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problem with Coran and Cloakwood in Enhanced Edition

OnionKnight04OnionKnight04 Member Posts: 8
Hi All,

I've yet to go to the Nashkel Mines because I want to do some exploring, so I am still very early in the game (I haven't even been to Nashkel actually). My characters are all currently level 1 or level 2.

While looking for Gurke's cloak in Cloakwood, I ran into a situation where I negotiated a tense situation between Aldeth, a hunter from Baldur's Gate, and Seniyad, a druid that Jaheira knows. Somehow I managed to make everyone happy without getting anyone killed. Now I've been told that I need to go look for some dark druids and that I need to rescue a few spies that Aldeth sent to infiltrate their cult. No problem. Walking north I ran into Coran, who has a potentially lucrative quest involving some Wyverns. Again, no problem. I added him to my party (20 dex!!) and went about my merry way.

But when I try to walk north or west out of Cloakwood, no new areas appear where I would expect them. I've looked around on the forums and using Google and have been unable to find anyone with the same problem. Anyone know why I can't continue this quest? Did I find Coran too early? Should I have gone to Nashkel first? Or do I need to do something else before the new areas will open up?

Many thanks for your help!


  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Heading north or west from the area where you meet Coran is what ought to trigger the appearance on your map of the next area of Cloakwood, so something has certainly gone wrong.

    However, how the heck did you get into Cloakwood in the first place? It's not meant to be possible to get to Cloakwood at all, until after you've completed the Nashkel Mine (Chapter 2), and also completed the next phase of the main quest after that (Chapter 3). Cloakwood is Chapter 4 of the game, yet somehow you seem to have got there whilst you're still in Chapter 1!

    Well, I suppose you might have been able to "break in" to Cloakwood prematurely by using the cheat console or something equivalent ... but in that case, you've quite likely broken your game and will have to start again. In that case, it's no surprise if things aren't working properly.

    If you somehow got into Cloakwood during Chapter 1 without any form of cheating, then you've discovered a major bug which needs urgent reporting and fixing.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    That sounds a lot like Jaheira's quest in the BG1 NPC mod. The same mod offers early access to the first area of Cloakwood without unlocking the other areas for recruitment purposes.

    Are you using this mod?
  • OnionKnight04OnionKnight04 Member Posts: 8
    Ah ha. Well I knew something had to be amiss.

    I haven't used the cheat console or any hacks at all. The only thing I did was install the BG1NPC project for the extra dialogue (using this link:

    Not sure I can recount exactly when Cloakwood showed up on my map. But as soon as I met Gurke and learned of his cloak, I decided to visit because I was heading back up to the Friendly Arm Inn anyway. Happy to help report a bug if this is something new. Should I go about that in a particular way?
  • OnionKnight04OnionKnight04 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2015
    Hahaha. Simultaneous post. Bingo on the mod, I do have that installed. Is the game messed up now or will it still be possible for me to hold on to Coran even though I haven't ventured through Nashkel?

    And should I report a bug in the BG1NPC project or is this expected behavior?

    Thanks again for the help!
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I don't believe it's a bug, but I'm also not sure how the mod handles the timer on Coran's quest if you recruit him early. @AstroBryGuy would probably know though.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Aha! I haven't used that mod, so I'm not familiar with it, and you didn't mention that you're playing a modded game, so I was talking about how the normal game is meant to work.

    The good news is that if the behaviour you're seeing is deliberately caused by the mod, then what's happening is (presumably) all still under control by the mod and therefore hasn't broken the continuity of the (modded) game, so it's probably not a bug.

    From what @Hudzy is saying, I deduce that he means that you're finished with Cloakwood for now, and the mod won't let you into the remainder of Cloakwood until you get there by the normal method. So, take Gurke's cloak back to him, go to Nashkel, and proceed as if you were playing the normal game (through the Nashkel Mine and so on), then you can (eventually) get back into Cloakwood and explore the rest of it when you reach Chapter 4.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @OnionKnight04 - There is a component of BG1NPC:
    The BG1NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One
    This component provides the option of opening up the first map of Cloakwood or all four Cloakwood maps at the start of the game. This is to support players who wish to pick up Coran and Faldorn earlier.
    I am guessing from the description of your issue that you installed this component with the option to open the first Cloakwood area only (I'd need to see your Weidu.log to confirm). If so, then the game is performing exactly by the options you selected. The rest of Cloakwood will open in Chapter 4.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Isn't there a random encounter somewhere other than cloakwood with Wyverns? I'm sure it was mentioned a few days ago.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    That's true. I forgot about those.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Good point about the timer for Coran's wyvern-hunting quest, @Hudzy. I'm curious to know how the mod deals with that. Does it mean that you have to go searching for a random encounter with a wyvern somewhere else, and hope that you get one in time before Coran walks out on you? Or does the mod just suspend the timer until Chapter 4? Or what? Does anyone here know?

    @Wowo - so far as I'm aware, there only one area transition in which you can meet wyverns outside of Cloakwood.
    It's AR6501, which appears (with 20% probability according to Dudleyville, although I don't know how that fits with the new information from @Tresset that ambush probablilities are time-of-day dependent) during the south-bound transition from the Red Wizard area (AR3000) to the Basilisk area (AR3500).
    That one is the most dangerous transition in the game, because when the wyverns don't appear, some of the alternatives are even more deadly - in particular, that's the only one where you can run into Greater Basilisks (although there are several transitions where you might meet Lesser Basilisks).
  • OnionKnight04OnionKnight04 Member Posts: 8

    @OnionKnight04 - There is a component of BG1NPC:

    The BG1NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One
    This component provides the option of opening up the first map of Cloakwood or all four Cloakwood maps at the start of the game. This is to support players who wish to pick up Coran and Faldorn earlier.
    I am guessing from the description of your issue that you installed this component with the option to open the first Cloakwood area only (I'd need to see your Weidu.log to confirm). If so, then the game is performing exactly by the options you selected. The rest of Cloakwood will open in Chapter 4.

    I just checked the WeiDU.log file and it does look like I installed that component:

    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #29 // The BG1 NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One -> Open Cloakwood Lodge (first Cloakwood area only): v21_20150210

    I think I may have been confused by the wording of that one during the installation and didn't bother to look at the Gibberlings readme file before deciding what to choose. But it seems like this option is to either

    1) make it so that only the first Cloakwood is open from the start
    2) make it so that all of Cloakwood is open from the start

    But there's no option to keep Cloakwood as normal (so that it doesn't open until later)? Is that correct? No big deal either way. I obviously went through the installation a little too quickly (eager to get started!) and can happily restart and avoid Cloakwood if necessary.

    Thank you!
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Gallowglass - BG1NPC makes the wyverns Coran is hunting unique, so random encounters don't work to finish his quest.

    IIRC, Coran's timer is stopped by BG1NPC. I actually think it's a bug, but there's a variable check that should never happen to trigger Coran's leaving dialog.

    @OnionKnight04 - Choose "(N)ot Install" on that component to leave Cloakwood as normal.
  • OnionKnight04OnionKnight04 Member Posts: 8
    Agh, I feel pretty dumb now. Oh well, learning as I go I suppose.

    Since Coran isn't likely to leave, I'll probably just continue as normal. No big deal if I have to wait until later to wrap that Wyvern quest up.

    You guys rule. Thanks for being so patient.
  • DexterDexter Member Posts: 253
    I also have BG1NPC installed (option 2, all areas open except mines) and I had to make Coran quest before chapter 4, because at one point (about 10 days of game time) coran was complaining about not doing his quest. I didn't test whether he actually leaves or not, but he does complain if his quest is not dealt with, so I just sneak my way to the wyvern's cave
  • EmptyPepsiCanEmptyPepsiCan Member Posts: 12
    I have that mod installed as well. I finished the quest, but Coran never stopped complaining. Ever. As I was buffing for the Sarevok fight Coran was telling me to hurry up so he could get to the wyverns that we'd killed 6 months previously.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    I have that mod installed as well. I finished the quest, but Coran never stopped complaining. Ever. As I was buffing for the Sarevok fight Coran was telling me to hurry up so he could get to the wyverns that we'd killed 6 months previously.

    Did he initiate a dialog, or was it a line that appeared in the game log window, "Can't stick around to talk, I have some wyverns to kill."

    If it's the latter, what version of BG1NPC are you running? Is it the latest release, v21?
  • EmptyPepsiCanEmptyPepsiCan Member Posts: 12
    It was the latter. I don't recall which mod version it is. I have BG Complete from Gog, along with Tutu and so forth.
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