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[GUI Mod] Archaic GUI for BG:EE



  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    @Archaic Now that the patch is out perhaps the journal issue is solved?
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    I'm really sorry that you have to rework your mod because of this new patch..let's say that is better now than after BETA 6 release, as you should have to go back over your work entirely from the beginning but, as you're still WIP, this issue will luckily take less efforts from you to get solved (I hope for you). ;)

    That's been a while since I've started following your work and I want to say that is a great work you're doing!

    Every day better, every day an improvement, a better design.. keep on man, as I can't wait for this release! :D
  • SchopenhauerSchopenhauer Member Posts: 36

    Do you already know what in detail has been changed in the recent 2014 patch concerning the UI? Are youre request in it? Parts of it? Is it a great improvement?

  • mars0124mars0124 Member Posts: 180
    We're all waiting patiently with you @archaic. Thanks for the work that you do.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    Well among other things his UI will have to deal with the placement of two to hit numbers now that second hand THAC0 is displayed as well.
  • improbabileimprobabile Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 200
    edited February 2013
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    ^----Interesting point of view, for sure... XP
  • mars0124mars0124 Member Posts: 180
    And I'll be ready and waiting to test it on iPad v2014.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    Push release date in few days in advance of store screen. You have replaced most often visible blue screens by your new ones, would be shame to see default ones visiting inns and shops, which happens really offen.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @Archaic: Good job with 2014! :D
    Well, for the store/inn design... if this part would not take you much time (like days/weeks?) I think would be cool to see that in this gorgeous BETA 6, just to have it more awesome, and add awesome to awesome! ;D

  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
  • MorbidMorbid Member Posts: 4
    Archaic pls :3
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    Journal is still bugged like crazy. I'm going to have to completely redesign it because you cannot adjust the window size or location without the left and right sidebars disappearing. I have no idea why this only happens on the journal screen and not any other screen. Very frustrating...the more and more I work with BGEE the more I realize how not mod friendly it really is...
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited March 2013
    Archaic said:

    Journal is still bugged like crazy. I'm going to have to completely redesign it because you cannot adjust the window size or location without the left and right sidebars disappearing. I have no idea why this only happens on the journal screen and not any other screen. Very frustrating...the more and more I work with BGEE the more I realize how not mod friendly it really is...

    And that's one of the reasons an eventual BG3 would never use the Infinity Engine.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Sometimes it is a little like walking up a steep hill facing backwards :P
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kaeloree - well said. ;)
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    Working on a fix/redesign for the journal and then going to finish up the secondary record screens.
  • HaenirHaenir Member Posts: 5
    This is beautiful!

    It's a subjective thing, but for me the BG:EE GUI looks like a dog's breakfast. It's the work of you modders that make this game playable.

    Thank you for your work!
  • ShadowplayShadowplay Member Posts: 18
    Haenir said:

    It's a subjective thing, but for me the BG:EE GUI looks like a dog's breakfast. It's the work of you modders that make this game playable.

    Yep I have to agree. I appreciate the amount of work that went into BGEE from the devs, but I *much* prefer what the modders bring to the table for aesthetics. It's hard to go back to the "stock" look & feel ;)
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Awesome. It's very legible, neat, and beautiful...really, it makes me even wanna physically hold it. On a side note, what do you do for a living, Archaic? I'd be shocked if making GUIs is just a hobby. Tell the truth, you work or used to work for a big shot gaming company do you?
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    He deserves to work for Overhaul and his mod implemented in BG:EE. ;)
  • KenzeKenze Member Posts: 27
    will the new larger font mod be available with Beta 6?
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Illustair - Thanks for the feedback. I don't have any previous modding or game design experience. I do web & graphic design on a daily basis for my job. I work out of my home running a couple of niche sites that keep me busy. I love my day job there is no doubt about that.
  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    @Kenze - Yes it will be available for BETA 6.
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