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Keeping items at start in BG2:EE, like it was in BG1?



  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    I believe it's already been said but I think you certainly should not keep your items. Firstly, it makes no sense. Irenicus would never put you in a cell with all your powerful magical items. . . Even if he thinks you aren't a threat to him, it's just not a logical thing to do.

    Secondly, I wouldn't mind a handful of items being reintroduced, possibly a couple spread around Chateu Irenicus but for the most part I like it the way it is.

    It would seriously affect early game balance. Part of the fun for me was the quest to recover all the items that elven bastard has stolen from me. I got great pleasure out of finding a sword that used to be mine and recovering it.

    I don't know if the original team got half way through implementing importable items (There are a handful that import) then decided against it? I'm not sure but I do think the pause and drop trick was certainly a bug. Insulting the current dev team really doesn't change it. :P

    Anyway, that's my two cents. Please don't change it to much. By all means, implement some of the old items, Varscona for example I don't think appears in BG2 if I recall. But don't let the player keep all their items. . .
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited July 2014
    @CaloNord, you are missing my point.

    I personally believe that the people that

    1) want to keep all their items at the start of BG2
    2) want to do the above without using mods

    are crazy.

    However, even crazy people deserve to play the game as they like it, especially when this does not affect in the slightest the enjoyment of others, like in the case of this particular exploit.

    So the devs were IMO wrong in removing the exploit. However, putting it back now it would be an even worse mistake as they should focus, at least for now, on more important issues.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    @Erg‌ Exactly. Should it be in the vanilla game? No. It doesn't make sense and the original didn't do it so Beamdog shouldn't make the Enhanced Edition do it.

    Should it be a mod, sure. Then those that want it can have it the way they like.

    Easy said easy done.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975

    If devs really think item importing was a "bug" then please, resign from your "job" now. Not trying to be rude but that's just calling something a bug because you don't want to fix the bug in YOUR game that isn't allowing it.

    EDIT: Just because someone took the time to fix your messup in mod form doesn't mean you leave the problem alone. A mod could easily be made that adds all of your few pieces of new content but you'd sue them for copyright infringement. It's not the players job to fix bugs on a game that they paid money on, it's the jobs of the people being paid to make/update the game.

    I believe you should inform yourself better before posting these kind of statements: the origin of that exploit was clarified in the previous page. Leaving in your inventory the Golden Pantaloons was intended, but to keep your whole inventory was not:
    CamDawg said:

    The original devs had a special exception to detect and import the golden pantaloons before nuking your equipment, and EE doesn't change this. In fact, the sloppy pantaloon check was one of the reasons why this exploit existed to begin with.

    And well, you were trying to not be rude, but you failed.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited July 2014
    CaloNord said:

    @Erg‌ Exactly. Should it be in the vanilla game? No. It doesn't make sense and the original didn't do it so Beamdog shouldn't make the Enhanced Edition do it.

    Should it be a mod, sure. Then those that want it can have it the way they like.

    Easy said easy done.

    @CaloNord, sorry but I think you are still missing my point. Actually, I'm not even sure we are talking about the same thing as the exploit I'm talking about it's still present in the original BG2, but it has been removed by BGII:EE.

    To clarify, I mean this exploit (the quote inside the spoiler tag is from Dan Simpson's FAQ/Walkthrough)

    [spoiler=Exploit]Start with All your Old Items:
    [from Dranyth]

    When importing a character from BG, or even re-importing a character from BG2
    to go through again, you can retain your character's equipment in the
    beginning of the game (I imagine this would work in multiplayer as well as
    single player, but I've only tried it in single player). First, give your
    character all the great stuff you want to start with and then Export him to a
    character file, then start BG2 and start a single player game, importing your
    freshly exported character with all his goodies as your new character. Then
    when you finish your character creation it begins loading the first area, as
    soon as the loading screen completes but before it actually starts the game,
    hit the Spacebar once, now when the game starts you should be on a black
    screen and paused.

    If the game isn't paused, you'll have to start over after the whole in-game
    sequence is over, but if the game is paused you should have your sidebars up
    and everything (if it's a completely black screen you'll need to hit H to
    reveal the hidden sidebars), and you can go into your character's inventory.

    Immediately put all of your character's stuff on the ground, then exit his
    inventory and unpause the game, that first cry you give is where you lose
    everything that is on your character. Now, after the sequence is over and
    you're finished talking with Imoen (when you first have control over
    yourself), go back into your inventory and you'll see that all of your stuff
    is on the ground right where you left it, actually sitting on the floor of
    your cage. Take your advanced equipment and go forth to kick evil butt![/spoiler]

    Edit: nevermind, I read again your post, and it looks like I was the one missing your point :)
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you meant the exploit shouldn't be in the original game, not that it isn't in the original game. I still disagree, but at least we understand each other :)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    @Erg Was it a bug? In the original?
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited July 2014
    CaloNord said:

    @Erg Was it a bug? In the original?

    No, it was an exploit.

    IMO bugs and exploits are not the same thing, at least not always. Bugs ruin the game, and some exploits do the same, but others, like this one, are harmless, so removing them only make the game less enjoyable to some people, without improving the game for others.

    Edit: let's try a different approach. You played the original game. Did the existence of that particular exploit ever bother you? Did it make the game less enjoyable for you just because you knew that existed?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,812
    No. I never used it but I knew it was there. This is true. What I was going to suggest after some thought, if they wanted to, why don't that make it a free piece of optional DLC? If you want it, download the little patch that allowed you to keep your items without needing to be speedy on the pause. Then it's still a piece of official DLC, which is important to some people. Some people don't like mods, I don't know why but it's their thing.

    But no, I agree with you. It's not a problem either way really. I would just like it tidied up in a neat little package with a pretty little bow on it at some point. Exploits, while sometimes handy feel a little like cheating. At least to me. :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2014

    Uhm. Items importing to the next game are NOT a bug. It's completely intentional. There's two ways to prove this:
    1. Ever wondered what those Bronze, Silver, and Gold Pantaloons are for? You take them to a engineer in ToB that turns them into a suit of Armor that has a -10 AC and makes you look like a golem. He also gives you a crossbow and special bullets for it.
    2. There's three options when importing characters in Multiplayer games. A. They just keep their stats/race/class. B. They keep stats/race/class, and experience. OR C. They keep stats/race/class, experience, AND ITEMS!

    If devs really think item importing was a "bug" then please, resign from your "job" now. Not trying to be rude but that's just calling something a bug because you don't want to fix the bug in YOUR game that isn't allowing it.

    1. As was already pointed out in the thread there are specific files that determine what can be imported (by charname anyways). That includes the pantaloons among other things. But not everything (only a handful of items basically).

    2. In the original BG2 having that option on while playing multiplayer still results in you losing all your items (on all characters you have at that moment) when you wake up in Irenicus's dungeon. So again this isn't evidence of them intending for you to have them at the start of the game. BG2 is a big game and they probably just wanted to give players the option of importing experienced and well equipped characters into a previously started multiplayer game.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    Erg said:

    It looks like I'm failing to make my point understandable. So I'll try to simplify things as much as possible:

    How it was before:

    1) people that didn't like the exploit, could just ignore it. They were happy.
    2) people that did like the exploit could use it. They were happy too.
    3) everyone was happy

    How it is now:

    1) people that don't like the exploit are still happy.
    2) people that like the exploit can't use it anymore. They aren't happy anymore.
    3) Not everyone is happy, also because not everyone uses mods

    The purpose of a game is not being perfect, but it is to entertain as many players as possible.

    Good analysis, all in all. Yet, there is a mistake, i believe... In the EEs. You. Can. Import. Your faqing characters, from the originals! And they even keep a good variety of the items they carried there! I might be wrong, but i highly believe, that: "Everyone is happy, now, still!"!

    EE entertained me. Because i like "bugs" exploits, i hate cheats (console and editor), and i never use mods, but it has one very unbalanced, gamebreaking bug, that i fell in love with it! The afforementioned! Importing your maxed character from ToB directly to BG1EE was the sweetest experience i ever had!

    Win win for everyone. Let those who hate bugs have them disappear. The hard built characters, made with abusing cheesehead upon pile of cheesehead, are even able to import in here! And export import works as fine, shadily, cheesily and cheaply, as it ever did, and even better! Hurray! I am happy too!
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    Please don't try and speak for everyone. Personally I'm happier that the exploit has been removed and that the game is now that little bit closer to what the original designers intended.

    And yes, I know I could have just not used the exploit (and often I didnt), but the same could be said of many other exploits in the game (simulacrums, project image, ranger/cleric, etc). I'm happier with this exploit removed so that I'm not even tempted to try it.

    If people want this feature back then they can easily mod the game, so I don't see it as much of an issue.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I made a mod for this. It is a single file placed in the override folder that does nothing but allow your main character to keep his stuff. Unfortunately it duplicates stuff that is generated if you already carry it.

    It can be found here

    If you want it. Download it. If anyone would like tweak to it. Please ask.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Wow, a lot of verbal violence in the 2° page, well: My opinion is that none of BG items should be carried through BG2, except the ones always there and maybe 3 sets of items that were intended to be carried on (2 of these scripts are innactive if i'm not wrong).

    What i think that could be done, is make Charname find these items outside Irenicus Dungeon (not all of them but some of them) with some references of the item belonging to the party member if one of the NPCs carried from BG to BG2 are in the party (edwin, viconia, minsc, imoem).

    A lot are already in BG2, but with no reference or special banter, only that.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    It's like asking Derek Jeter to bat with his eyes closed because you enjoy games more when the Yankees score fewer runs.

    To be fair, I would be totally fine with that.
  • GreenpaktoGreenpakto Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2014
    I started this thread at September 2013 and its still active. Clearly people are STILL upset about this, I think its time for the developers to have a change of heart in this matter.

    I also consider the "storyline unrealistic" view being DUMB for one primary reason. We could import items in Baldurs Gate, and thats not very "story-true" is it? Read my last post in the first page if you still dont get why keeping items in even Baldurs Gate 1 also breaks storyline, just as starting in a cage with items would.

    Baldurs gate (and Icewind Dale) franchise IMO is carried by EXPORT and IMPORT of characters, and basically the first PC game ever to implement this feature extremely well. Taking away PARTS of this feature was and still is an unnecessary move, when it DID in fact exist in the original game, exploit or not.

    I for one can honestly say the game has become less fun, since this change. Generally because I am forced to cheat BACK my items every single time I export my character from TOB (same goes from Baldurs Gate). Its bothersome and it also breaks the game to resort to cheats. I now BECAUSE of this, know how to cheat-teleport my character wherever I want, transform him into a Dragon, add full level. And once I started doing it, I lost interest in the games slow progression system (leveling, gathering items and etc). THINGS I didnt know how to do before, nor wanted to...

    Me having to resort to cheat console has broken the game a little for me, its just not as fun anymore (and this comes from someone whos been playing the original game since its release date). And it wouldnt surprise me if the same has happened to others.
    CaloNord said:

    This is true. What I was going to suggest after some thought, if they wanted to, why don't that make it a free piece of optional DLC? If you want it, download the little patch that allowed you to keep your items without needing to be speedy on the pause. Then it's still a piece of official DLC, which is important to some people. Some people don't like mods, I don't know why but it's their thing.

    This does make sense. But even if the "exploit" were still in the officially patched game the players could still choose, to import items or not. Even to drop all items BEFORE exporting the character of their choosing. Thats why removing this "feaure/exploit" IMO were a unnecessary move in the first place. But the right idea is to implement it again, but this time as a basic feature (just as it were in Baldurs Gate, OR add all items to a locked chest that requires a certain strenght of 20+ or lockpick skill very high or lockpick spell), then its up to the players if they want to keep items or not.
  • Demonoid_LimewireDemonoid_Limewire Member Posts: 424
    Heya! You CAN keep your hard earned items from 1! Just because some people were inconsiderate enough to treat this game as an MMO, doesn't mean that they were HALF any good, to actually remove all cheese and holes! Start a game in multiplayer, with an irrelevant character, which later you are going to DELETE and replace with your REAL main. Just after Imoen sets you free, and the autosave takes place, load game, delete main, import your REAL main, and after imoen, simply import your stash characters, or your exported characters from 1, that happen to carry your items.

    Load game, and voila.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited August 2014

    I started this thread at September 2013 and its still active. Clearly people are STILL upset about this, I think its time for the developers to have a change of heart in this matter.

    The issue was addressed 6 months before release. There is a mod available for those that want to revert back to how it used to be. I don't see why its an issue that should be relooked at, particularly given the state of BG2EE. This thread was basically dead between September 2013 and may 2014 (or about 6 months after release), so its not as if many people have been very vocal post-release about it no longer being an option. If you want it mod your game or play the original.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    edited August 2014
    I still ask to myself why one can't simply accept the story as is.

    And this thread should be closed. Keeping this debate going on at this point is pointless: this is a continuos to reiterate the same point of view and there is a virtual stall.
    I'm saying "virtual" because basically the debate is closed: everyone has said his point of view and after weighting every possibility developers gave their final answer, so the very objective of the OP is dead now.
  • GreenpaktoGreenpakto Member Posts: 80
    edited August 2014

    I still ask to myself why one can't simply accept the story as is.

    And this thread should be closed. Keeping this debate going on at this point is pointless: this is a continuos to reiterate the same point of view and there is a virtual stall.
    I'm saying "virtual" because basically the debate is closed: everyone has said his point of view and after weighting every possibility developers gave their final answer, so the very objective of the OP is dead now.

    Why should the mods close down an active thread? So that the community should be silenced when they have an opinion? It would be very rude to close down what a lot of players consider a serious issue. And to be honest, this is a perfectly good debate, just as any. Theres no bad words in the threads, its simply an ACTIVE debate. When you say its NOT active you're speaking a complete and utter lie... Why would you be here otherwise, unless you want to state your view on the matter?. I havent even been here for 10 months, and when I come back to join an already ongoing discussion, you say,
    -"Close it down, cause I dont want this feature anyway, and developers dont want to listen to you Greenpakto, or any other"...
    Basically thats what your saying, in other words, even though I just recently joined the discussion again, and plenty people agree with my orginal post. If you dont want to be here, you dont have to stay. You can let the disappointed continue to ask for this feature back, and let the mods (and devs) watch this thread for bad words or negative attitude, because that alone could be a warrant for closing down an active "debate-thread".
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    I'm not saying that this thread is dead an "not active", but it's dead as the OP request has been debated throughly and answered by devs so there's no point in to keep asking again and again.
    That's why I'm saying that this thread is in stall by keeping to reiterate the same concepts over and over even if an official answer has already been given.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited August 2014
    elminster said:

    If you want it mod your game or play the original

    @elminster, that was very rude of you.

    It's like telling to a vegetarian to eat meat.

    I really don't understand what some people have against mods, to the point of utterly refusing to install them no matter what, but they have every right to enjoy the game too, especially when this does not prevent you from enjoying the game as well.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I agree. Mods can be meaty...
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited August 2014

    Seriously this request is ridiculous. Use the multiplayer import option. Or apply a simple mod to your game. Response: "No! Cheating ruins the game, except when it's cheating in the particular way that I want to cheat! The devs should take time away from their paid work and add a bug to the game, so I can cheat without calling it cheating (sort of). And they should do it for free!"

    Get over it man. It's not gonna happen. I don't think they should have to work for free. But I tell you what: for $5 I'll code up a patch that you can apply to your game that will enable you to retain gear that the game is not supposed to let you keep. Would that satisfy you? (Though, you could save yourself $5 by just using the patch that a kindly forum colleague has already posted in this very thread... but no, that would make too much sense.)

    It looks like a clarification is in order.

    @subtledoctor, few months ago I would have agreed with you, but now I've changed my mind and while I don't need the exploit myself, I have enough empathy left to understand why some people may like it.

    Mind you, I'm not saying that the exploit should be put back in (so I'm not requesting anything, but that's just me and of course I don't speak for the OP or other people in this discussion), but that it was IMO wrong to remove it in the first place, because

    1) it was innocuous
    2) some people were fond of it
    3) the developers should have focused on more high priority targets, like testing and fixing real bugs

    Edit: an additional clarification to avoid starting a debate on a moot point: by innocuous I don't mean that the exploit didn't unbalance the game, of course it did, but just that people not interested in it could simply not use it.
    Post edited by Erg on
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    I've made a file for this... If you want it...

    It is just copy and paste? Are the arguments neccesar- nevermind...

    *Anduin shambles off*
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2014
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  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    CamDawg said:

    The thread is alive!

    I'd like to add this was an INTENTIONAL FEATURE for veteran players... the proof is in the easter egg with the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Platoons. In BG2, ToB you can turn them in for a statue that makes you a golem and a "bazooka". I feel that Beamdog did an injustice by taking out this feature. I've been playing this game since it was made and I also enjoy the mods that have been produced... so its an error on their part.

    The original devs had a special exception to detect and import the golden pantaloons before nuking your equipment, and EE doesn't change this. In fact, the sloppy pantaloon check was one of the reasons why this exploit existed to begin with.
    bengoshi said:


    Well, I'm against it because many of BG1 items are actually shattered through BG2 locations so that you'll be able to find them eventually. The major absentees are only a few, e.g. the Cloak of Balduran and the Spider's Bane. Now we even have the Dagger of Venom in BG2:EE.

    Just from a pragmatic view, this is exceptionally problematic. We could, in theory, account for known uniques imported via this fashion and sub them where they normally occur--e.g. if you brought in Ashideena, you'd have to remove/replace Ashideena in its normal location in the dungeon below the Temple District. This is difficult, but doable, but this becomes exponentially more difficult when you allow everything instead of the smaller subset on the import lists (and still doesn't solve, say, the OP nature of Balduran's Cloak).

    From a gameplay standpoint, the game expects you to come out of the dungeon more or less naked--a fully equipped party could conceivably resist Irenicus or the CWs in the escape cutscene, and being fully geared means you could probably just sell your loot and go straight to Spellhold instead of exploring the city and getting your stronghold.

    There's also the problem of whether this is a rational Irenicus action. While Irenicus would keep some items for himself--scrolls, some potions, etc.--the rest would likely be sold to fund Bohdi's ongoing war with the Shadow Thieves.
    Not trying an vita mortis careo but... with the evolution of the project, the import02 is able to be used now? And wouldn't be something rasoable and easy to re-introduce some old items (as cloak of balduran) in the game again? Maybe through an new quest or something like that? A background for new items from BG to BGII would be appreciated also (how they managed to carry from one game to another).
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