Your favorite weapons

in Off-Topic
Some weapons are just a joy to use. Name yours.
I'll start with:
1) Celestial fury used by a solo fighter/thief, either multi- or dual-class. That noise, and the graphic, are just sublime, and then you get to chop them to bits while they stand there stunned. I could do this all day.
2) I'm currently playing Fallout new Vegas, with a sneaky sniper type character, I've just put 100 * in guns, and dug out my anti-materiel rifle. I'd tried it before, with around 60 * guns, and it was so bad I reverted to the trusty basic sniper-rifle. Now I'm ready, and it is good. Satisfying gunshot sound, and .. well, I dropped the first super-mutant here in one shot.
I'll start with:
1) Celestial fury used by a solo fighter/thief, either multi- or dual-class. That noise, and the graphic, are just sublime, and then you get to chop them to bits while they stand there stunned. I could do this all day.
2) I'm currently playing Fallout new Vegas, with a sneaky sniper type character, I've just put 100 * in guns, and dug out my anti-materiel rifle. I'd tried it before, with around 60 * guns, and it was so bad I reverted to the trusty basic sniper-rifle. Now I'm ready, and it is good. Satisfying gunshot sound, and .. well, I dropped the first super-mutant here in one shot.

My favorite weapon is the spread gun from contra 1-4. Supreme butt kicking with that bad boy.
A well outfitted army with spears and tower shields makes and excellent holding force that can deal with nearly anything.
If I had to pick a specific weapon I'd go for the silver sword in the NWN2 intro
for now some weapons made for killing:
swords in Destiny- something was insanely awesome about the FPS turning into a 3rd person hack and slash
torque bow, Gears of War- thought i might say the lancer, but I find bows very satisfying, more so than a chainsaw
power fish/ballistic fist, Fallout series- i gained a huge appreciation for these after meeting veronica in new vegas. really high melee damage, and who doesn't want to punch somebody and have their head explode? (i am not even going to bother fixing my spelling there, and i noticed it before even posting
sticky grenades, a few games but most notably Halo- very satisfying when you hit your target. it can also be satisfying on the recieving end if you can blow up the thrower with you!
edit: Metal Gear or other controllable giant robots- thinking of Metal Gear I thought of that ray vs rex fight and how awesome that was
cardboard box, metal gear- this one is too obvious for me to not include it
magazine, metal gear- same as before. it is great watching those incompetant guards leave their posts to check it out
honestly I'll end it there. I've spent longer than I should have to think of those, and I've used many weapons better than those tbh. I am just having problems thinking of them right now. I wanted to include fantasy weapons, yet I couldn't think of the really unique ones that I know are out there that I've used.
I hate compound bows though - especially when you add sights with spirit levels, vernier gauges on the arrow rests, stabilisers, release aids...might as well get a machine to shoot it for you. :P
I also agree that spears are the most useful on a medieval battlefield, but there's something about a sword - particularly a longsword - that conveys a romantic image of skill and finesse, although I myself prefer to use single-handed swords, together with either a dagger or a buckler (mainly because I fight less well with a longsword than a single-hander!).
I also don't like curved swords...only straight swords with two edges and a tip for stabbing, and with a decent guard.
Third place would have to be the quarterstaff, but only when used properly, not the lame Hollywood half-staff style always portrayed in films, because that's the silly way to use it!
Unfortunately I only know how to use one of these things... And even then, I'm out of practice. >.>;;
No saving throw. Available to every class
I've always liked fire axes... and yes... spades and shovels.
And with such legendary wpm , you're monster-kill.
@bengoshi , reminded me of the song :
and "creeps up like a thief in the night" makes me remember this song , too :
I prefer polearm baba in diablo 2.
However in BG and D&D series I liked longsword.
But if there were a firearms then I would choose M16, Loved its recoil since 2003.
Or may be you spoilerized yourself that you are bored. That could do as well. Why not ?