Do you pay your companions?

Being a silly roleplayer I usually pay my companions before kicking them from the group. I pay them 50g for each day they were with me. I use the CLUAConsole:AddGold("-") command to remove the gold from myself to *simulate* the companion taking it. You can check their total days in the stat screen. Does anyone else do this?
I think the game would benifit from some kind of wage system. Right now you can use, abuse, and rob any companion and they don't care... They even wait around for you to come back! Imagine if they demanded a cut of the gold each week, or refused to leave the group(without violence) unless you pay them for their services.
Imoen, Jaheira and Khalid would probably work for free, but Kagain(a bloody mercenary...), Safana(treasure hunting pirate), and Eldoth(a full blown asshole), etc, should definitely demand payment of some kind.
I think the game would benifit from some kind of wage system. Right now you can use, abuse, and rob any companion and they don't care... They even wait around for you to come back! Imagine if they demanded a cut of the gold each week, or refused to leave the group(without violence) unless you pay them for their services.
Imoen, Jaheira and Khalid would probably work for free, but Kagain(a bloody mercenary...), Safana(treasure hunting pirate), and Eldoth(a full blown asshole), etc, should definitely demand payment of some kind.
We're friends and I don't want money to spoil our relationship.
Also, when I meet them again during my adventure, I stay a bit and we all drink for our future!
I have never done it personally but I doubt you're the only one.
You are correct of course, it would be a cold day in hell before Kagain worked for nothing... and Eldoth... well let's not go into Eldoth
I release them of the their burden.
and I do give Safana one or two pearls after the "hidden treasure" quest!
I'm a big softy - I only use other NPCs for a very short time, to keep me alive till I can pick up my full team. Then I kind of get attached to the team I've got, so I don't dump them.
I'd rather cut them down than give them my ale!
Yeah, peasants don't make much at all. I remember reading even trained soldiers only cost around 5gp per month(after you supply the arms and armor). But that still seems strange, since the average watered down pish they sell in taverns costs around 3gp...
"Hey Khalid... I can't pay you this month. But let me introduce you to my friend... Loda Booty."
What I was thinking about was how heavy would the pay packets be at 50 gp a day. I know - it's daft to think about things like thatin the very much simplified world of the realms we find in the BG games ... but I'm in a daft mood.
Even though it hurts.
However, I don't leave them with magical gear, except that I'll leave a mage robe on a wizard (an ordinary one, not an archmage robe!), and I'll usually leave them their special personal kit even if it's magical (e.g. Neera gets to keep Neera's Staff, etc.)
I don't see the need for more "pay" than that, even when I'm role-playing a goody-goody. I'll have helped them complete their personal quests (if they have any), I'll have paid for their lodgings and healthcare while they were with my party, the mundane kit I'm leaving them is probably better than they had when we met, and I'll be leaving them with a valuable increase in experience (and probably level). Thus I can't see that they've got much to complain about, they're better off than they started.
For Monty and Kagain it is payment. I also give scroll cases to Edwin.
For Imoen it is because I just assume she pickpockets them
The one funny thin I used to do with Nalia was have her drop gems off in the slums. For the needy!