You should seriously reconsider extending level cap.

Some people prefer full parties. For them, achieving max level with all characters is unlikely even if they pick them all up right at the start of the game.
However, some of us prefer smaller parties. Or even going solo. I'm one of those players who prefers to "do everything, go everywhere" in any game I play. When I achieve max level, the rest of the game becomes an unnecessary grind. The only thing left for me to do is to collect items and advance with the story. I feel like collecting experience had been taken away for me.
For me, experience rewards have always been too big. But there's no way to change it now. The only solution is to install an option to remove (or seriously extend) level cap. I know there are mods for this, but i was hoping for a more official response.
Some people prefer full parties. For them, achieving max level with all characters is unlikely even if they pick them all up right at the start of the game.
However, some of us prefer smaller parties. Or even going solo. I'm one of those players who prefers to "do everything, go everywhere" in any game I play. When I achieve max level, the rest of the game becomes an unnecessary grind. The only thing left for me to do is to collect items and advance with the story. I feel like collecting experience had been taken away for me.
For me, experience rewards have always been too big. But there's no way to change it now. The only solution is to install an option to remove (or seriously extend) level cap. I know there are mods for this, but i was hoping for a more official response.
We've been told that the Devs had discussions about how they would make it work if you can gain a couple more levels than SoA expects. They've put in some work on that front and they're expecting it won't be an issue.
There will be an XP can in SoD, so that we'll be able to get the 12th level for out thieves. This requires 440 000 XP. If it's a character with another class, the exact maximum level will differ.
So, the XP cap in SoD will be significantly higher than the XP of BG1 with TotSC (160 000 XP).
The fact we're running into a cap isnt a party size issue its just what the design required to balance BG2's early game.
I've heard conflicting reports about how much gets carried over. In my own testing it seems to keep track of all of it. I created a level 1 PC in BGEE, used the console to give him 1 million XP, then saved and imported the character into BG2EE. The character had the entire 1 mill I had given him in the first game.
New character, add 1million XP = start BG2 with 1million XP (because it was all awarded in one lump).
New character, add 160000 XP, then add 2000 XP = start BG2 with 162000 XP
New character, add 160000 XP, then add 2000 XP, then add 2000 XP = start BG2 with 162000 XP (the second addition of 2000XP isn't recorded).
I haven't tried this myself, but it fits with all reports of how much XP carried over from everyone I've seen so far.
Now, it is basically clear.
Based on the idea that C:SetCurrentXP would bypass any "special" xp mechanics, I used the xp functions that scripting would use to award XP, via the console: C:Eval("AddexperienceParty(NNN)")
1million XP - BGEE record showed 161000, BG2 after import showed 1million. (Expected outcome)
160000 XP + 2000 XP - BGEE showed 161000, BG2 showed 162000 (Expected outcome)
160000 XP + 2000 XP + 2000 XP - BGEE showed 161000, BG2 showed 164000 - not the expected outcome.
All I can conclude from this is either:
A ) All experience gained in BGEE is tracked and imported into BG2EE
B ) experience awarded during BGEE isn't awarded using AddexperienceParty or AddXPObject and/or the XP awards function differently somehow and the XP isn't tracked and imported into BG2EE like I expected...
I don't have the free time currently to test a full playthrough of BGEE and import to BG2EE. All my existing savegames are mid playthrough and haven't reached the BGEE XP cap yet.
The mystery continues!
1) I have a BG:EE quick-save made during the final battle with Sarevok. All characters had hit the XP cap well before entering the temple.
I loaded that save, exported my main char and imported it to BG2:EE. It starts the game with exactly 161,000 XP.
In conclusion: even if BG:EE is keeping track of XP gained over the level cap, this information is either not imported onto or not used by BG2:EE.
2) I also have the Final-Save from this game. I used it to import my char onto BG2:EE and on this case, his XP is 167,884.
Opening this Final-save on EEKeeper shows that all 6 chars have this exact amount of experience.
I can upload those saves in case anyone wants it.
Also quotes that state no class will reach level 13.
So we can pin the xp cap within a fairly narrow range.
Look at the discussions from just after SoD was anounced.
"There will be XP cap instead of the level cap. So you can get level 12th thieves."