Should Imoens sudden transition from Thief to Mage be explained in SoD?

Just curious on peoples thoughts.
In Baldur's Gate Imoen was my parties trusty thief! Then after importing my character into Baldur's Gate II, she had inexplicably become the parties mage! And I know I never dualled her...
I'd love it, if there was finally some explanation for her sudden change of class, maybe a side quest or small story arc that bridges her transition from a sneaky pickpocket to an eventual master of the arcane.
At the moment there are so many unanswered questions, what prompted her change in career? Was it in homage to the fallen Gorion? Did Dynaheir take Imoen under her wing, teaching her the basics of magic whilst they travelled the sword coast together? or was her growing arcane power simply a side effect of...
Nobody really knows, though I would certainly like too!
In Baldur's Gate Imoen was my parties trusty thief! Then after importing my character into Baldur's Gate II, she had inexplicably become the parties mage! And I know I never dualled her...
I'd love it, if there was finally some explanation for her sudden change of class, maybe a side quest or small story arc that bridges her transition from a sneaky pickpocket to an eventual master of the arcane.
At the moment there are so many unanswered questions, what prompted her change in career? Was it in homage to the fallen Gorion? Did Dynaheir take Imoen under her wing, teaching her the basics of magic whilst they travelled the sword coast together? or was her growing arcane power simply a side effect of...
her growing Bhaalspawn taint?
Nobody really knows, though I would certainly like too!
- Should Imoens sudden transition from Thief to Mage be explained in SoD?142 votes
- No I'm not interested in that idea at all!11.27%
- Yes I'd like to see a little storyline that bridges her transition to a mage. But make it compulsary, to keep class continuity between BG1 & 2.64.08%
- Yes I'd like to see a little storyline that bridges her transition to a mage. But make it optional class change, we have enough Thf/Mages in BG2.24.65%
Post edited by Genryu on
Still, Imoen the mage is better than no Imoen at all.
The best I can think of is a conversation with her at some point in SOD weather she is in your party or not and the conversation choices are different based on weather or not she was in your party or dualed or not.
Maybe she could mention that she is learning magic if you never had her in your party. If you had her in your party and didn't dual her maybe she could say something about how she had started learning magic while she was traveling with you but didn't mention it before. If you did dual her then she could simply mention that she likes her new class. This would allow things to make sense for everyone no matter how they play.
I would like to see some mention of it just to tie things up nice and neat but if it doesn't happen I won't really be disappointed either. They have a unique chance to make sense of all of the inconsistencies that Bioware created in BG2 but it shouldn't be done if it will interfere with beamdog's goal for their game.
I wouldn't mind a little conversation with members like Jahiera and Minsc where they talk about something they experienced or learned and then actually see their stats change from BG1 to BG2 during SOD if you have them in your party. It wouldn't take but a line of text and a switch attached to an area to explain the stat inconsistencies like that. They could even tie the stat bonuses to when you level up the character if they wanted to. With a small explanation in parentheses so we know where the stats changed and why. It would be cool and would not take much effort I wouldn't think but I am no game designer.
-you can dump her at the beginning of BG1 and she can go study somewhere on her own
-you can keep her and she can study with various spellcasters you have in your party, including the protagonist
-you can keep her, but she studies on her own cuz you don't have any spellcasters in your party
But these options won't work for those players who never dual-classed her into a mage in BG1, so there's another one:
-she dual-classes sometime between BG1 and BG2, may as well be during SoD
-she secretly always was a mage, studying alongside you with Gorion, she just didn't "come out of the closet", so to speak, until BG2
But not matter what option, some players will definetly be pissed off, cuz everyone has their own canon regarding the matter, can't please everyone. My canon, personally, is that she and the protagonist both had a mage background by studying with Gorion and other mages in Candlekeep, but she only started practicing it later by experiencing hardships on the road.
Still it would be nice to have some official banter/questline that touches upon her transition. That would be perfect, and the exact sort of thing I would love to see implemented, just to make it apparent that she has at least some interest in pursing magic, and explanation for the sudden career change in BG2. Haha I feel a complete moron now. I initially thought to my self would keeping her as a thief create any significant continuity issues in BG2, and all I could think off was her epilogue at the end.
Somehow I had totally overlooked the huge massive plot detail of....
Yeah, keeping her as a thief throughout BG2 seems a little redundant and silly now in terms of continuity.
Unfortunately Beamdog has most likely taken the approach that Imoen being a mage in BG2 is a problem. Imoen is most likely unavailable until at least Chapter 3 via the screenahots and information given already. So the OP already has what he asked for.
* The PC didn't side with Edwin and kill Dynaheir.
* Viconia was saved.
* Regardless of his alignment, the PC supposedly spent most of his time with Imoen, Minsc, Dynaheir, Khalid and Jaheira. you can get it here.
My was guess was that she found being a thief a lot more dsngerous out in the wild then behind the safe walls of Candlekeep.
Imoen became close friends with Dynaheir who started teaching her magic
I am very interested in seeing how Imoen magic stroy develops in SoD
Wait a moment.. you are a dev and you voted no..
So, I won't be explained? O_O
explains how the status quo of BG-end turnd into the one of SoA-beginning and that IS part of it.
(The RL reason is, iirc, that Bioware had a poll that showed them that most ppl dualed Imoen and it
gave an easy explanation to sent her to Spellhold)
But even beyond the whole single spell cast of magic missile (which maybe could be explained with a wand) she's got to be a mage in BG2EE without rewriting (which isn't going to happen). Her epilogue mentions her "formidable skill in magic" and she's got at least one dialogue with Nalia in Throne of Bhaal (and probably more in the game) that references her skills as a mage.
As far as what, if anything, is up with Imoen in SoD you'll have to wait and see
Again, BG2EE invalidates our choices. We traveled with a party that we probably didn't finish BGEE with. NPCs are alive that should be dead and so forth.
SoD can allude to an interest in magic, but it is far from necessary for SoD to force Imoen as a Dual classed Mage via the above.
If it does happen then great, and if it doesn't then no biggie, it wont detract anything from the already awesome games. Still for me personally, I'd love to discover the catalyst that set her off on her journey to magedom.