Your favourite playable races

Mine is Dragonborn, because dragons.
- Your favourite playable races66 votes
- Dragonborn  4.55%
- Dwarf16.67%
- Elf10.61%
- Gnome  7.58%
- Half-Elf  6.06%
- Halfling  4.55%
- Half-Orc  6.06%
- Human33.33%
- Tiefling10.61%
I can't decide between Gnome and Elf!
Gnomes are tiny and adorable!
Elves contain the Drow subrace!
Let's say that without subraces gnome but with subraces elves.
Long lived, wise, skilled, powerful, Superior.
Your better in every way. . .
In seriousness, I wouldn't be able to decide between humans, halflings, half-orcs and (pre-4e-) tieflings. But when I doubt, I always go halfling.
Oh! And Orcs of course.
If you had spoken about the "base races" within the official D&D rule sets of an specific campaign setting on the other hand... then I'd say either Half-Orcs or Yuan-ti. A Paraelemental Ooze Genasi might be fine too.
The most beneficial set of racial bonuses there ever is.
TIEFLING... (pre-4e or even better.. from the Planescape Campaign Setting) - why? well..
In the multiverse, few creatures are of pure lineage, and even fewer are what they seem to be. That's
the greatest truth of the tiefling's existence. It's not advisable to ask a tiefling about his or her ancestors,
as the answer wouldn't likely be pleasant. Part human and part something else, tieflings are the orphans
of the planes. They can be described as humans who've been plane-touched. A shadow of knife-edge in
their face, a little too much fire in their eyes, a scent of ash in their presence - all these things and more
describe a tiefling. No planar would mistake a tiefling for a human, and most primes make the mistake
only once. Tieflings live with both pride and shame of who and what they are. They have no culture of
their own, and most are loners, which fits their background. Some slip into the edges of human society,
becoming poets and artists who describe the corrupt fringes of the respectable world. Adventurous
types often spend their years probing the unexplored edges of the multiverse, be it to survey strange
lands or experiment in the forgotten niches of magical science.
Source: Planescape Campaign Setting
Don't ever make a bet with a tiefling. - Planar proverb.
But my "Main" two characters, the ones I identify with most and the ones that I play the most are both human. So, it isn't necessarily that "Humans" are my "Favorite" race, but these two characters are my favorites and just happen to BE human.
"Go not to the elves for advice for they will say both no and yes." - Frodo Baggins
I almost always play him as a straight up fighter and I like to have an INT of at least 12 or 13, so don't expect a big, dumb brick.
I usually play human PCs in the BG games, but occasionally foray into half-elves and recently gnomes. I am kinda sick of elves... so overused in fantasy settings that they have lost their allure. My first NWN character was an elven druid though.
I really don't think a half-orc Bhaalspawn PC makes much sense considering how you are treated throughout the games, particularly in the beginning.
In addition, depending on how intensely you like to RP in environments beyond the liner campaign, and background-informing style of Baldur's Gate, humans feel like they can be shaped and immersed most fully in the rich backgrounds that Faerun provides: a Chessentan; a Dalelander; a Rashemi - they are all such different things within the one race, yet I feel like all the potential in them is subdued a little behind the front of 'race' if it so happens that your race looks as though it is going to be more interesting than that.
It isn't to criticise the other races, per se, but I feel like they plateau sooner in most instances than going for the "usual" option, if your aim is to play a character in the long-term.
It was then deemed 'Socially acceptable' to allow the full spectrum of races be more 'Equal'. I think it is great that Dwarven wizards and the like were then able to come out of the closet as it were.
Maybe I am simply old school, but I do think that Dwarves should be heartier than humans and Elves, by virtue of living a LOT longer, should be able to be better versed at magic than the short lived humans. The problem is, how do you implement that without appearing to be racist?