The Most Powerful Paladin Class v.2

Continuing my poll series, this time the topic is of paladins! So, who's your favorite? As always, this is for personal preference, and not to say what is the strongest kit. (the title's just for mild alliteration) That said, feel free to debate to your heart's content in the comments! After the Stalker VS. Archer battle we had last week, I'm curious to see if any big divide will occur with the paladins as well. Once again, thanks to Tresset for helping me retrieve my poll options from the first (now deleted) version of this poll.
- The Most Powerful Paladin Class v.2114 votes
- Paladin: What? No, there's no stick in my posterior, why do you ask?6.14%
- Cavalier: For glory and honor!26.32%
- Inquisitor: I CAN SEE EVERYTHING!27.19%
- Undead Hunter: Somebody really hates Twilight.11.40%
- Blackguard: Ever wanted to be an evil paladin? Now you can.19.30%
- Just show me the results.9.65%
I love playing the Cavalier in BG1/BGEE. Having that good resistance in a game where fireball/lightning bolt is the king is just awesome. Also he is immune to fear which is the most commonly used CC from enemy mages and he's immune to poison which makes one of the most annoying fights (spiders) completely harmless. Throw on him a ring of free action for immunity to hold and he can solo the game without problem.
Don't want to pee on your parade, but poison is only so good.
The unkitted Paladin isn't bad, but when I want a plain Paladin I can recruit Ajantis (for BG1).
I reckon Inquisitor is the strongest kit (because loads of True Sight is very useful, and that double-level Dispel is terrific), but when I want an Inquisitor I can recruit Keldorn (for BG2).
Blackguard gives us a pretty good Evil option, but when I want a Blackguard I can recruit Dorn (for both BG1 and BG2).
For a Paladin protagonist, I'd rather go with a kit not already provided by the game, so either Cavalier or Undead Hunter, and I find Cavalier more interesting. (However, I've never actually tried an Undead Hunter, although I've already got one rolled up and awaiting a later run.)
I didn't mean to cause an argument and apologize if it came forward as that. It just makes me raise an eyebrow when people say the Blackguard is an amazing mage killer. While they are good mage killers, they aren't nearly as good at it as an Inquisitor is. And there are certain combinations of protection spells that the Blackguard can't touch, while the Inquisitor will win it easily.
This will be my last post when it comes to Blackguard Vs Inquisitor, didn't want to turn this thread into a discussion about that. We all have our different opinions
[Edited]: Edited Cavalier to Inquisitor, Thank you for pointing out my writing error FinneousPJ.
The concept of the dark knight (Anti-Paladins, Blackguards etc) is really awesome as well. I would have probably played one in BGEE if Dorn hadn't been one...
edit: spelling correction dark night is nothing special, dark knight is
Also, when you consider the events of the main story, the Undead Hunter is quite handy.
(Also I *really* hate level drain.)
Mechanically, I don't think there's much doubt that the Inquisitor is the most powerful, however.
"If i can kill vampires, i can kill anything!". It wasn't that easy once he reached the dragons, but with enough reloads he eventually got through it all and won over Irenicus.
Edit : The Inquisitor's dispel magic will also "cure" your team from Mirror Image / Stoneskin / Haste / every others buffs and remove all the CCs and debuffs you threw on your foes. Plus mages in SCS very frequently cast Spell Immunity : Abjuration, so I really don't value much the Inquisitor.
It's not as obvious in the vanilla game with the exception of liches and very high level mages with mislead, but once you play with SCS you'll notice it more often.
Would also like to mention that you can only attack one mage at a time, with an Inquisitor you can remove all protection spells from EVERYONE around you much faster than the Blackguard will even kill one. You can also remove enemy spells that affect your own party members.
[Edited] : This will be my last post in this thread, as it's hard not to get into a discussion about things that aren't part of the topic.
But, it does bypass a dragon's stoneskin, and only 2 Dragons are immune to poison... So... LET'S USE A BLACKGUARD TO KILL THEM (or an Assassin->Mage with Melf's and Improveed Haste).
Even in the vanilla game I remember only 1 mage that used Mislead against me, it was the mage in the room before Firkraag's lair.
To go back on topic (you're totally right on that
I can even record a video of my Blackguard poisoning Edwin if you want, both in an unmodded and a modded (SCS) version of the game.