What NPCS would you like to see in BG1 (or even 2)?

I am not overly fond of the choices made on the 3 (now 4) new NPCs. I figured I should say something since maybe it will affect BG2's dev't. Or, they would be added now to BG E. What NPCS WOULD you have preferred to see added with their own content?
I do feel that most of the better NPCS in the game are evil (Dorn, Edwin, Viconia, etc.).
Personally, I'm not looking for E Alignments so the sorcerer and half orc aren't useful to me. The monk just doesn't have good stats and as a weak class when low level who can't use much equipment, higher stats would have been better. And Neera is just too...random...to be included in the party for long.
I would have liked a N or G Priest that is better than Bronwen--there is a lot of room to add other gods, so it's certainty possible. Either one who is a stronger fighter due to their god and their stats or, assuming priests of the god of thieves don't have to evil, that is possible, especially since the game can be light on thieves. N might work since I hear the E parties are even lighter on thieves.
Another option would be adding a race from a different ADND campaign worlds, ether through a Spelljammer type ship landing (and departure (he missed the ship leaving) , or crash). I seem to remember multi-armed bugs from Red Sun, but I am sure there are other options. I also remember dinosaur like characters from Azure Bonds, but I don't remember what their stats or abilities are like.
Or a race that if typically a monster but this character is G or N (other than drow or Duerger). Or part monster. Half dryad or faerie of some sort? There are also cambions if need be.
Genasi is the most common race of calimshan... humans are minority in there
and if there going to be any new cleric follower then I would say
Sharess or Hoar clerics is best lore friendy and interesting to be added
read my comment here and you will see
Otherwise a berzerker halfling that have problem with his own size and goes on a rampage when told about it. And my wish above all, is to at last have a (real) dwarf of good alignement (like Khelgar in nwn 2 who is just awesome).
And that monk is going to become an absolute beast in the sequel, and I found Neera very useful, and used her for my whole good playthrough. She can use any spell (since she isn't specialized) and the wild surges can win battles at times...as well as losing them, of course.
It always felt incomplete that she's in BG1 and mysteriously gone in BG2, especially given how attached to her Minsc is, and that he's a central NPC in BG2.
Specifically I'd like another Dwarf, one that isn't a two-dimensional walking trope and can fit reasonably well in a non-evil party. Any shorty race really, since they're the most criminally neglected group in BG2.
If the new NPC is a female romanceable Elf I think I'm going to develop an ulcer.
BG2ee could use several more, because original BG2 had fewer than original BG1 and had numerous glaring gaps. It's pretty disappointing that Overhaul have announced that there'll be only 1 more in addition to those we've already met. With only 1 forthcoming, I reckon the best coverage of gaps in one character would be a Lawful Neutral Dwarf Fighter/Thief or Cleric/Thief. If we could have several other new characters, then I reckon that (in addition to the LN Df F/T or C/T) we could also make good use of a Good Thief (Swashbuckler?), an Evil Thief (Assassin?), a Cleric of Helm or Neutral Fighter/Cleric, a Good Sorcerer, an Evil Sorcerer (Dragon Disciple?), a Neutral Barbarian, a Good Bard (Skald?), an Evil Bard (Jester?), a Neutral Fighter (Kensai?) or Fighter/Mage, and an Evil Monk (Dark Moon?). Some of these ought to be human (and preferably a couple with stats which allow a possibility of dual-classing to improve choice) and the rest should represent a good spread of other Faerunian races.
Of course, whilst I think that's what BG2ee needs to cover the main gaps and give some flexibility in party composition for a wide range of alignments and playing-styles, I realise that Overhaul probably don't remotely have the resources to develop all that. I do hope, however, that they'll re-think the current policy of only one more NPC and make an attempt to cover a few more of the gaps.
would be very interesting to add as follower.... why???
* LN Kensai/cleric of hoar human
Hoar are known as the god of vengance and revenge... if it is something charname needs is revenge so basically a cleric of hoar should find Charname very interesting to join so that he can help people with poetic justice... I would imagine how he would help Viconia with her revenge against those who harmed her and her family or helping the charname with his revange against Saravok (he should be added very late as a reqruit last chapter of the game i would say) and helping charname revange against irenicus.
A cleric of hoar has always spear as his chosen weapon... so a dual class kensai/cleric should have maxed out the spear skill
How common are Hoar follower?:
Aside from a handful of scattered temples, the church of Hoar are mostly composed by primarily lone wanderers who travel the realms, agreeing to pray for Hoar's aid on behalf of those who seek or fear vengeance, in exchange for a small fee. Charlatans who would try to scam people in this manner quickly feel the punishment of Hoar. His followers seek out victims of injustice, hear and appraise their stories, and track down the perpetrators in order to inflict a fitting form of punishment. No injustice is too small or too large for revenge to be sought and a fitting punishment meted out, earning the church of Hoar the ire of town watches and Tyrists alike as well as the adulation of the downtrodden.
human female Cleric/thief of shares
I would warmly recommend to have cleric of sharess in the game... she could be waiting and standing on the baldurs gate bridge but can't get into the city without your charnames help... she wants to go to her temple the Blushing mermeid in baldurs gate city... in BG2 she can be imprisonmented in the that inn which has brothels
Frankly I still don't understand why there isn't any temples of Sharess in bg1 and bg2
this is the fact about sharess temples:
Sharess (Bast) is worshiped in large urban areas such as Waterdeep, Calimport, and other cities along the Sword Coast. She is revered by male and female professional escorts who take pride in their professions, the decadent rich, and those who seek only endless pleasure in life.The few temples of Sharess are typically located in large cities along the Sword Coast, but small shrines to the goddess of pleasure may be found in almost every festhall in the Realms. Her temples are typically constructed to resemble elaborate festhalls, with graceful, fluting pillars, octagonal domes, great halls sculpted to resemble forest glades, secluded nooks, bathing areas in natural mineral springs, great banquet halls, and richly scented massage parlors. Most are guarded by staunch fighters and even exotic sentient monsters who are sworn to protect all revelers who partake in the name of Sharess.
The point of adding a Cleric of Helm or Neutral Fighter/Cleric is to give a useful alternative to Viconia for those who are playing Evil/Neutral (which currently they don't have) and simultaneously give another option for Good players who find both Aerie and Anomen irritating (which may be quite a lot, since both get widely criticised for being annoying).
Complete his quest after letting him kill the girl and he becomes Chaotic Neutral, if I recall correctly. I fail to see how he's a "feeble" Cleric in either case. He has the potential to make excellent use of the self-buff spells that Viconia and Aerie are better off ignoring.
Korgan is an awesome character, but you're right that the game could use another dwarf, perhaps a Cleric or Thief, or that shiny new Dwarven Defender kit.
My understanding is only a thief will be added to BG2EE, would love to see an evil assassin or swashbuckler to make the evil parties complete.