Other side of the road? Like the British or something? None of them seem British to me, Minsc maybe European with that accent of his. So maybe him? But no one would give him a licence to begin with. Just imagine the road rage.
Now of course if you were European, you'd probably be thinking do any of them seem American. That I can't tell you. Garrick maybe Canadian with his over politeness calling everyone sir but that is stereotyping, and the one thing I don't do is stereotype. just mono typing.
Minsc also sounds more east European. None of these countries have British traffic. Unless, of course, his parents were imigrants to Britain and he kept the accent due to speaking his native language with them, but got his license in Britain. Which would lead to the issue above; who would give him one?
Going by this, it is most likely that Ajantis is a British noble who was sent to a boarding school where he was taught to speak without accent. He's a knight, knights are very British.
Jaheira always sounded Russian to me, and Dynaheir loves her Shakespearean words. So does Elminster, for that matter... "Hold, thy wonder. Stay thy course to indulge an old man..."
But what do wizards and druids have use for cars?
(Oh wait... You mean we're not talking about driving on the wrong side of the road?)
When asked abut his past, Eldoth speaks as every word should impress and dazzle. He really seems to enjoy talking about himself. He is apparently from the island kingdom of Ruathym, though he left as a teenager for the city of Waterdeep. His natural affinity for song and poetry was honed to perfection while he trained at the musical college of New Olamn, supporting himself with gold from any one of his given lovers. It would seem that his skill in music is mirrored with his talent in the manipulation of others' emotions. He skims over explaining how he came to leave Waterdeep, but it was apparently the result of an attempted tryst with Aleena Palidinstar. Piergeiron, lord of the city, discovered that his daughter was being used by a manipulative dilettante and likely became quite furious. Eldoth probably had to flee the city, deciding it was time to use his bardic skills somewhere else.
Sure, the "any given lovers" doesn't specifically say "any given female lovers", but the second half puts a name and "daughter" to this habit.
@rdarken: I would also do so without money being offered, so it's kind of fitting. Now that I have taken over his identity and free will, I shall accept money out of respect for his wishes though.
Garrick does seem to have a thing for Skie, and the lady outside the Radiant Heart, so the evidence is pointing to straight.
I'm leaning to Shar-Teel as being reluctantly heterosexual, and much as Aerie and Imoen are an exceptionally good match for any kind of relationship, Imoen has always seemed pretty much asexual to me. Aerie obviously has her things with PC and Haer'Dalis, although she is young for an elf and only now she's left is she able to really start finding out about herself... but that's just a fantasy I sometimes have. Minsc seems pretty much asexual too as he has a child-like mind.
Obviously I try to stick to information in the games as much as possible, but in most cases there isn't really anything with regards to sexuality; it just doesn't come up. So you're free to interpret them however you like.
First to third page will be purely fun with some heat conflicts, 4° page foward someone will express their opinion more harshly, then ppl will take that as homophobic and will start to flame massacre that guy, then some ppl that probally are homophobic would enter the chat to suport the idea of the guy that isn't even a hater, but had a bad use of words.
Then a war with factions will erupt and there's not going to exist middle ground, anyone that try to stay neutral (i'm in this group probally) will be labeled as homophobic and hater by the homoaffect supportive people and probally ignored if not criticized by the haters, then someone will lose the limit and will make VERY harsh statements, then our friend Dee (that i don't make the call cos he probally can't stand anymore calls from me XD) will enter in the debate to give the first warning, the second one will be with red letters, probally in this point, someone will get locked temporary, but this will only serve to infuse more heat in the discussion as if the moderators were taking sides, after the 3° waring in the thread, some more 2 or 3 posts will be made, and then the thread wil be locked.
In-Topic (MY point of view, not to be labeled as right neither wrong, it's just as I see the things):
From my point of view, Shar-Teel isn't lesbian, maybe bissexual, but she's more for a dominatrix for me than a lesbial girl, it's not that she doesn't like mens, she like then, but in her own sick way.
About Imoen, i don't even think relationship passes over her mind, she has a childish behavior, a very friendly one in fact that maybe for that reason induce the idea of easy relationship with anyone.
Garrick, the guy sucks, even if he is in fact homo (what he isn't as we can see in Baldur's Gate 2 where he finish marring an waitress from a tavern) he's so boring that other homossexual guys would not even want him as a partner.
Minsc has a shot view of things, he don't tend to think much about stuffs and deal with them in the simpler way possible, i doubt he would deal or even understand an homosexual approach, i doubt he would understand even an heterosexual approach in fact. For me there's no hint of homosexual behavior on minsc, but then for each one their own.
Imoen's not that innocent! I caught her feeling up Keldorn. I know she says she was just messing with him but I think she's well aware of his 18 charisma. After growing up in Candlekeep with nothing but old monks for company, who wouldn't want to make up for lost time?
Don't meant childish as innocent, but more as reckless, or reghardless any consequences. She does what she want without malicious or elaborated intents, it's just for fun with her.
I can see her as bissexual easy, but also i can see her as straight easy too, she's an open character for point of views, i never gave her any sexual label before, it's an idea to be worked on.
I think Montaron would be the most interesting choice, but really I don't think any of them are from what information we have available, other than perhaps Haer-Dalis (both a man and a woman gave him "presents" at the Five Flagons Inn and there are rumors he was meant to be a bi romance option).
I'm not so sure about Viconia, actually. I mean, she and Hexxat had a banter with some implications, but I don't think it went anywhere on-screen. And Viconia did seem a little taken-back by Hexxat's offer...
Plus after I slept with Dorn (with a male Charname), she remarked, "You disgust me," and instantly ended my romance with her. I'm pretty sure she was mostly angry that I went with the "ugly" half-orc over her, but the snarky evil sorcerer in me wanted to poke fun and call her a homophobe. :P
Well, the novels established that Imoen was a lesbian, so in the spirit of utterly rejecting anything those unholy abominations claimed to be canon, let's say she's straight.
Didn't the novels also say minsc had red hair or some such? Phooey on both of those
I don't care to look it up at the moment, but if the novels came out after the game, I would almost bet that their reason was that imoen suggests charname is an 'odd' fellow.
I'm not so sure about Viconia, actually. I mean, she and Hexxat had a banter with some implications, but I don't think it went anywhere on-screen. And Viconia did seem a little taken-back by Hexxat's offer...
Plus after I slept with Dorn (with a male Charname), she remarked, "You disgust me," and instantly ended my romance with her. I'm pretty sure she was mostly angry that I went with the "ugly" half-orc over her, but the snarky evil sorcerer in me wanted to poke fun and call her a homophobe. :P
Well, I am pretty sure she could easily agree if she was offered a better proposal, I mean, I won't never accept anything coming from a vampire (I'm watching you Lamia!!) if I had some common sense. Also, I don't think she has much against homosexuality, the point was that your PC and Dorn are male, and they see males like "idiots just to have children", added that she surely won't approve any type of relationship with a half orc.
Actually in my BG2:EE run my evil half-elf female Valkyrie (plain fighter with lots of imagination :P) looks at Dorn as if he were another puppet (the same way she looks to Rasaad) of hers to control, when I begun the run in BG:EE I was considering to make BG2:EE solo too, but after hearing of more quests in ToB I definitely got interested about the new NPCs. Now I feel that she is much more an Amazon, she is OK with Viconia and Hexxat (her love interest, she's a ultr-dare-devil!), Neera seems to her too childish as Imoen did, but she's good with Magic (and Neera has a good couple of quests ), Viconia is wise and talented Cleric devoted to Shar, and Hexxat is a Vampire, she might need lots of help to survive, but she is already dead AND she is worth the trouble. Dorn will become her own Blackguard, by using Bhaal's Essence she'll turn him into so!!!
I can't believe we've overlooked Edwin here. He keeps his flamboyant dress sense even after being forced out by the Red Wizards and uses misogynist banter to cover up the fact he's not remotely interested in any of the women. When he suffers his forced sex change, he's TOTALLY DISGUSTED by the presence of female sex organs, never attempting to "enjoy" them as any self respecting hetero man would in those circumstances. He overcompensates by awkwardly flirting with Viconia, because he KNOWS she will shoot him down, gaining "straight points" for himself whilst not risking an actual hetero sexual encounter. Plus there is no Edwin romance option for a female PC.
Incorrect. Edwin has a fling with some woman in the Dock District that is mentioned and in a banter, he says he had many women in the past. He's the male counterpart to Viconia and treats women as tools to use and then dismiss, if anything. In BG1, he does like Alora, though that isn't neccessarily a romantic kind of liking. (At least the banters don't sound flirty, compared to Eldoth/any female NPC; Garrick/Skie.)
I'm also fairly sure that most straight guys say they'd totally play with their female parts if they suddenly had them to collect "straight points", as you call it, and in reality, they'd freak out just like Edwin. I think most people would freak out if their bodies were changed into whatever against their will, even in a fantasy world if they know it isn't temporary (i.e. Polymorph Self or other shapeshifting abilities they are used to).
I think Garrick has had asexuality forced upon him by society due to the fact that no one neither homosexual or heterosexual would sleep with him.
I think you mean celibacy, which is a considerably different thing to asexuality.
Indeed. Complete sexual rejection by the entire sentient populace does not make one asexual, it merely makes one bitter and resentful. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Back on the Edwin thing though, I still think there's a case for him being a self-hating, closeted gay man. The vague boasts of past sexual conquests sound like a smokescreen and even the past fling could have been an attempt to convince himself. I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but if he's NOT a bitter closet case, he's a borderline abuser who avoids the many beautiful women he travels with in favour of vulnerable, submissive girls and prostitutes.
The only NPC's I think lean the other way are Dorn (duh), Hexett (duh), and Haer'Dalis (the only male companion who will sleep with a male drow pleasure slave). I don't mind any of the others leaning the other way- gods know we could use more lesbian, gay, and bisexual companions for romance reasons- but I just don't see any of them. I could put a call with maybe Valygar, but he was intended to be Suna Sei's lover, so he's at least bi, if anything, and I think of him more as 'unwilling to have children and spread his family's lineage' then 'gay', honestly.
But I know a mod that did a female romance for Nalia and did it fine, and there was going to be a mod that was going to do a female romance for Viconia, and I would have played it. So, I chalk it up to everyone has their own interpretations.
For me, Shar-Teel is hetrosexual (and has hateful one night stands and ends up resenting herself for them), Garrick is straight (and crushes on the stupidest most unavailable women), Imoen... is probably the closest I could see of the options and could possibly be bi (I could see her as one of those people who honestly care nothing for appearance, but only for personality), and Minsc is basically asexual.
I think Garrick has had asexuality forced upon him by society due to the fact that no one neither homosexual or heterosexual would sleep with him.
I think you mean celibacy, which is a considerably different thing to asexuality.
Indeed. Complete sexual rejection by the entire sentient populace does not make one asexual, it merely makes one bitter and resentful. Trust me, I'm an expert.
Back on the Edwin thing though, I still think there's a case for him being a self-hating, closeted gay man. The vague boasts of past sexual conquests sound like a smokescreen and even the past fling could have been an attempt to convince himself. I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but if he's NOT a bitter closet case, he's a borderline abuser who avoids the many beautiful women he travels with in favour of vulnerable, submissive girls and prostitutes.
I don't think there is a "closet" in this setting. There is no bias or prejudice against non-straight people anywhere, and therefore, no reason to hide anything or a social standard to conform with. Any NPC being in the closet would be like us in the real world being in the closet about liking apples better than oranges. No-one cares; either fruit and even both are perfectly acceptable everywhere. I'm sure I read that Ed Green stated there is no prejudice about same sex attraction in the Forgotten Realms.
@kidcarnival are you sure about there being no biases in Faerun? I think on one of those crazy homophobe threads someone had shared a quote by Ed Greenwood implying otherwise, saying that it depended on region.
Like the British or something?
None of them seem British to me, Minsc maybe European with that accent of his. So maybe him? But no one would give him a licence to begin with. Just imagine the road rage.
Now of course if you were European, you'd probably be thinking do any of them seem American. That I can't tell you. Garrick maybe Canadian with his over politeness calling everyone sir but that is stereotyping, and the one thing I don't do is stereotype. just mono typing.
Going by this, it is most likely that Ajantis is a British noble who was sent to a boarding school where he was taught to speak without accent. He's a knight, knights are very British.
But what do wizards and druids have use for cars?
(Oh wait... You mean we're not talking about driving on the wrong side of the road?)
I'm curious, what does Eldoth's bio say? @KidCarnival
When asked abut his past, Eldoth speaks as every word should impress and dazzle. He really seems to enjoy talking about himself. He is apparently from the island kingdom of Ruathym, though he left as a teenager for the city of Waterdeep. His natural affinity for song and poetry was honed to perfection while he trained at the musical college of New Olamn, supporting himself with gold from any one of his given lovers. It would seem that his skill in music is mirrored with his talent in the manipulation of others' emotions. He skims over explaining how he came to leave Waterdeep, but it was apparently the result of an attempted tryst with Aleena Palidinstar. Piergeiron, lord of the city, discovered that his daughter was being used by a manipulative dilettante and likely became quite furious. Eldoth probably had to flee the city, deciding it was time to use his bardic skills somewhere else.
Sure, the "any given lovers" doesn't specifically say "any given female lovers", but the second half puts a name and "daughter" to this habit.
I'm pretty sure I caught him eyeing up Dorn too.
I'm leaning to Shar-Teel as being reluctantly heterosexual, and much as Aerie and Imoen are an exceptionally good match for any kind of relationship, Imoen has always seemed pretty much asexual to me. Aerie obviously has her things with PC and Haer'Dalis, although she is young for an elf and only now she's left is she able to really start finding out about herself... but that's just a fantasy I sometimes have. Minsc seems pretty much asexual too as he has a child-like mind.
Obviously I try to stick to information in the games as much as possible, but in most cases there isn't really anything with regards to sexuality; it just doesn't come up. So you're free to interpret them however you like.
First to third page will be purely fun with some heat conflicts, 4° page foward someone will express their opinion more harshly, then ppl will take that as homophobic and will start to flame massacre that guy, then some ppl that probally are homophobic would enter the chat to suport the idea of the guy that isn't even a hater, but had a bad use of words.
Then a war with factions will erupt and there's not going to exist middle ground, anyone that try to stay neutral (i'm in this group probally) will be labeled as homophobic and hater by the homoaffect supportive people and probally ignored if not criticized by the haters, then someone will lose the limit and will make VERY harsh statements, then our friend Dee (that i don't make the call cos he probally can't stand anymore calls from me XD) will enter in the debate to give the first warning, the second one will be with red letters, probally in this point, someone will get locked temporary, but this will only serve to infuse more heat in the discussion as if the moderators were taking sides, after the 3° waring in the thread, some more 2 or 3 posts will be made, and then the thread wil be locked.
In-Topic (MY point of view, not to be labeled as right neither wrong, it's just as I see the things):
From my point of view, Shar-Teel isn't lesbian, maybe bissexual, but she's more for a dominatrix for me than a lesbial girl, it's not that she doesn't like mens, she like then, but in her own sick way.
About Imoen, i don't even think relationship passes over her mind, she has a childish behavior, a very friendly one in fact that maybe for that reason induce the idea of easy relationship with anyone.
Garrick, the guy sucks, even if he is in fact homo (what he isn't as we can see in Baldur's Gate 2 where he finish marring an waitress from a tavern) he's so boring that other homossexual guys would not even want him as a partner.
Minsc has a shot view of things, he don't tend to think much about stuffs and deal with them in the simpler way possible, i doubt he would deal or even understand an homosexual approach, i doubt he would understand even an heterosexual approach in fact. For me there's no hint of homosexual behavior on minsc, but then for each one their own.
I can see her as bissexual easy, but also i can see her as straight easy too, she's an open character for point of views, i never gave her any sexual label before, it's an idea to be worked on.
It's complete canon, I checked.
I think Montaron would be the most interesting choice, but really I don't think any of them are from what information we have available, other than perhaps Haer-Dalis (both a man and a woman gave him "presents" at the Five Flagons Inn and there are rumors he was meant to be a bi romance option).
Plus after I slept with Dorn (with a male Charname), she remarked, "You disgust me," and instantly ended my romance with her. I'm pretty sure she was mostly angry that I went with the "ugly" half-orc over her, but the snarky evil sorcerer in me wanted to poke fun and call her a homophobe. :P
I don't care to look it up at the moment, but if the novels came out after the game, I would almost bet that their reason was that imoen suggests charname is an 'odd' fellow.
Also, I don't think she has much against homosexuality, the point was that your PC and Dorn are male, and they see males like "idiots just to have children", added that she surely won't approve any type of relationship with a half orc.
Actually in my BG2:EE run my evil half-elf female Valkyrie (plain fighter with lots of imagination :P) looks at Dorn as if he were another puppet (the same way she looks to Rasaad) of hers to control, when I begun the run in BG:EE I was considering to make BG2:EE solo too, but after hearing of more quests in ToB I definitely got interested about the new NPCs. Now I feel that she is much more an Amazon, she is OK with Viconia and Hexxat (her love interest, she's a ultr-dare-devil!), Neera seems to her too childish as Imoen did, but she's good with Magic (and Neera has a good couple of quests
I'm also fairly sure that most straight guys say they'd totally play with their female parts if they suddenly had them to collect "straight points", as you call it, and in reality, they'd freak out just like Edwin. I think most people would freak out if their bodies were changed into whatever against their will, even in a fantasy world if they know it isn't temporary (i.e. Polymorph Self or other shapeshifting abilities they are used to).
Back on the Edwin thing though, I still think there's a case for him being a self-hating, closeted gay man. The vague boasts of past sexual conquests sound like a smokescreen and even the past fling could have been an attempt to convince himself. I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but if he's NOT a bitter closet case, he's a borderline abuser who avoids the many beautiful women he travels with in favour of vulnerable, submissive girls and prostitutes.
But I know a mod that did a female romance for Nalia and did it fine, and there was going to be a mod that was going to do a female romance for Viconia, and I would have played it. So, I chalk it up to everyone has their own interpretations.
For me, Shar-Teel is hetrosexual (and has hateful one night stands and ends up resenting herself for them), Garrick is straight (and crushes on the stupidest most unavailable women), Imoen... is probably the closest I could see of the options and could possibly be bi (I could see her as one of those people who honestly care nothing for appearance, but only for personality), and Minsc is basically asexual.