Romance and the SoD NPCs

Here's a thought which I haven't noticed anyone else pointing out: none of the SoD NPCs will be romanceable.
Beamdog are allowing some possibility that eventually the SoD NPCs will be added to BG2ee, but they're certainly not committed to doing so. Therefore, the characters are currently being built on the assumption that they won't necessarily continue into BG2ee. Therefore, any romance with the new characters would either have to be fully completed within SoD (with nothing left for BG2ee if the characters were eventually to be continued) or left incomplete at the end of SoD (with no certainty of ever meeting the character again in BG2ee to complete the romance story), both of which would be pretty unsatisfying to the writers as well as to the players. Therefore, Beamdog won't (for the time being) bother developing any romance dialogues for the new SoD characters.
If at some later stage they take a firm decision to continue the new characters into BG2ee, then perhaps it'd then be worthwhile for them to develop romance options (probably for BG2ee only, but possibly also patching the early stages into SoD). But in the absence of a firm decision about continuing the characters, no, they won't waste their resources on unsatisfactory work.
Beamdog are allowing some possibility that eventually the SoD NPCs will be added to BG2ee, but they're certainly not committed to doing so. Therefore, the characters are currently being built on the assumption that they won't necessarily continue into BG2ee. Therefore, any romance with the new characters would either have to be fully completed within SoD (with nothing left for BG2ee if the characters were eventually to be continued) or left incomplete at the end of SoD (with no certainty of ever meeting the character again in BG2ee to complete the romance story), both of which would be pretty unsatisfying to the writers as well as to the players. Therefore, Beamdog won't (for the time being) bother developing any romance dialogues for the new SoD characters.
If at some later stage they take a firm decision to continue the new characters into BG2ee, then perhaps it'd then be worthwhile for them to develop romance options (probably for BG2ee only, but possibly also patching the early stages into SoD). But in the absence of a firm decision about continuing the characters, no, they won't waste their resources on unsatisfactory work.
Her questline was uber bleh.
Yes, I've been avoiding those threads, for the most part, but not necessarily out of a desire to avoid spoilers. Given that a lot of the people I've seen express the Hexxat hate have proven to be jackasses with superiority complexes, like Edwin_Odesseiron, I can only imagine the kind of sardonic echo chamber orgies such threads devolve into. If there is a way to get the skinny without witnessing a circlejerk about how obvious and self-evident Beamdog's "bad" writing is, feel free to link me to something constructive.
1) railroaded plot. It's fine if the PC is evil, but if they are good they aren't even allowed to TRY and save Clara.
2) dungeons in her story arc feel rushed and incomplete. Gets worse as you go along.
3) resolution of her story arc (in ToB) is stupid, and makes Hexxat's motivation through the story nonsensical.
4) vampires are like dad trying to be trendy. They were very fashionable a couple of years ago, but zombies are the thing now.
Of those, the first two problems at least could have been overcome with a little more QA and development resources.
I hope Beamdog have leaned from this and will alocate sufficient resources to the new characters to make them rounded and plot-hole free.
CHARNAME: Hexxat do you ever get lonely on the long nights by the campfire?
HEXXAT: Uurrrrr.
CHARNAME: It's good to have someone to talk to. Someone who understands me.
HEXXAT: Uurrrr.
CHARNAME: Have you ever thought of settling down when this is all over?
HEXXAT: Uurrr.
CHARNAME: Our night together was magical. At last I know how incredible physical love can be.
HEXXAT: Uurrr.
1: Mh.. okay I give you that, but after thinking about it I realized that it was more of a problem with the
cutscene. I reality Clara would be dead before you could ever reach here, but for whatever reasons the
actions in cutscenes are ...turnbased.
2: I liked the dungeons I've seen so far (havn't played enhanced ToB yet, thanks to SoD x_x), what do you
mean with incomplete? They are tombs, not underground cities..
3: no clue about that, feel free to spoiler me. But never forget that things that make all your hard work
useless do in fact happen, but hindsight is 20/20 ^^
4: This is more personal preference.. Vampires are timeless and there are already a dozen or so in
Athkatla, so I can live with her
I liked her adition for what she is, though I dislike her "character", but I also dislike Dorn.
Why? Because he is truly evil.. and I utterly fail at being evil
Anyways, a writer does a good job if you like a character AND if you dislike a character..
It is indifference that marks a character as bad ;-)
(I think Neera and Rasaad a great btw, I would like them in IRL too
Sorry for rambling, have a nice weekend ^_^
2. The first tomb is buggy if you try to side with the monk guardians. The second is full of items that do nothing, and so on.
3. That's not the problem. Trying to avoid spoilers, but did you ever feel like you had hiked to Mount Doom without checking to see if the Ring would disolve in vinegar first?
I don't think they should include romances in Siege of Dragonspear. The game is only 25 hours long and was created to be an expansion, not a full game. Any romances that take place would feel rushed and forced, and those are not feelings I want in a scenario where my character is supposed to be falling in love.
1a) Clara's standing right next to Hexxat, as I recall, or close enough that a super-powered undead could run up and rip open her throat with ease once before you have a chance to do anything.
1b) A Good party probably shouldn't be talking to weird girls that want to rob tombs. A Good party probably shouldn't be working with Renal Bloodscalp to keep his organization of murderers and thieves intact for the mere pittance of gold and a magical item or in order to recruit Edwin, either. A true resurrection would also cure your romance of death and vampirism. Narrative effects like Hexxat's mind-control over Clara trump normal game mechanics.
2a) I've only done two of them so far, but they seemed quite good. Just as finely crafted as other dungeons with lots of scripts in BG2, like the Shadowlord's lair.
2b) I don't recall the monk guardian thing, but I'll check it out next time. BG in general is full of items that do nothing.
3) Can't really comment on that, but as I've stated before I'm very skeptical of what people around here consider "nonsensical."
4) So, has it occurred to you that she's a vampire because that's the character that was written, and not as an attempt to be trendy? She's hardly Edward Cullen-like.
While in theory you could start something, such as having a pre-romance romance, s6ch as conversations that have or develop romantic and flirtatious undertones in some paths of character interaction with your PC (assuming they meet the attractive criteria for hypothetical pre-romance npc) with a hint of something more possibly in the future (such as in the Isra mod for BG1). But the problem is as it stands none of the SoD companions will at present as far as we know be appearing in BG2:EE which means any romance or pre-romance relationship/development isn't going anywhere, and while if you had a full game to do something with that (thinking of the NPC Project mod and the Dynehair romance which I enjoyed with a touching final cut-scene relating to her and the PC's fate at the beginning of BG2 or say Isra) that might work here I'm just not sure you have the space.
The only possibilities really are the EE companions (extending and developing any romance arc from BG1:EE with any eye to how things will be when you meet them again in BG2:EE or perhaps with Viconia have some slight moments of flirtation and an undertone to a few comments and discussions. A suggestion she finds your PC attractive and a suggestion of interest which hints subtly of what might happen in the future (ie BG2) but nothing outright or definitive yet (since the aim would be to flow as seamlessly with BG2 as possible). Jaheira is still married happily and Aerie and Anomen your PC doesn't meet yet so anything there is largely out.
Anything else would just be flings of the moment such as romantic encounters mod(s) particularly their more extended encounters of that wolfwere woman in TOSC (sort off). You could do it (well probably without the detail in romantic encounters descriptions
So probably given it's an expansion between the two games there doesn't seem the space to do it justice and they would be going nowhere likely (so no point in even just having a pre-romance set up arc). Only really with the EE characters or possibly Viconia could you do anything. And I think they hinted they might be doing sonething there (at least with the EE companions of BG2), so there us that which I'm all fir and can see the point with.
What they could do is use this expansion to have a means of developing the PC's relationship with Imoen as their fister sister and deepen that dynamic and sense of depth so it will feel more fleshed out and a sense of hustory and reality to it so that going into BG2:EE and here kidnap you really feel the urgency of her abduction (or not depending how you rp your relationship).
As for what I want, I'm basically under the same banner as @Nonnahswriter, though IF the new NPCs somehow make their way into SoA, then romances likely would, and probably should, start in SoA (assuming that, if added, the new NPCs would then be romancible at all). There are a lot of ifs involved at this time, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
i had safana in my sod game and enjoyed the romantic interactions. would be nice to see her added to the bg2ee.