Can you please share some with me, getting NeXT to nothing at the moment. Only about 50kb/s
They used to have a "Turbo" option which as I understood it might help with slow speeds. Not sure if that will help or not though and it might just been for downloads in the client.
Can you please share some with me, getting NeXT to nothing at the moment. Only about 50kb/s
They used to have a "Turbo" option which as I understood it might help with slow speeds. Not sure if that will help or not though and it might just been for downloads in the client.
Thanks for the tip. Anyway not a major concern as its not playable until tomorrow, and I guess being in Norway am not the first in line when it comes being granted Place in the downlaoding Queue
Does anyone know what will be the IWD1EE folder install number folder name?
i just pre-ordered for the hell of it the whole new thing to make my own opinion again.. from Beamdog. (just heard of it a few days ago.. right in time it seems^).. but my standard beamdog installer is definitively broken (can't open it anymore..since BG1EE 2nd update..tried everthg usual, nothing worked ,( ).
I know i could totally bypass my BG2EE install thx to that trick last time.. 1. connect on Beamdog page & account 2. DL the direct torrent link directly from 00766 = BG1EE 00783 = BG2EE 3. Use a standard torrent soft DLer (Deluge, qBitorrent, utorrent, all ok) for the full DL.
so.. what will be the new ##### for IWD1EE ?
TIA (thx in advance)
crossing fingers it will still work (always ok for BG1EE/ my lsat BG1EE patch like that yesterday, was always ok).. was perfect for BG2EE first install too (same pb)..
If that's not to have a kind of (blind) faith, that.. again !.. / I do not know too much the IWD universe/lore (at all..missed it totally back on those days), so can't be a bad idea actually.. preview seems nice, clean images and all..good idea..might be even more useful than for the BG1/2EE revamping thing, for that one, maybe.. crossing fingers now.. //! (and still waiting for the 1.3 BG2EE patch..but another thing too, that..hoping will be ok too..for the vast majority of BG2EE bugs left at least! can't wait to test it again too, that one..*) ).
Oh I miss the days of my 12mb per second cable. Oh well. At work now and it's on DL at home! Can't wait! Thanks everyone! Will spent approx 1hr perfecting my party before taking them on an epic journey of a lifetime!
well.. working too now, here! ) don't know what i am DLing right now exactly but.... the DL is going up to 850/950KiB/s average.. and i upload back up to 1.8MiB/s... oops, right now DL up to 7.5Mib/s (briefly); what happened?! ) Well, i will not saturate my new 500/200 fiber line, that's ok for me.. &can't say i did not share my part (ups) back.. ) PS: 2.5Gb size btw.. last BG1EE was 2.3, & last BG2EE 2.6.. sounds good too, i'd say..!)
Nice one sunset00! Whereabouts are you? I'm in Australia and it's the 30th now so I'm hoping when I get home I'll be able to play it. The wait has been long but it'll be worth it I'm sure.
Europa/fr here..and that's 2014/10/29 22h35 right now.. DL complete and..yeah, now i get it was the pre-DL so.. the exe should follow soon then) Not in a hurry here anyway..i was just curious to see somethng was DLed at all, actually ps: build-date.txt --> Tue Oct 28 15:29:58 MDT 2014 )
At least that's what the tech guy said when I asked. But he gave me a dirty look, so I'm only like... 95% sure on that.
edit : ho my bad i had to get it on beamdog, coze i remember last time we had an e-mail with a link for bg.
i just pre-ordered for the hell of it the whole new thing to make my own opinion again.. from Beamdog. (just heard of it a few days ago.. right in time it seems^).. but my standard beamdog installer is definitively broken (can't open it anymore..since BG1EE 2nd update..tried everthg usual, nothing worked ,( ).
I know i could totally bypass my BG2EE install thx to that trick last time..
1. connect on Beamdog page & account
2. DL the direct torrent link directly from
00766 = BG1EE
00783 = BG2EE
3. Use a standard torrent soft DLer (Deluge, qBitorrent, utorrent, all ok) for the full DL.
so.. what will be the new ##### for IWD1EE ?
TIA (thx in advance)
crossing fingers it will still work (always ok for BG1EE/ my lsat BG1EE patch like that yesterday, was always ok).. was perfect for BG2EE first install too (same pb)..
If that's not to have a kind of (blind) faith, that.. again !..
I do not know too much the IWD universe/lore (at all..missed it totally back on those days), so can't be a bad idea actually.. preview seems nice, clean images and all..good idea..might be even more useful than for the BG1/2EE revamping thing, for that one, maybe.. crossing fingers now.. //! (and still waiting for the 1.3 BG2EE patch..but another thing too, that..hoping will be ok too..for the vast majority of BG2EE bugs left at least! can't wait to test it again too, that one..*) ).
ps: build-date.txt --> Tue Oct 28 15:29:58 MDT 2014 )
\Looks out the window
It's grey, it's cold, it might even snow here tonight in Edmonton. It feels like Icewind Dale is just around the corner.
So, 15 or so hours left!