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Here's how to add custom sound sets



  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    how is the fix coming Cuv?
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    I have been told its being worked on. I am also hoping it is in the next build because I too need my custom character soundsets!!!! There should be a new patch fairly soon, we shall see.
  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    ill try
  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    No dice.. it seems its not a rights issue... i can select save AS.. but i cannot save it anywhere.. dltcep is run as admin and uac is disabled... windows7

    I read around and many are experiencing my issues.. it CAN be that we just dont have any experience doing it.. but i dont think so.. ill assume its a operational system thing...

    Unless anyone have a master plan, am just gonna sit here til somebody fixes this so us laymen can do it...
  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    Cuv said:

    I have been told its being worked on. I am also hoping it is in the next build because I too need my custom character soundsets!!!! There should be a new patch fairly soon, we shall see.

    i dont suppose we got a eta on the next patch :\ ?

  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    anyone know of a way to fix this without DLTCEP ... another program parhaps? my computer seems to hate that program.. apparently its dirty ways makes my compt refuse to save files -.-
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    no, there is no other workaround currently. I hate DLTCEP also and wouldnt use it even if it DID do all I wanted it to do.

    There is little excuse for this bug to still be unfixed.
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    you can fix it with WeiDU and a batch file. All that is already in that customization mod I made here -

    Just change the TP2 and edit the .bat to your paths. Plug in what numbers or strings you want. Some people reported that it still works.
    Keryvian said:

    Custom soundsets will work if you add the wavefile reference in the .tra file (i.e. '@7 = ~Yes?~ [FEMALE7H]'). I've been using a modified version of Cuv's mod to add both the FEMALE7 and another soundset for BG2, and they both work fine.

    And @Nathan has said there is a fix for this in the works for the next patch.
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    I don't know how or why but all my IWD 2 sound sets started working recently. I had used this method to add a few of the IWD sound sets and when creating a character I selected one I hadn't added columns for accidentally. Lo and behold it was working. I then tested others and they all were working! I wish others could have this happen
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    @ReadingRambo Oh yeah? Did you do anything special? That is what I want in my personal game... the IWD soundsets. Maybe it was starting a new character with them?
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Sorry Cuv I'm really not sure what I did that was special. All I originally did was add about 5 new columns (and sets) with the mentioned method, and then serendipitously discovered that all of them now worked without having to go through the hassle of adding a new column foe each. I'll open up the .2da to see if there is something there

    And yes, they only work when starting a new character. None of them work when I customize a save game character
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    @ReadingRambo Do all sounds play in-game as well?
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    @dib yes I finally made a black pits party now that they are working and all the sounds play properly. I'm sorry I don't know what I did or I would share how :/
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    edited January 2013
    Oh I just realized maybe it was because I changed the default value of -1 in the upper left hand box to 30. I did this to save time making the columns. Now they all play without having to manually add the columns. Why is that default -1 anyways?

    The way I obtained the actual sound sets was by using a converter I got from sorcerers place. It's a tool used for extracting the IWD sets for use in bg 2. I did this a year or two ago with the GoG versions, and copied them to the bg ee when I got it. They didn't work originally until I used dctlep using the OP instructions

    I'd also like to point out that I installed BGEE into the normal program file directory instead of the x86 one. I think that is the cause of a lot of people's frustrations as that directory hates when you try to mod or edit a game. I'm not a computer expert so I don't know why win 7 has the x86 directory in the first place. I assume it is to add another layer of security from viruses, but can be a real hassle when editing game files.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    edited January 2013
    @ReadingRambo Oh? Lol, I always thought that value was just a part of the DLTCEP interface... Have to test this when I get home from work. :D

    Oh, and the normal Program files directory is the default install directory for 64-bit applications AFAIK.
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    edited January 2013
    @dib yah I just assumed that was important to keep at -1 but I forgot to change it back. Haven't had any problems or crashes.

    Edit: perhaps that explains something weird ive encountered in the black pits. The fight after the gibberlings against the first party u face they all had default voice male. It freaked me out originally because as I was chunking them I heard "I'm not well at all..." . I panicked because I thought one of my pcs was dying (I've used that voice for years) but then remembered none of my characters were actually using that voice. It's barely audible but definitely there. Lol! In addition, right clicking the party members in the jail prompts the default voice as well. I thought this was rather odd but didn't give it a lot of thought or connecting the dots until now.

    That would explain why that value is set to -1. All the enemy party members are assigned the default voice set, so setting that value to -1 ensures u don't have the freak-out moment I had. Perhaps they could have been assigned a blank voice set instead, of course that could create other problems maybe.

    This is assuming this doesn't happen normally? I haven't played black pits before getting the voices to work so I wouldn't know.

    I have yet to see this behavior in the normal BG campaign.
    Post edited by ReadingRambo on
  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    Cuv said:

    you can fix it with WeiDU and a batch file. All that is already in that customization mod I made here -

    Just change the TP2 and edit the .bat to your paths. Plug in what numbers or strings you want. Some people reported that it still works.

    And @Nathan has said there is a fix for this in the works for the next patch.
    Ok ill try it

  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    Okay, so here's the fix which we're throwing in. It's not so much a definitive fix as it is an included work-around, as the changes that we had to make will make life difficult to putting it back to the way it was before. This was kind of a best of both worlds situation.

    In a perfect world, this will be included in the next patch. Here's what we've done: pre-defined groupings of soundsets to just work if they're named in X fashion. So:

    Custom0 -> Custom9 will be the working names - we're restricted to an 8 character limit or I'd be inclined to throw in more than that, but for standard naming for now it works.

    Essentially, if you have a soundset you want to work, and name your soundset Custom1a, Custom1b, Custom1c, Custom1d etc etc etc, those will be ready to go with appropriate strings so they fire and everything is lovely in-game. We figured 10 entries would be enough for most users, and for those that want to customize further, you have a few options - namely, Cuv's script to add more, other mods which can take advantage of the positive changes we put in that make life easier for modders here, and replacing the existing soundset entries with your own which will (probably) fire incorrect subtitles but play correct sounds.

    Make sense? Zer gud?
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    What? So basically you screwed up the code, Its to hard for you to fix and this workaround is acceptable to you?

    Im not happy with it. I don't like bandaids in place of real fixes. I have more then 10 soundsets.. I also have to rename all of them (only 10) from thier original detailed named descriptions to a confusing customX designation. I also have to do this for many other of my friends because they have no idea how to do these things. Its things like these and admissions like above that make me doubt you really have what it take to make a BG3 let alone finish this series without breaking more features.

    Current Behaviour:
    A clear step back from functinality and ease of use that was developed over a decade ago and written in working code, available to you.

    Expected Behaviour:
    Start over, scrap this workaround idea. Saying its too hard to supply the proper fix and instead using a limited workaround developed in your forums and called official by releasing in patch is shameful and telling that you are not either capable or comitted to offering the best product possible, or at least of a quality as good as the original.
  • MeroveusMeroveus Member Posts: 14
    Like someone else said in another thread. What took 10 minutes in 1998 now takes a couple hours and a Computer Science degree.
  • ScytheKnightScytheKnight Member Posts: 220
    Yeah, really don't understand why a simple "place in this folder' has turned into such a massive PIA that someone who doesn't know how the whole system works can't even add ONE soundset, much less the over a dozen I used to have...
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    ...oh gosh. This is a little blown out of proportion. Okay, so:

    This is an easy workaround for us to put in for the time being, and so that's what we're doing for now. If you're that dedicated to more than 10 soundsets, then there are plenty of other options in the meantime, with lots of great documentation as to how it's working.

    This isn't to say that this is "the final fix" for this issue, obviously the original behaviour would be preferred.

    It's not so simple to say that "we broke it" and that's that - this was a casualty of fixing another problem, and re-fixing it to maintain the original behaviour on top of the fixes put in for the other issue is where it gets more complicated. I never said we couldn't do it, what I meant to communicate was "in the meantime, here's what we're doing to make life a little easier".

    So, for my part, what I should have followed up with since it wasn't clear is "we'll come back to this later" - apologies for lack of clarity there.

    @TiaxRulesAll You're entitled to your own personal opinion, and little I can do will change it. We don't expect any user on this board to understand the ins and outs of software development, so feeling frustrated that some features can break while others get fixed - and sometimes in direct relation to one another - is understandable, let alone grasping how working with old undocumented code and in many cases badly designed (internal) systems can result in hosts of issues. All I can tell you is what I've reiterated a thousand thousand times on these boards: we're committed to improving the game going forward. We've fixed a lot of problems, and in some cases - such as this one - fixing one thing has broken another.

    We'll revisit this. As soon as you like? Probably not, since you've pretty much implied you expect it to have been fixed "yesterday" at this point, but it's on the list and we'll get to it as soon as we're able.
  • certuscertus Member Posts: 52
    I am personally happy for a work around fix for the short term. It does break the immersion a little bit when half your characters(i play 3 player generated npc) dont say anything at all. With the caveat that it is in the next patch however. I personally think the game is getting alot better and i am glad i bought it. You guys do a great job. Cheers
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2013
    I knew when I wrote that post that I could expect a response similar to yours. I knew that you would claim that its not really a big deal, I was blowing things out of proportions, that I obviously don't know how games are developed and that I should just leave it to the experts.

    When I wrote the post I knew I was being a little dramatic and maybe this one is starting that way too but I felt I needed to though to get a response, still nothing I said was untrue. And just because I do not work for a company that gets to poke around inside the greatest game series in history, doesn't mean I am completely clueless on how coding and programming works.

    Lets put aside the drama then and look at the concrete evidence. You say that my saying "you broke it" is not fair. I understand that when you change one thing you open up potential for new bugs. Well this is what you have done. Fixing 10 other things and breaking the one, is still breaking the one. Therefore "you broke it". Now this is perfectly fine and normal in the development process but what happenend is that this bug never got fixed and possibly not even noticed before releasing. Hey, THAT happens also, Not happy bout it but I understand.. now its 2 months + later and still no (real) fix though.

    Thank you at least for clarifying that you will continue to work on this issue. It indeed was a huge ommission in your post. I certainly am not done looking at the issue. Your post sounded to me like this workaround was all the attention you devs were ever going to give it (even though it was the forums that seemed to create this workaround apparently). Even now I feel somewhat sorry to admit but I will only believe it when I see it. Believe me, I will give you plenty of praise for it after its done but not before.

    While I can't dump all the blame on you guys. I am especially bitter these days because of the epidemic in video games of not releasing finished products. People dont want to buy a game and wait months for the fix to come out so they can play it. Your "we will continue to support the game" for some just sounds like release is another way of saying its gone from alpha to open beta. I don't like to be tricked into testing a game after purchase. Especially one that was just supposed to be an "enhancement" of a decade old game. So I guess you are right again there Nathan, this fix will not come out fast enough for me, and I DO feel like it was due yesterday because yesterday is when I paid full price for your retail game.
  • ScytheKnightScytheKnight Member Posts: 220
    Well it's a step in the right direction... at least it sounds... relatively easy to add a few new sets in... hopefully by the time this is patched in will be able to find something for my Skald that sounds even remotely like a Skald not something that makes me cringe at almost every comment (have I mentioned I damned near HATE the normal soundsets? They're all sooo annoying or over-the-top!)
  • certuscertus Member Posts: 52
    @tiaxrulesall i agree with a lot of what you have posted. Its strange the sounds are broken when they worked in the original. I was really dissapointed when the game was eventually released.

    However, the last patch was a big step in the right direction, and the new free content in the patch was pretty good fun and unexpected. If that is an indication of whats to come i am pretty happy. I also believe they will fix the issue, even if it is a workaround for a while.....give nathan a chance and see what happens. I am half way through the game and havent encountered any major game breaking bugs.
  • Valarian25Valarian25 Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2013
    I dont know who is right or wrong here, but i cannot get my custom soundsets to work.. the mod programs i have tried dont work for me, most likely am doing something wrong or just aint clever or experienced enought to do it.

    And yes i will prob get it done with the custom fix and i hope it comes soon becouse i really want to make my "awesome character" this is a RPG after all

    But i wont applaud a workaround to a problem that has been broken since release( 2months?) on a "upgraded" version of a older game, that most online reviews says its highest advantage is the fact that you dont have to put in the most basic user friendly mods yourself even if you agree on that statment or not

    Now everyone been helpul on the forums, but i got this game like 2 weeks ago and am still stuggeling just making a goddamn character.. i usally just give up.. and start to play another game

    Short version- If a game lacks a feature your promised after 2 months its damn annoying
    - if a release of game lacks a function that worked in the previous release its REALLY annoying and then after 2 months it becomes a "issue" and people like me,tiax start popping up on the forums and making everyone look and feel bad....

    Either give us a quickfix thats Valarian"aka idiot" proof or just lay yourself flat on the floor and fix it asap, becouse this straight up bad.

    Tiax deserved a quickfix 1 month ago.. and in any other place this would get more attention... ill assume the general BG player has more modding experience than me.. and thats fine.. but that attitude aint the one that pulls in the new players

    "gamespy review if somebody cares to source check me"
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    hows it coming devs?
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    Nathan said:

    ... Okay, so:

    This is an easy workaround for us to put in for the time being, and so that's what we're doing for now. ...

    ...This isn't to say that this is "the final fix" for this issue, obviously the original behaviour would be preferred. ...

    ...So, for my part, what I should have followed up with since it wasn't clear is "we'll come back to this later" - apologies for lack of clarity there...

    ...We'll revisit this. As soon as you like? Probably not, since you've pretty much implied you expect it to have been fixed "yesterday" at this point, but it's on the list and we'll get to it as soon as we're able.

    How's it coming devs? part 2
  • NarcissistNarcissist Member Posts: 65
    Ok so, I've been wondering if anyone around here has gotten custom sounds working, and if they'd be kind enough to explain it in a way that doesn't make my head explode. I've tried Cuv's Script, but reading the read me just gave me a bigger headache and didn't explain how to work it properly, and I've tried Nathan's "Custom1a" thing, but that doesn't work. The sounds play fine when you're in the sound selection screen, but don't fire in game. If there's anyone who can explain this in layman's terms it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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