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[Resource Pack] Extended Animations

viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
edited November 2013 in General Modding
Hi modders, I created big pack with animations for you!

What is idea this pack?
Add as much as possible new animations for BGEE and BG2EE, from others IE games

Do you use others works?
I used only tools DLTCEP, NearInfinity, BAMWorkshop, WEIDU and conversions animations from PST by @Cuv, thanks @Cuv! Everything else is my job for now. I have hope that, you help and it will change :)

How long did you do it?
I started making pack on 13th June.

How can I install it
Like, others mods. Just download pack from here:

What does pack contain?
This pack contain all animations from BG, BG2, BGEE, IWD, IWD2, PST. There are ~162 animations. To comparison - orginal game has ~280 entry in ANIMATE.IDS and there are many repeating animations (recolored). There are all soundset too, but I didn't tested it too much, and there aren't soundsets for PST yet. There are entries of ANIMATE.IDS EXTSPEED.2DA EXTANIM.2DA and my work-file.csv, weidu, one script and one program.

How can I help?
You can help on many ways:
1.) Testing slots
2.) Find new animations
3.) Help with set soundsets
4.) Making new .cre which use animations and have everything good - weapon range, class, race, general, statistics. I would like to attach one creature per one animations. (and it shouldn't be "cat" or "wizeye").
5.) Describe animations from PST - I think about ANIMATE.IDS - there are many PST_SUPRISE
6.) Recolored animations from PST
If you make something, send it to me!

How works animations slots in BGEE?
So, we have externalize animations to 2 files: EXTANIM.2DA and EXTSPEED.2DA


I can only quote @Scottbrocks.

ARMOR_MAX_CODE = [0,1,2,3,4] max armor level. 4 = plate. It's basically set to 4 for all the characters except for the monk who has it set to 1
CAN_LIE_DOWN = [0, 1] Do we have frames where we are on the ground? Death animation checks this.
DETECTED_BY_INFRAVISION = [0,1] Are we detected by infravision
DOUBLE_BLIT = [0,1] Should probably always be set to 0, but the DEMB animation has this set to true.
EQUIP_HELMET = [0,1] Can they equip a helmet
SPLIT_BAMS = [0,1] Are the bams split
COLOR_BLOOD = [0-255] color palette lookup. Seems like 47 is pretty common
COLOR_CHUNKS = [0-255] used in EFFECT_EXPLODINGDEATH(8), seems to be either 0 or 255
FALSE_COLOR = [0,1] Tell it to use the character colors
HEIGHT_CODE = string - "WQM", "WQL", "WQS", etc. The prefix to the weapon animations. Will be set to "NONE" for most monsters.
HEIGHT_CODE_HELMET = string - same as above, but for the helmet animation
HEIGHT_CODE_SHIELD = string - see above
SND_FREQ = [0-255] Sound frequency. Lots of animations are set in under 10, then a few are quite high(150+, MGCP, MGCL, MDOG, etc)
PERSONAL_SPACE = [0-255] most are 3, dragons are 13
RESREF = string - animation resref. MDOG, ARAB, etc.
RESREF_ARMORBASE = single char, 'T' thief, 'W' wizard. This is the 4th character in CHM?
RESREF_ARMORSPECIFIC = single char, see above. Use when their armor code is equal to ARMOR_MAX_CODE
If you think that, it is end, you are almost right - for each animations you must search slot and most of slots doesn't work, because are reserved. Slots which works with IWD animations type:
0xE240 - 0xE2FF - free
0xE330 - 0xE3FF - free
0xE440 - 0xE4FF - free
0xE530 - 0xE5FF - free
0xE620 - 0xE6FF - free
0xE730 - 0xE7FF - free
0xE850 - 0xE8FF - free
0xE920 - 0xE9FF - free
0xEA30 - 0xEAFF - free
0xEB30 - 0xEBFF - free
0xEC30 - 0xECFF - free
0xED30 - 0xEDFF - free
0xEE20 - 0xEEFF - free

I reserved this range 0xE240 - 0xE2FF, in my pack, so we have little less space :)

Can you tell me, where the difference between your mod and Infinity Animations is? Except that IA isn't compatible to BGEE yet.
1. List with slots from Infinity Animations is useless for BGEE, because animations on these slots doesn't works!
2. This packed doesn't modified any .exe
3. Inifinity animations doesn't knows slots in EXTANIM.IDS and EXTSPEED, so...
4. Bams have others name, I used core name from orginal game.
7. Dynamic repaletted PST animations.
8. Authors :P

Special thanks
@Cuv for conversions, support and advice

How can I quick test it?
I made area with all animations (all it means that, there are old animations too), specially for you! I used Heroes III editor to make it, so area isn't beatifull. I separated this area to independent mod - you can download it here:
Install it and put in cheat console:

Some screenshots


V 2.0: add support for BG2EE
V 1.0: release

I wait on feedback :)
Post edited by viader on


  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Very nice update @viader!!! Looking over what you did there. I like that bam.avi showing how you setup the palettes, clever.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    edited June 2013
    Thanks, this form allow to re-use PST models, we can make from one model - many models each with diffrent palette, unfortunately I haven't artist eye to this, maybe someone can help? Many animations from PST wait on repaletted, for now I repaletted only 3 animations.
  • JarlJarl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 101
    Can you tell me, where the difference between your mod and Infinity Animations is? Except that IA isn't compatible to BGEE yet.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    edited June 2013
    @Jarl Yes. I never download IA, but I read it. This and this are similar project, here and here are bams, but:

    1. List with slots from Infinity Animations is useless for BGEE, because animations on these slots doesn't works!
    2. This packed doesn't modified any .exe
    3. Inifinity animations doesn't knows slots in EXTANIM.IDS and EXTSPEED, so...
    4. Bams have others name, I used core name from orginal game.
    5. Are there sounds table - soundsets and sounds?
    6. Are there all animations from PST? I reported all, but some aren't repaletted.
    7. Dynamic repaletted PST animations.
    8. Animations only from IE games -
    9. Author :P

    So, I think that IA won't be compatible with BGEE - see point 1. Without change slots it is impossible, change slots for IA would be stupid...
    Post edited by viader on
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Nice. You sure do know your stuff! How about Temple of Elemental Evil? There are a lot of usable stuff there I guess. It isn't technically IE, but they're cousins of some sort as it is still D&D.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Illustair Hmm, I see that ToEE used 3D models.
    Great, full import is possible! I'am not a graphics 3D, so I can have problem with render it. Is here any graphics 3D? @Kaeloree Can we, what with copyright for ToEE? Maybe, additional content only for fans ToEE.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @viader I think TOEE is out of the range of safe games, unfortunately.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    Thanks for clarification! @Illustair So, it is possible, but we can't do it.
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    edited June 2013
    That's unfortunate, maybe on another site then. Or maybe bend the rules a little as Troika, the developer of the said game, is non-existent already. And why are other IE games allowed in the first place then; how do we exactly draw the line between games that may be allowed or not? I may understand of Lionheart: LotC though as I just checked right now, the developer company Reflexive Entertainment is very much alive and the game isn't exactly D&D but only a little bit in spirit.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @viader these look fantastic! Since you're already in the business of converting IE game stuff to work with BGEE... would you consider taking all the CHARNAME voice sets from BG2, IWD1/2 and packaging them into a mod to work with BG:EE? There's a million threads and links to NPC soundsets, but I don't think anyone has compiled all the player soundsets from the different IE games and made them available for the EE.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Illustair It isn't on my head, this pack should be on this forum and I must be obey with rules. In my opinion, rules are little too harsh... (everything started from pictures)

    @agris Great idea! I can attach it and I think that, I do it.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Great job with those animations, I missed them.

    Ps. I wonder if you can help with an old request I made long time ago: would you be able to convert the Power-Hungry voice set from NWN2?
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @SpaceInvader I think that, no - copyright...
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    edited June 2013
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I feel as if summoned to this page... Would you like a power hungry voice?

    @Vaider this looks awesome by the way!
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    edited June 2013
    Yes, I summon you, because I just thinking about animations for mummies :) But mummies went to my home and bludgeoned me to delete message.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    @Vaider ... No! No! No! They were not bludgeoning the delete key they were trying to punch the like button... It's hard to coordinate if you have bandages wrapped around your hands!
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    @viader Do you still like the idea about other CHARNAME voice sets?
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @agris Yes, I have in directory all sounds from IWD and IWD2, with PST and BG2 I may have problem because I have only Polish version. I must only rename soundsets in .tp2
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Great work! Does this pack contain also BG vanilla NPC animations?
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Pecca Yes, but only clean bams, because I didn't set number of slot for these animations. Any idea which slots are responsible and free for NPC animations in BGEE?
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    @viader, this is good stuff, but i wanted to ask, for clarification, do the sprites from Original Baldur's Gate(BG1), work? When you upgrade it for BG2:EE i mean.

    Thanks :)
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Mornmagor I wouldn't like to promise something too early. I know that you thinking about something, what was support by IE mod, but really I never install it, so could you desribe effect which I should provide?
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    For the BG1 animations, Infinity Animations replaced the LOW animations with the ones from the older game. I am talking about the player character animations.

    Icewind Dale also had another sprite that someone could use as a player character, a big looking armored guy with a shield and a flail, but i can't remember the name now, so i'll have to experiment to find him when you make the mod.

    If your pack has all BG and IWD animations, both the BG1 character sprites and that particular sprite from IWD will be there, so i'll find them and then i need to see how to import it.
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @Mornmagor my pack have all animations, but there aren't any duplicated animation, eg: if BGEE had animation a 'fire elementar' I don't included it to pack from BG2, if I copy one animations from IWD I don't copy this same animations from IWD2.

    But, I don't know that characters sprites are diffrent, in this situation I add to pack characters animations from games (BG,IWD, IWD2?), and option to select one.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited November 2013
    That sounds cool yeah.

    Character animations from BG and IWD are the same. Same with BG2 and IWD2.

    The character animations to be included are in BG1. Since BG1 and IWD1 have the same character animations, and since IWD2 uses the BG2 ones, which we already have.

    So we only want BG1 character animations from these.

    The other sprite from IWD was an enemy actually that i was talking about. It's probably in the monster sprites and it is unique, so we can just find it and put it in when the mod is ready, since you have all animations in.

    It's one of them, and in there somewhere.

    Edit : It is actually from IWD2 and it is the Neo Orog Shaman animation. However, it moves slower than the normal characters, so i'm not sure what to do with that ;p
    Post edited by Mornmagor on
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    Ok. We can set moves speed for each animation by EXTANIM.ids so it isn't problem, I used it earlier. I just include character animations from BG1 to pack and it should be everything :)
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    viader said:

    @Mornmagor my pack have all animations, but there aren't any duplicated animation, eg: if BGEE had animation a 'fire elementar' I don't included it to pack from BG2, if I copy one animations from IWD I don't copy this same animations from IWD2.

    But, I don't know that characters sprites are diffrent, in this situation I add to pack characters animations from games (BG,IWD, IWD2?), and option to select one.

    Hey @viader, are you using the 1pp package at all? I know some animations, like the celestial / planetar, had incorrect alpha blending in vanilla BG2. 1pp v3 fixes this, iirc.

  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    @agris nope, I used only orginal animations, change alpha blending isn't difficult, I didn't know that some animations are broken, but heh, I see that there are more and more things to do :) I assume, that I should look on 1pp package.

    Ah, and sorry, that I hadn't done voice pack, when I start I encounter some problems, like my non english IWDI, IWDII, .wav size, and normalize voice, which would be very subjective. It is theme for next mod :P
  • viaderviader Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 875
    edited November 2013
    @Mornmagor I just conform pack to BG2EE and BGEE all at once. I don't add option to install old BG1 characters animations, because there was problem with two weapon animations, I must check it twice. If you want resume old animations, copy everything from directory 'animations_BG1_characters' to override.
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