Javelins Weidu

Some people noticed that there where Javelins in the gamefiles. They work but the coding was not finished.
To make unloved items more loveable, I first put some work in Clubs. Now the spears are next, by fixing the ranged version, the JAVELIN . there is one in the game files, and it works. But the coding was not consistent with spears and trowing axes. I fixed that and put it in stores that sell spears (and in the missle store of the Black Pits).
Its Weidu, Try it out (it should work)
Its not for BG2:EE at the moment. soon it will be.
If you want to use it in bg2ee, you can delete the stores in the tp2. And replace them with the stores where you want to put them in.
If there is need for magical and/or returning javelins. I can make them!
Leave a Like or comment if you try it, because I have no way to now if there are downloaders. I like to know if my mods are used!
To make unloved items more loveable, I first put some work in Clubs. Now the spears are next, by fixing the ranged version, the JAVELIN . there is one in the game files, and it works. But the coding was not consistent with spears and trowing axes. I fixed that and put it in stores that sell spears (and in the missle store of the Black Pits).
Its Weidu, Try it out (it should work)
Its not for BG2:EE at the moment. soon it will be.
If you want to use it in bg2ee, you can delete the stores in the tp2. And replace them with the stores where you want to put them in.
If there is need for magical and/or returning javelins. I can make them!
Leave a Like or comment if you try it, because I have no way to now if there are downloaders. I like to know if my mods are used!
Post edited by artificial_sunlight on
Please leave your ideas hints tips and comments below.
So gloves of endless javelins.
I will also make my mods BG2:EE compatible, but I have never played BG:EE past the Naskel Mines. So I need more time to play :P Modding and testing just takes to much time.
1-handed Javelins
Less damage- more Spartan
I definitly try this, if have the time! Great work @artificial_sunlight !
another simple idea for a magical javelin is a phasing javelin.
since javelins are hefty weapons they can sustain substantial combat enchantments and because they're mostly made of wood i associate with them nature-related/druidic proc's, for example:
- save (weak) vs. entangle on hit
- x% chance call lightning on hit
- x% chance + save dolorous decay on hit
- miscast magic, poison, elemental damage etc.
- additional damage against some abberation type (beholders etc.)
another crazy idea for a high level item would be a javelin that passes through creatures (like a lightning bolt) ... but for that reason the strength requirement might be something like 22
a powerful beastmaster-only javelin might be a good idea too
Because I like modding but, I barely have time for testing, let alone playing. So I don't know what weapons are needed.
Spears with +2 vs undead and spiders (against drow :P) are needed I think. (A stake on a stick)
bonus against spiders sounds nice. bonus against animals might also make sense because it's an archetypal hunting tool.
I am working on de mod now:
Lightning short spear 2d6 lightning damage - x% chance call lightning on hit (in the works)
Silvertip spear of Selune (only wieldable by neutral or good) (in the works)
assassins short spear, become invisible when trown (limited availability)
Change all the weights from 5 => 2 (as per P&P)
I only need nice BAMs
Here are some Lightning short spear pics:
I can't select the lightning bolt Projectile only an spinning lightning flash (any ideas?)
Looks pretty cool
As for clubs, I think that thief club that drops someone uncouncious (dealing no damage) after sneak attack would be cool.
And I think this game needs more throwing daggers. +1 and +2 versions, maybe also magic version that returns to owner.
Still, I've just thrown (no pun intended) an idea for more throwing weapons.
1 handed javelins are not implemented. I did not have many reactions so I thought no one was using the mod. I have a bunch of half finished work, on 1 handed and magical javelins. But not much time to test.
So for one thing (and this is probably beyond the scope of the mod) the javelin is still considered a melee weapon for the purposes of party AI, so for instance using BP Series AI Scripts, the character will treat it as a melee weapon and switch to another ranged weapon instead of throwing a javelin. It does this sometimes with some other ranged weapons (like the Staff of Wizardry's ranged attack), so that's probably not something you could fix. But for two, the melee and ranged modes are labeled as the opposite for me; picking ranged causes the character to have 1 equipped javelin, close in and use melee attacks, picking melee shows the whole stack, but the character throws a javelin. Now, the character WILL attack with thrown javelins in melee mode (only if the AI script if turned off for the character or party AI is off), but the speed factor (labeled as 6) is fairly abysmal, 3-5 seconds standing still between attacks - it's like using a crossbow with gimped bolts. Druids are better off using a +1 sling with enchanted bullets for ranged combat.
If javelins were a little faster and did more damage, particularly if they were 1-handed so Druids could use them with bucklers, and if you made some unique or enchanted versions, then they might be worth using, but as of right now it's mostly just an impractical novelty.
I like the club mod. If you decided to follow through with making new, fully functional javelins, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one to use them. I definitely like the idea of lightning and anti-undead javelins (someone should make anti-undead/vampire "stakes" as crossbow ammo).
^ Behold My Improved B.A.M. Files!
I think that I can help you out good sir. Or Madam, Kobald or Gibberling.. *Tilts Head - Inquisitive Eye* Dwarf?
So what are you looking for? Also what and how many 'spearish' (That English) items are in need of "nice BAMs" [good person(s)]?
I see that you have been active on the forum lately, so at the
riskcertainty of committing threadomancy, have you had a chance to work on this mod lately? Is it available for BG2ee now? I love the idea of javelins. The lightning spear especially would be an amazing item for a Talos cleric.Edit: obviously, if you don't want to continue with it!
Edit2: and yes, @artificial_sunlight , i would love to get my hands on any unfinished work. I'll be happy to complete it
@WarChiefZeke did a great one handed javelin and shield combo for his Ishlilka mod. The throwing graphic is right on it for that.