able to have more than nine kits and a base class to choose from, so I don't have to try and remember how many I've got left for a given class when installing mods. Seems it'd be super useful for future expansion as well if, say, Beamdog want to add more Wizard variants than the standard 8 specialists and Wild Mage.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2015
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  • Saigon1983Saigon1983 Member Posts: 157
    Yeah, scroll bar for kit selection screen is the most wanted upgrade for me!
  • AigleborgneAigleborgne Member Posts: 24
    I do agree with you.
    We have been told before BGEE release that it would have a great platform for modders. Something that would evolve over years to be the best BG game out there. Okay, I might exagerate a bit but not that much.

    Finally, 3 patchs since release, and nothing exceptionnal in them. I would have expected a lot more patchs to produce a great product that would incline more modders to migrate their mods.

    But seriously, easytutu or BGT with the right mods are still better games.
    And as said, TobEx brought trully exceptionnal features that have been discarded for EE. Some are debatable, but still, many were good enough to incorporate them.

    For me, sadly, BGEE is a failure to replace my current install. I have lost hopes.

    TobEx added scroll bars for spellbooks and stuff, but I don't know if it ever managed to add them to kit screens.

    But yeah I agree, the EE has been out for what, 3 years now? It's really terrible that Beamdog has never managed to deliver this feature, given they sold people on the idea of the Enhanced Editions as being mod-friendly.

    If anything it's a bit of a disaster, some mods work on some game versions, some work on others, some opcods work differently, some animations have been inexplicably removed... and now new features are being added in ways that are inaccessible to mods (cleric/ranger spells, max hp on level-up). They're chasing new money from new games while the ones out now are riddled with bugs and broken UIs... I really don't like the direction things are going right now.

    EDIT - yeah sorry for the rant but it gets frustrating sometimes. I put in the extra effort to make sure my mod works on every version of the game, without tinkering, because players shouldn't have to constantly worry about what version they have, or what patch they have... they just want to enjoy the game, that's literally what they paid for.

    Bad enough when modders put out stuff that only works on the one version of the game they happen to have; when the people who actually get paid are similarly unresponsive it's... well, like I say, frustrating.

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