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How often have you played through BG:EE?

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edited September 2013 in Archive (General Discussion)
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  1. How often have you played through BG:EE?106 votes
    1. I haven't played BG:EE at all and I am NOT going to do it
    2. I haven't played BG:EE at all yet but I plan on doing so
    3. I have begun my first playthrough but I have yet to finish it
    4. I've played through it once
    5. I've played through it twice
    6. I've played through it three times
    7. I've played through it four times
    8. I've played through it five or more times
    9. I do not know
    10. other


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    I played through BG1 twice, BG1:EE three times... and BG2 something approaching three digits. I sure hope the release date holds up this time, I'm already saving vacation time.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited September 2013
    I would maybe have one more playthrough under my belt if it weren't for my Intel hardware-related issues (it's playable, but the framerate plummets whenever there are spell effects on screen).
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Quality over quantity. That's how I usually go with cRPGS. I prefer to do less playthroughts, but focusing on each one in order to have the best experience I can get.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Three, with three more games currently on the go.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I've done two full playthroughs. A jester and a shapeshifter.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022
    I think I have started like hmmm...... 30 or so playthroughs, and about 15 of those are at sarevok in his little underground city of fun and magic and candy :)
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,022
    #1-Do you play a different race/class/alignment each time?
    usually, although my favourite class is a beserker ( either human or half-orc) wielding a two handed-sword
    and usually im chaotic good, but I have some playthroughs where im chaotic evil, I also have monk files, a druid file, fighter/druid file, fighter going to dual to druid file, some thief files, some mage files, and a cleric file, and some multi class files ( fighter/ something er rather most of the time) im usually either chaotic good ( because of being a beserker) or some sort of evil when I play evil runs ( since the evil pcs in bg1 ROCK in terms of stats)
    #2-Do you choose different party members on each playthrough?
    Yes I do, although my favourite team to get/use: charname, kivan,khalid, branwen, imoen,neera ( very easy to obtain) but sometimes I will replace branwen for yeslick, or imoen for coran/safana, actually my favourite "good team" is : charname, Khalid,kivan,yeslick,coran,neera, and then when I play evil I will have a mix of: dorn, shar-teel, kagain, viconia, montaron, Edwin, baeloth, depending on who I need for what class im playing
    #3- And how do you remember all that, if you do?
    I keep a save file of every game I play, plus I export every single character I make when I hit sarevok
  • I was planning to play BG:EE on Android. It was going to be a day one purchase for me. Now, after months and months of waiting, I'm not so sure.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    i'll just say other but I completed one, am at the return to Baldur's gate on my current game (doing Totsc content now), and have done the random game challenge and am not sure whether to count an incomplete game or a game that I rushed through because it was no reload speed run
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Twice to the end. Undead Hunter and... I cant remember what the other was. Will do a third once the patch comes out, and import that to BG2.

    Did The Black Pits four or five times, just to try out some stuff. Last go through was with all the new kits. Sun Soul and Dark Moon monks, Dwarven Defender, Blackguard, Shadowdancer, and Dragon Disciple.
  • rdarkenrdarken Member Posts: 660
    Only finished it once, but I've started about six games...
  • Night_WatchNight_Watch Member Posts: 514
    my first play through i had an elf archer (arrow spam has gotten ridiculously easier =P) and i got to the city of bg before my computer picked up some virus and i lost everything (both bg and everything else in life related -.-). i'm on my second run now with a human berserker. haven't gotten a chance to delve into the new npcs too much with my archer. i'm hoping to do that this time around.
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    Gotta say, the only reason I've held out this long without a playthrough is because I just can't bear how silent the sword coast is without without BG1 NPC Project, even though I've owned the game since it came out. I do plan on starting one the day that mod becomes compatible with BG:EE though!
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    SEVENTEEN TIMES. MY CHARACTERS WERE ALL NAMED FRANK. No, only three times. Well, working on the third one right now~

    But yes. Fighter, Blackguard, and then a Cavalier!

    You know what, Imma do the Cleric, too.
  • MathmickMathmick Member Posts: 326
    Two finished runs and enough partial runs to sort-of add up to three.
  • jethrojethro Member Posts: 81
    I've played bg:ee once all the way through (never played it till the EE came out!) I've since started about a dozen+ games but I suffer from chronic reload syndrome...

    I'm currently halfway through my second run and I will finish!

    First time (or only :-/ ) through I played as a swashbuckler (6) -> fighter with GM in axes and had a blast! This time I've created a custom party of 4 (F/C, F/T, F/Illusionist, Undead Hunter) and plan on adding/dropping the new NPCs to check out their quests. Also have SCS and the G3 mod installed and have been enjoying using stealth to scout and backstab (couldn't do that with the swashbuckler!). It's a huge challenge with core rules and the SCS making the AI smarter...really a fun game and I'm stoked to see bg2:ee come out, since I've yet to finish that!
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  • I have completed two runs on BGEE. First was a Cavalier and second was a Skald. I didn't like the skald too much. Maybe I did not utilize him correctly... I very much enjoyed the cavalier. I have recently started a new game as a barbarian, this time solo. I really do not like micromanagement.
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    Once so far got my good guy ready for BG2EE. I'm going to play through it again at least once more after the next patch hits to get my evil PC ready too!

    BG2EE I'm probably going to complete at least half a dozen times though with different characters if vanilla BG2 is any indication. BG1 is good game, but BG2 is legen... wait for it... dary!
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    A few times. Quite a few.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    '@Kaeloree: how about now?' sums up why I haven't yet advanced past 'seeing what it looks like'. Waiting for NPC1-Project!
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    Twice consecutively. I started both files at the same time (one as an Archer, the other a Sorceror) and went between them but ended up restarting both, Archer first.

    The Archer file I played through SOA right to the very end of TOB, and then I did exactly the same with the Sorceror, doing all quests, going everywhere, seeing/meeting/killing everything. Virtually the only games I played.

    Took about 5 months all in to do that, which kinda burned me out a bit. Next play through will be ahead of BG2:EE
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I tend to just play through a game a couple of times at most.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    I've only finished it twice, but have played through 75% of it uncountable times. I get to nervous after the flaming fist starts chasing me through BG.
  • KrypplingzKrypplingz Member Posts: 11
    Finished EE once. Finished the original about 5 times.
    Can't really get into the game because I'm waiting for the patch and BG1 NPC/Gavin becoming EE compatible. And I can't really play the original because I miss the BG:EE features.
  • dashteacupdashteacup Member Posts: 52
    I never played the original BG1 (only BG2) so the EE edition was my first exposure to the game.
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    Barb, F/T, and Kensai. Kensai so I could import to BG2 to try a kensage.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    It won't run on my steam-powered Mac and I can't afford a new computer.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    It's just not in a fully ready state yet, mod-compatibility wise. But I believe shortly after BG2EE goes retail things will start looking up.
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