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  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208
    edited August 2012
    I always changed the proficiencies in TuTu back to what they closely resemble in Vanilla BG1. Regardless of the sense it makes. For example, if memory serves, Khalid is 2 Large sword, 1 axe and 1 bow in Vanilla BG1. TuTu changed him to be a dual wielder of bastard swords. I hated that. So I usually use Shadowkeeper to change him back to 2 long sword (bastard sword, and its equivalent size, doesn't seem to fit Khalid to me), 1 axe and 1 long bow.

    For me, it makes the game a bit more fun to closely resemble to original proficiencies. So for Ajantis, though I haven't taken him in my TuTu games yet, I would likely change him from two handed back to long sword or bastard sword.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I always make Ajantis a Bastard Sword user. Makes sense with his large sword and shield style.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    For those wanting to change Ajantis's proficiencies this is the place to download shadowkeeper.

    Not sure it will work with BG:EE, but I think it will (Works with my HEAVILY modified BGT)

    Must admit I only used it for changing proficiences when I couldn't decide what weapon to use.
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503

    Lol Ajantis definately whines less than Anomen. I wasn't a big fan of Anomen lol
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I played the Ajantis romance from bg1 NPC project, and assuming that he was written correctly (there are terrific writers over there so I assume he was) then I would definitely give ajantis' naïveté as the same as Anomen's and his "Justice is paramount attitude" as well. However Anomen had this whole "I'm going to ask your opinion then scoff at you when I don't like it" perspective. I definitely caught myself saying, "Well screw you, then" at the computer a few times.

    Ajantis seemed much more like a paladin and fighter of good though, and he was a bit more respectful. The fights between him and Xan were wonderful because of Ajantis being brought to his knees all the time by elven logic.
  • CCarluNNCCarluNN Member Posts: 200
    I kind of wished Keldorn himself came to investigate the Iron Crisis instead of sending a squire Paladin. Ajantis is a cool guy, but lacks the level of wisdom and insight Keldorn has. As for Anomen and his attitude, I cannot imagine him being anything close to a Paladin.
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    @lockmund thank you for clarifying that for me dude. Appreciated :)
  • cloakanddaggercloakanddagger Member Posts: 111
    Theres only one thing I have to say about Ajantis. I don't like him as a party member. *add him to the party, take his armor and his pretty cool purple helmet.....kill him*
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @CCarluNN well you can't possibly expect Ajantis (who IS a squire and a fraction of Keldorn's age) to be as wise or adept as Keldorn is. Granted, I don't like the goody goody aspect of paladins, because I find them to be very intolerant, but that is a bit of a deviated comment....

    @Cloakanddagger wow... that's is just MORBID- ly obese!!!
  • cloakanddaggercloakanddagger Member Posts: 111
    @xavioria don't act like you don't do it too. 1 guy, 1 purple helmet v.s. group of badass's = YOU TAKE THAT FUCKING PURPLE HELMET. I mean if i'm not adding him to my group might as well score some xp and some gear. I guarantee im not the only one who does it. And i play a neutral group so this isn't like an evil thing i do constantly.
  • cloakanddaggercloakanddagger Member Posts: 111
    i do get your family guy joke though :)
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    @cloakanddagger the purple helmet just isnt the same if ajantis isnt wearing it lol
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Hail Ajantis!

    Way dooowwwwn.... below the ocean..... Where I wanna be, she may be....
    Way dooowwwwn.... below the ocean..... Where I wanna be, she may be....
    Way dooowwwwn.... below the ocean..... Where I wanna be, she may be....
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @byrne20 that post was too awesome to simply "like."
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Xavioria, Ajantis is one of my favorite npc's from BG1, especiallly with the NPC Project.

    If you take his helm off, he has flowing, long blonde hair, a bit like a Fabio wannabe, and he has his "Helm, yeah!" (i.e. "Hell, yeah!") battle cry. He is a young stud, jock, or any other variation of that that a person might be attracted to.

    He is your Anomen until-you -can-actually-get-to-BG2-and-get-the-real-Anomen.

    Everybody here knows, I assume, that there is a European mod out there that erases the "aww, shoot" moment of having to kill this sexy guy from BG2, and replaces it with a pretty good story mod that results in your having this blonde bombshell with you in SoA and ToB.

    I wuv my AJ!

    Since I usually can't get him like I want him in SoA and ToB, I usually just enjoy him in BG1, and then substitue my equally appealing boy-toy, Ano, once I get to SoA.
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  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    hmmm, i find ajantis a bit bland. anomen at least has some conflict and well defined character (which is consistent, despite him depending on your counsel. people seem to confuse "trust" or "insecurity" with lack of character or personality. or backbone.) and i respect that, even like.

    ajantis on the other hand was completely predictable, had stereotypical reactions, wishes, responses etc. and i'm not saying anything about NPC mod. it is not question of the writing, but the character of NPC.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Never played the Ajantis romance mod. Never knew it existed. I just love his "Helm YEAH!" exclamation. =3
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Oh damn, totally forgot about that fancy purple helm mr. Ajantis has! (as for his evil insightful messages, I bet he could easily be called A. Rant - is or something)

    I think I gave him clubs the first time I played the game with him though? Kind of a waste considering he's (quite sadly) the NPC with the most attribute points (a whooping 88 no less!) - which is no excuse for an overall weakish warrior (what's his weakspot again? Constitution or dexterity, can't recall)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @Cheesebelly His Dex sucks (13 I believe), he has a 17 Strength and 16 Constitution. You give him Gauntlets of Dexterity and he's fantastic. Overall weakish warrior, heck no.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Sadly weaker than Yeslick, Kagain, Coran, Kivan, Minsc, hell, even Monty is better >.<
    And he's definitely incomparable to his older colleague Keldorn from BG2!
    I mean, 17 strength is certainly nice, but for a low dexterity you at least require a super STR or CON, something which he has neither. Good as a swordsman, but that's where it stops. In other fields the above mentioned NPCs *are* theoretically speaking much better.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    You say Monty's better as if it's surprising ... Montaron is beast.


    Ajantis - 17/13/16 - Great Strength, good Con, bad Dex.
    Coran - 14/20/12 - Epic Dex, okay Strength, bad Con.
    Jaheira - 15/14/17 - Great Con, meh Dex, meh Strength
    Kagain - 16/12/20 - Epic Con, okay Strength, bad Dex.
    Khalid - 15/16/17 - Great Con, good Dex, okay Strength.
    Kivan - 18-12/17/14 - Awesome Strength, great Dex, meh Con.
    Minsc - 18-93/15/15 - Epic Strength, good Dex, good Con.
    Montaron - 16/17/15 - Good Strength, great Dex, good Con.
    Shar-Teel - 18-58/17/9 - Awesome Strength, great Dex, bad Con.
    Yeslick - 15/12/17 - Great Con, okay Strength, bad Dex.

    Your claims that Ajantis is "weaker" sucks. He's pretty well on-par with everyone else ... also did you seriously say Yeslick is better? Err he has one better Constitution point, worse Strength and worse Dexterity (not that it matters). He gets less HP due to being multi-classed. The reason Yeslick is still viable despite kinda bad stats is he is a Fighter/Cleric which is an awesome multi-class, and his dwarven saving throws.

    My point is with the table I have presented: They are all balanced. BG1 was awesome at this. You had a lot of pretty decent fighters, and anyone who *wasn't* on-par purely by stats, was still totally viable due to being a multi-class (Yeslick, Jaheira, Coran. Montaron is viable with or without multi-class, he's totally awesome).

    Ajantis' stats are good, and even if they weren't he has Paladin abilities. You can't overlook mass amounts of Protection from Evil ... -2 AC any time you want is awesome.
  • KolonKuKolonKu Member Posts: 87
    Quartz said:

    Your claims that Ajantis is "weaker" sucks.

    This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but the way you expressed yourself here made me laugh very hard. Please have my insightfuls, @Quartz .
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    edited November 2012
    @Quartz I agree with you dude. Ajantis is awesome in my books. Any guy that has the balls to dress in full armour then wear a purple helm in to battle is worth having in my party lol
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Xavioria said:

    @CCarluNN well you can't possibly expect Ajantis (who IS a squire and a fraction of Keldorn's age) to be as wise or adept as Keldorn is. Granted, I don't like the goody goody aspect of paladins, because I find them to be very intolerant, but that is a bit of a deviated comment....

    @Cloakanddagger wow... that's is just MORBID- ly obese!!!

    I've heard that plenty of times from people, and have always found that odd, but I think that's a flaw in how paladin's have been presented. At least in 2nd Edition D&D, a paladin requires a 17 Charisma which is approaching the sublime. I've always imagined a paladin as a combination of Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Peter Cushing, and Simon Belmont, all in one, awesome character.

  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    That's it. You guys finally convinced me to use Ajantis.
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