Psionics Unleashed

I just found one of the coolest mod I've ever seen. I've always been a big fan of psionics. Just look at the screenshots:

Here's the readme page
Does anyone know if the author's registered in this forum, so we can ask if he plans to make an EE update for the mod?
Here's the readme page
Does anyone know if the author's registered in this forum, so we can ask if he plans to make an EE update for the mod?
Man, I could just watch the screenshots all day
Hm, 0.1 beta release... Doesn't matter, I must check this awesome kit out immediately! >:D
I still miss a few powes, where is my inercial armor... (L)
And the claws of the beast have a problem since ad&d need the +x bonus of the weapons
Oh my, nevermind...I just found this. Thanks for asking him.
To everyone else who's interested, here's Kwiat's response to Kaeloree: "Yes, I do plan to make it compatible with BGEE. I have already made it working with my copy of the game, but I still have some tweaking to do before the public release. I can't say now when exactly that will be, but hopefully soon."
That looks great. It would be nice to see that in BG:EE.
Especially that Force lightning er.. Energy cone: electricity looks beautiful
Don't underestimate the power of the dark side.
Edit. And of course Force Persuade: a powerful charm person spell (unique ability).
I think it can be...I don't know what mod was that wherein you'd face a group of psionics, and they can do single target force push.
Ah, force persuade. How could I forget? Yes please. Double-edged lightsabers are doable also I think; that's basically a modded staff. But very cool as they may be, I don't think I want to see one in BG.;p
#5 makes the caster glow while #59 makes the weapons glow.
Kwiat said the EE version is gonna be ready in a few days time
After the Time of Troubles, most Psionic powers were lost. The only race that re-gained there Pisonic powers were Mind Flayers, and even they had trouble with it. Is it really feasible that the protagonist from Candlekeep learnt Psionics that easily?