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Is there a best weapon?



  • moopy said:

    I dual wielded Stupefier and Ashideena from level 1 on a Ranger/Cleric 2 dual wield, 2 hammer, 2 mace.

    By about the time I got to Cloakwood I quit, because I felt dirty for several reasons.

    I think I'm going to have to roll a character that dual wields Stupefier and the Dagger of Venom now, just to be utterly filthy.

  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165

    I rolled a fighter/cleric just to use the new mace (stun 25% chance).

    It's insane, the best weapon of BG1.

    I have my F/C dual wielding flails for the FOA, DOE combo in BG2. Have Ajantis using the mace and yes, its power is simply insane.

  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    moopy said:


    I dual wielded Stupefier and Ashideena from level 1 on a Ranger/Cleric 2 dual wield, 2 hammer, 2 mace.

    By about the time I got to Cloakwood I quit, because I felt dirty for several reasons.

    I am doing the exact same weapon build, but a multiclass cleric/ranger rather than a dual. There was a fight (I believe southeast corner of Gullykin?) where bandits/assassins/mercenaries feared/confused me and my brother's entire party but me and Imoen. Imoen kept running away from a rampaging Ajantis, but my cleric/ranger took on the whole group by himself with stupifier and ashideena. Such a brutal combination.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    Did this on a F/T multi.

    Main handed the Dagger of Venom for back stabs.
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    edited January 2013

    If you want to check my Override folder I can give you my TeamViewer ID without problems.

    Proves nothing; you could have spawned Xan in Candlekeep using CLUAConsole, swapped him for the PC, and edited him however you liked through ShadowKeeper.

    Just say how you did it instead of trying to be 'clever'. As I told you, a character created as a straight-up copy of Xan couldn't wield that sword (though a Xan altered through ShadowKeeper to be a Fighter/Thief, with 3 Int, Wis, and Cha, had no problems whatsoever).
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Was there a clarification on what the requirement(s) is (are) for using the Moonblade? Kind of want to use it because it looks badass.
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    @IDanielHolm: where is the restriction that an item can only be used by a specific NPC? I cannot see it on the *.ITM data in NI.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013

    That is internalized I believe.

    I recall some thread a really long time ago, I want to say July, that had this on a list of one of the things that would be nice to be externalized so that modders could make equipment like that.

    I'm assuming that specific tool for modders hasn't been implemented yet, so it would still be internalized.

    That is all off the top of my head. I can look for the thread I'm referring to later tonight.


    Was referring to this.
    Post edited by moopy on
  • lDanielHolmlDanielHolm Member Posts: 225
    Ignatius said:

    @IDanielHolm: where is the restriction that an item can only be used by a specific NPC? I cannot see it on the *.ITM data in NI.

    If I knew that, I wouldn't be so frustrated with this. ;)
  • ValenValen Member Posts: 9
    Sidemi said:

    Lilarcor's brother. I mean... it's a +12 Hackmaster!

    '...and this one's for grandma, who said I'd never amount to anything more than a butterknife!!'
  • IgnatiusIgnatius Member Posts: 624
    moopy said:

    That is internalized I believe.

    I see. Thanks.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited January 2013
    This news just in!! : @SpaceInvader acts like a 10-year-old and tells everyone "they're mad" and "stop calling me a liar" wah wah wah wah

    Seriously, when you act like that to amuse yourself, that's fine; but be aware that acting like that to amuse yourself AND expecting to not be called a liar do NOT mix. That comes as part of the package, bud.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited January 2013
    @Quartz it seems that this 10-year-old is making YOU mad, bro.

    I didn't even care anymore about this thread, but thanks for giving me this slice of drama! xD

    If I should count the things in this game that some ppl find "impossible" and that others are able to easily accomplish...

    Anyway, I wish you a nice day and a good game!

    I'm outta here.


    EDIT: Just to let you know, I'll be 10 tomorrow.
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    I googled how to use xans moonblade and its tied to his stats somehow and to actually use sorcerer. At this point I don't care anymore tho.

    Spiders bane with cavalier resistances/imm unities and stupidifier gets my vote
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    edited January 2013
    Edit retracting statement
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited January 2013
    Edit: Sarcasm retracted as well.
    Post edited by toanwrath on
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2013
    Guys, I don't get what all the excitement is over here. It's not like he did anything special or new, it's a trick that's been around for years.

    *Open up Shadowkeeper. Go to Innate Abilities. Assign 'Use Any Item'. Give it a usage.


    *Start the game up. The HLA Use Any Item needs to be used once to activate. It's located in your Innate sub-menu:



    *Use the ability. You now have the ability to equip any item in the game naturally from that point on. Even Xan's Moonblade.


    To get it to work in BG:EE, all you have to do is the quick workaround to get Shadowkeeper to read the EE files.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, but I believe the Moonblade requires you to have either Charisma equal to or greater than what Xan has, no matter what UAI says. So I think it needs 16+?

    Edit Part Two - The Editing: Added spoiler tags. I hope.

    Post edited by Mykra on
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited January 2013
    Thank you, just used Shadowkeeper for the first time a few days ago messing around with weapon proficiencies in BG2, so I was unaware of this. Also, doesn't it seem weird that Xan has a high Charisma?

    Unsure if this is you or a meme that you just happened to present. Either way, thank you for going to the effort of counter-trolling. Even though it doesn't get past his regeneration (only admins can do that, and power outs), it is certainly worth the effort.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited January 2013
    toanwrath said:

    Thank you, just used Shadowkeeper for the first time a few days ago messing around with weapon proficiencies in BG2, so I was unaware of this. Also, doesn't it seem weird that Xan has a high Charisma?

    16 Charisma is the minimum requirement for being an Enchanter.
    toanwrath said:

    Unsure if this is you or a meme that you just happened to present. Either way, thank you for going to the effort of counter-trolling. Even though it doesn't get past his regeneration (only admins can do that, and power outs), it is certainly worth the effort.

    Hahaha, well said! And yes, that is me. =P I didn't make that picture for this thread at all, but now it has come in handy!
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Well at least it proves you are not a robot.
    Or you are a very clever one....O.o

    Ignore that, I have suspicions that everyone online that I haven't met in person is a robot set up to monitor my activities...
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    toanwrath said:

    Thank you, just used Shadowkeeper for the first time a few days ago messing around with weapon proficiencies in BG2, so I was unaware of this. Also, doesn't it seem weird that Xan has a high Charisma?

    Quartz nailed it on the head. I remembered it needed a high charisma, I just couldn't remember why. Silly mage kit.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I like the Dagger of Venom in BG1, but I like sneaky types
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
  • RandallRandall Member Posts: 4
    @Erg the difference is that using UAI is obviously a cheat, and his... we still don't know! :(
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Randall said:

    @Erg the difference is that using UAI is obviously a cheat, and his... we still don't know! :(

    What's the difference? It is either cheating or abusing a bug/exploit anyway.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Another way to do it.

    Unzip the attached file and put it in override, then just use


    This is the best way to do it, so I don't really care how he did it.
  • ProdigyProdigy Member Posts: 3
    Erg said:

    This is the best way to do it, so I don't really care how he did it.

    The problem with your way is that many of us play multiplayer with other guys.
    I cannot ask to my group to download this file so I can cheat in a copy of that damn sword or dagger or whatever it is.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Prodigy said:

    I cannot ask to my group to download this file so I can cheat in a copy of that damn sword or dagger or whatever it is.


    Why not?

    I've no idea of the arrangements made between you and the other players, nor why you want to cheat and use Xan's sword in the first place, but it isn't unheard of people in multiplayer putting the same files in override.
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