I'm going to be a Wild Orlan Cipher who, at first at least, hates hunams. Party makeup I'll figure out as I go along I suppose, mostly depending on who I like.
Human paladin. Party members will be chosen based on how likable they are, but I know I'll want a priest and a wizard. I assume there's a companion wizard or two but if he/she is the stereotypical arrogant douchebag wizard or "I'm a sorcerer so I'm therefore unpredictable and chaotic and it's so funny" sorcerer-type, they get the boot and a custom created character takes their place.
I've been searching around and haven't found a conclusive answer yet. Any idea on rogues being essential to a party (locked doors, chests etc.) It seems like you can have a party without them. There's just so many other classes I want to play with that I don't want to have an obligatory rogue if its largely unnecessary. I'll echo the chanter love above. Pretty geeked.
Human paladin. Party members will be chosen based on how likable they are, but I know I'll want a priest and a wizard. I assume there's a companion wizard or two but if he/she is the stereotypical arrogant douchebag wizard or "I'm a sorcerer so I'm therefore unpredictable and chaotic and it's so funny" sorcerer-type, they get the boot and a custom created character takes their place.
Ended up making Val'myr, my primary character, a Pale Elf Chanter and just now created Piro at the tavern as a Hearth Orlan Druid. I figured in this setting the closest thing to fey magic would be druid magic and ORLAN ARE SO CUTE.
@booinyoureyes I disagree, you're not an idiot. After so many games which received so much hype during development and ended up being a big disappointment, waiting to buy until after release is actually the smart thing to do. Anyway all you lost were some items so no big deal
Guys I accidentally (yeah, right ) ran the game... and this was a huge mistake. Now, I need to put myself for a torment by shelving it out:( It's so good that I'd play it to death... if I could. I've work to do first... oh crap, it hurts:(
@booinyoureyes - Don't feel bad. I did exactly the same thing. and for the same reason that @mlnevese indicated. I wanted to see if it lived up to the hype before I put my hard cash on the counter. I've been burned enough times that I wasn't going to buy into the sales and marketing. But so far I am not disappointed. Not one bit. Who needs the shiny extras? Which I am sure will become available later on in any event.
@booinyoureyes - Don't feel bad. I did exactly the same thing. and for the same reason that @mlnevese indicated. I wanted to see if it lived up to the hype before I put my hard cash on the counter. I've been burned enough times that I wasn't going to buy into the sales and marketing. But so far I am not disappointed. Not one bit. Who needs the shiny extras? Which I am sure will become available later on in any event.
Since the game seems to be mod-able I'm sure it'll be like how NWN2 has a mod that gives you the pre-order bonuses.
Also, Pillars of Eternity is ruining my game cycle. I was supposed to beat Inquisition and Pools of Radiance and then go play NWN1 expansions and NWN2 OC+Expansions.
Now I'm like CRAP THIS GAME IS SO GOOD and everything is put on hold.
@Vallmyr - wait, I hope you mean "Pool of radiance" rather than "Pools of radiance" (which was a total crap game). The Pool (singular) was that Awesome Gold box game that you've been posting. Pools (the plural) was a game that came out so broken that I uninstalled it and chucked the disk after about the 11th try to get through it.
And is it my imagination, or is the forum unusually quiet today? I almost imagine that I hear crickets. It's creepy.
@Vallmyr - wait, I hope you mean "Pool of radiance" rather than "Pools of radiance" (which was a total crap game). The Pool (singular) was that Awesome Gold box game that you've been posting. Pools (the plural) was a game that came out so broken that I uninstalled it and chucked the disk after about the 11th try to get through it.
And is it my imagination, or is the forum unusually quiet today? I almost imagine that I hear crickets. It's creepy.
Er, yeah, Pool of Radiance. I didn't know there was another game with a similar title.
I still plan on binging on the game this weekend as previously planned, though. I love CRPGs
@vallmyr - LOL. Sorry for the gloom and doom. Yeah, there was a game that came out in 2001. It was a HORRIBLE game and so broken at launch that it redefined the term at the time. I mean ToEE was a mess, but this game was like pre-alpha horrible.
Things like, if you saved the game while invisible, it corrupted your save game. No member of your party could go outside of a very limited sphere around the group, so no scouting of any kind. No Wizard class, although you could play Sorcerer, which some say makes it just about equal, but still. Needless to say it was a royal mess. The full name is Pools of Radiance: ruin of Myth Drannor. Don't ever spend a dime (or a minute) on this game. I've played all of the D&D games, including the Game Boy game and Hillsfar. This game was BY FAR the worst.
@mlnevese - thanks for the info. I suspected that a lot of people were merely playing PoE like I intend to do when I get home.
Is everyone using companions or making custom party members?
I find the lack of rogues odd, and I'm not quite sure who I should have be the "mechanics" expert
I've only made 1 custom character, a rogue. I've avoided spoilers on the companions, but I know there's no rogue RPC. I've found a wizard and priest as I hoped I would and they're quite okay... well the wizard is an elf, but still.
Race. . .Val'myr would either be a Pale Elf or a Death Godlike.
Piro would definitely be a Orlan Chanter.
It's odd, Piro is a Bard and the Bard is the Chanter, and Val'myr is a Necromancer which is also the Chanter XD
Not sure who I'll have as far as NPCs go.
Edit: The chanter spell names ARE COOL AS HELL
"White Worms Writhed in the Bellies of the Dead"
It's a corpse explosion that summons 3 grub-things! IT'S SO COOL.
Charname is...
Name: Ayaka
Gender: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Wizard
Culture: Old Vailia
Background: Aristocrat
Then, I'm probably going to recruit...Edér, Aloth, Durance, and either Hiravias or Kana Rua.
I'll create a custom character in Defiance Bay..
Name: Iniigo
Gender: Male
Race: Wood Elf
Class: Rogue
Culture: Deadfire Archipelago
Background: Raider
Oh, and until I can get Durance, I'll also have a Custom Priest, created at Gilded Vale.
Name: Amara-Lee
Gender: Female
Race: Meadow Human
Class: Priest
Deity: Eorthas
Culture: Aedyr
Background: Clergyman
I'm rolling a Paladin PC, and I'll just pick up the NPCs as I find them.
So I can make both Val'myr AND Piro for my party? WELP I'M DOING THAT!
Custom party members can be added as early as the inn at the first town you reach.
Can't wait. I'm kinda an idiot... I bought it first day it came out instead of pre-ordering it and getting special goodies. Missed it by an hour!
Also, Pillars of Eternity is ruining my game cycle. I was supposed to beat Inquisition and Pools of Radiance and then go play NWN1 expansions and NWN2 OC+Expansions.
Now I'm like CRAP THIS GAME IS SO GOOD and everything is put on hold.
And is it my imagination, or is the forum unusually quiet today? I almost imagine that I hear crickets. It's creepy.
I still plan on binging on the game this weekend as previously planned, though. I love CRPGs
Things like, if you saved the game while invisible, it corrupted your save game. No member of your party could go outside of a very limited sphere around the group, so no scouting of any kind. No Wizard class, although you could play Sorcerer, which some say makes it just about equal, but still. Needless to say it was a royal mess. The full name is Pools of Radiance: ruin of Myth Drannor. Don't ever spend a dime (or a minute) on this game. I've played all of the D&D games, including the Game Boy game and Hillsfar. This game was BY FAR the worst.
@mlnevese - thanks for the info. I suspected that a lot of people were merely playing PoE like I intend to do when I get home.
Is everyone using companions or making custom party members?
I find the lack of rogues among joinable-NPCs odd... maybe an homage to Shadows of Amn??