
I never played tutu but a friend told me that they made Ajantis proficent in two handed weapons??? Iam i the only person that thought that was odd considering that he used sword and shield in the original and does anyone know if they are going to do that in enhanced edition?
Anyway, I also prefer to leave Ajantis as is, with Sword and Shield.
easiest is the Allow player to choose NPC proficiencies and skills component of Sword Coast Stratagems.
BG2 Tweaks (also works on Tutu) component TOB style NPC's makes you pick points from a certain starting level onwards (giving control not of their starting situation, but control of their progress beyond the first few levels) .
Most extensive, given even the option to change classes, is the Level 1 NPC's mod.
Rangers with their 2 free points are a different matter though.
Your post makes complete sense, but maybe they should start with 1 in DW style and gain a point at level 4. That way they'll start with some benefit, and get a good return for putting a further 1 point into DW style at character creation.
Rangers really don't have much going for them at low levels (not that they have much going for them at high levels).
Of course, it's a bug, they should not get druid spells above 3rd level through the cleric class but whatever.
Yeah your right. you get him at level 2. but with the pretty low level cap in the game i think it would not be possible to go for the sword and shield weapons style to if they make him proficent in two handed weapon style. But they hav slightly increased the level cap in the game i think.
in fact even it has an option to keep both original proficiencies AND keep weapon styles in. Which is pretty cool. So Ajantis can have "Large Swords" prof with "2h weapon style", or "shield&sword".
I agree that Ajantis should stay as a Sword and Shield guy. I think his Blunt Weapons proficiency is retarded though. Wouldn't mind that leaving.