Not buying Baldur's Gate 2 till....

Ive made my mind not buying baldurs gate 2 till bgee is patched and working seems weve been waiting forever for a patch that aint been delivered...I almost wish I didn't buy bgee and just played the modded originals...just my 2 Cents
That said - except for that old geezer Tethroil holding onto his scroll and refusing to give it to me and one single Neera duplication bug (Hey, TWO Wild you think i can romance them both?)...I haven't had any other problems/bugs.
its usualy a good idea not to buy something unless you know it works to a standard your happy with.
I have/had problems with the game both in function and content but i would personaly say its been worth the money and by and large im happy with the product
Tethoril scroll and the dark screen startup are the only bugs I have...
Finally, there was this little event called the ATARI bankruptcy - an event beyond the devs control - that halted and delayed the patch release. I'm no Overhaul/Beamdog fanboy (they have made some notable mistakes in anticipating coding problems and prematurely announcing release dates), but there are some things that can be helped and others that cannot. Overall, I've been pretty pleased with the post-release support for this game and look forward to the new patch.
Still buying it.
Just gonna be patient and keep on grinding into that game until my hair falls out. I'm sure the patch will just sneak up on you and you won't even realize it's fixed!
I totally agree with the rational people here tho, i probbaly wont resist the buy.
But i still dont think THIS game is finished.
I was one of those who bought it for MP, stable MP. Still waiting for that btw...
Im sorry managing to make an "enhanced" version of a finished game PLAYABLE is not much of an achievement. Furthermore, adding 3 new characters isn't something I haven't seen in mods.
Came here for the MP, and was extremely disappointed.
Also, dont really understand why I should give 2 squirts of piss that ATARI went bankrupt.
Devs still managed to get funds (tho i remember reading on RPS that they didn't, so Im somewhat confused) for the new game, while this one still isn't finished.
Hardly an incentive, in fact it might be what will help me resist the urge to buy BGII.
A huge part of this patch -- and likely one of the big things they're expecting the open beta to help address -- is the shiny, new, minimalist UI. And when BG2:EE was first announced, one of the first things people seemed excited about in the screenshots was... *drumroll*... the shiny, new, minimalist UI.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me like the major improvements that are supposed to come with this next patch are things that are expected to be up and running in time for BG2:EE... yet here we are with two months to go and the open beta hasn't even begun. I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to hold off on buying the next entry in the series when the underlying architecture still hasn't been finalized.