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New kits



  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    Fardragon said:

    You really have no idea how long it takes to debug something like SoD, do you?

    A much better appreciation than you apparently.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    RAM021 said:

    Fardragon said:

    You really have no idea how long it takes to debug something like SoD, do you?

    A much better appreciation than you apparently.
    Which software products have you worked on?

    I only ask because I would prefer not to acquire a bug-ridden mess.
  • RAM021RAM021 Member Posts: 403
    Fardragon said:

    RAM021 said:

    Fardragon said:

    You really have no idea how long it takes to debug something like SoD, do you?

    A much better appreciation than you apparently.
    Which software products have you worked on?

    I only ask because I would prefer not to acquire a bug-ridden mess.
    We would open with IWD, but the irony would be lost upon you. Suffice to say sufficient to stand by our assessment on time and effort involved. Far more germane is what (if any) you have...

    The implication that despite their initial issues that the previous IEee game releases were bug-ridden messes is simply mind bogglingly incorrect. Yes they launched with some bugs (for better or worse as does all software these days), but nothing really game breaking.

    Could all the kits & suggestions be incorporated? No probably not, but then most never do anyway even after the fact. However, given the timeframe remaining, it is certainly possible that some kit(s)/suggestion(s) might make it in - even in the unlikely event SoD was to release in Oct. Any extension beyond that merely increases the odds.
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    I've wanted a paladin of mystra for awhile. But that's prolly because I view myself as some sort of paladin and wizard or bard hybrid. (With some ranger for flavor)
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Paladin of Mystra

    Wow it be great to have a new Paladin Kit, i really like your idea.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Artemius_I I actually love your idea, and for the most part looks easily modded... I would rather it be DLC, I'm just hoping that something like that would go past level 6 in Mage spell progression... Maybe to level 8
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  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    I always secretly wanted a Fighter Deathbringer kit.

    Now it's no longer a secret.

    Which means now you know, and
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  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    I wish there were more kits from NWN prestige classes. Like champion of Torm (paladin), weapon master (fighter), doomguide (cleric) and warpriest (cleric). I already make some idea about champion of Torm kit.

    Champion of Torm

    Champions of Torm are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to Torm's cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of the church, and slaying mythical beasts. Torm is the patron of paladins and an unswerving enemy of corruption and evil.

    -Immune to fear and charm.
    -May achieve Mastery (three slots) with any weapon class.
    -May use the Smite Evil ability once per day to deal 1d6 + 1d6 points of damage for every 3 levels of Champion of Torm to a single, evil-aligned opponent. ( No saving throws or magic resistance )
    -7th level: May use the Divine Wrath ability once per day.

    DIVINE WRATH: The enraged state lasts for 4 rounds. The character gain +3 bonus to hit, +3 bonus to damage rolls and +2 bonus to saving throws. Also gains 10% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage. This ability improves, depending on character's level.

    o 14th level: +3 bonus to hit, 4+ bonus to damage rolls, +2 bonus to saving throws and 15% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.
    o 21st level: +4 bonus to hit, 5+ bonus to damage rolls, +2 bonus to saving throws and 20% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.
    o 28th level: +5 bonus to hit, 5+ bonus to damage rolls, +3 bonus to saving throws and 25% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.

    - May not Turn Undead.
    - May not cast priest spells
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Rylorn23 said:

    I wish there were more kits from NWN prestige classes. Like champion of Torm (paladin), weapon master (fighter), doomguide (cleric) and warpriest (cleric). I already make some idea about champion of Torm kit.

    Champion of Torm

    Champions of Torm are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to Torm's cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of the church, and slaying mythical beasts. Torm is the patron of paladins and an unswerving enemy of corruption and evil.

    -Immune to fear and charm.
    -May achieve Mastery (three slots) with any weapon class.
    -May use the Smite Evil ability once per day to deal 1d6 + 1d6 points of damage for every 3 levels of Champion of Torm to a single, evil-aligned opponent. ( No saving throws or magic resistance )
    -7th level: May use the Divine Wrath ability once per day.

    DIVINE WRATH: The enraged state lasts for 4 rounds. The character gain +3 bonus to hit, +3 bonus to damage rolls and +2 bonus to saving throws. Also gains 10% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage. This ability improves, depending on character's level.

    o 14th level: +3 bonus to hit, 4+ bonus to damage rolls, +2 bonus to saving throws and 15% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.
    o 21st level: +4 bonus to hit, 5+ bonus to damage rolls, +2 bonus to saving throws and 20% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.
    o 28th level: +5 bonus to hit, 5+ bonus to damage rolls, +3 bonus to saving throws and 25% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage.

    - May not Turn Undead.
    - May not cast priest spells

    oh me likey! what a fun kit that would be for my Paladin.

  • Rylorn23Rylorn23 Member Posts: 77
    @Gloomfrost said: oh me likey! what a fun kit that would be for my Paladin.

    I'm glad, that someone like my idea. It's basically a paladin with some fighter abilities. I was first thinking about Divine Champion kit. A paladin of any aligment, but paladins can be only Lawful good and Blackguards only Evil. And it would be little stupid, that even forces of neutrality have their champions like goodness and darkness. They have already druids, which is fine. If it was divine champion instead of champion of Torm, how could divine champion's ability "Smite infidel" work?

    I also want to see kit like Arcane Archer, Pale Master and Warpriest. More new classes like Favored Soul (Sorcerer version of Cleric) and Warlock. And make some little changes with some kits aligment in the game like Assassin and Dwarven Defender. Dwarven Defenders should be only Lawful and Assassins any non-good.

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    edited August 2015
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  • OzzyBotkinsOzzyBotkins Member Posts: 396
    I will be happy if to start that the IWD:EE cleric kits be available for BG:EE and BG2:EE. Maybe some time later in a patch or update we can get some more kits'
    Maybe kits for different races
    We already have the Defender Kit for Dwarfs
    So maybe we can get for Elves Gnomes and Halflings
  • Ancalagon44Ancalagon44 Member Posts: 252
    Not a big fan of cleric kits personally.

    I would like to see a new fighter kit, a new ranger kit, a new barbarian kit and possibly a new monk kit.

    5th edition and to some extent 3rd edition has lots of cool ideas for barbarians. Such as, AC bonuses when fighting unarmored, blood bonds etc. There are lots of cool things you could do with a barbarian.
  • madmaximusmadmaximus Member Posts: 140
    Mornmagor said:

    I always secretly wanted a Fighter Deathbringer kit.

    Now it's no longer a secret.

    Which means now you know, and

    Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    The Bard Kits Thespian and Gypsy come to mind :D
  • ShandoShando Member Posts: 147
    Spider drow wizard :D

    Or Matron Mother class ;x
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    They should do something with the Warlock class...because it how you get those spell ability thingies.
    When you look at the invocations of warlock, they can offer something to every class and kit.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Why are you looking for post-AD&D classes?

    There's Neverwinter Nights and many others that fill this hole.

    Let the Baldur's Gate Saga stay focused in the 2E, for God's sake.

    And if we are looking for new classes I would suggest the Psionic! :smile:
  • FaydarkFaydark Member Posts: 279
    @Raduziel because although we like playing 2E in IE games, we might have a class we really feel drawn to and enjoy playing the most, and it would be nice to combine our two loves into one?

    NWN(2), although fun to play, is not BG. I don't see the problem with "backporting" classes we enjoy from other era's (or even, other games) into 2E ruleset so we can have even more life and fun with the series. After all, this is what we used to do with pnp (customise our classes, bend the rules etc, within DM discretion).

    I'll never understand the mindset of "restrict everyone's options, because I don't like their choice of option". If you don't like seeing non-2E classes in your game, then don't use those classes.. I don't think anyone is asking for NPC's to be changed to use those classes, so as long as you don't create a CHARNAME with those classes, they basically won't exist for you. Everyone wins! =D
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    The problem with the 3E and onwards classes is the lack of balance. Wizard with several attacks/turn? A feat that put your Will saving thrown based on Constitution instead of Wisdom?

    Even if I don't play with these, I'll have to face it in the game.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    Faydark said:

    I don't think anyone is asking for NPC's to be changed to use those classes, so as long as you don't create a CHARNAME with those classes, they basically won't exist for you. Everyone wins! =D

    That's not how that ever works. Things get added, and then it becomes the norm, and then you have to put up with balance discussion and whining about the class and the fact that someone inevitably adds an NPC that uses the class. Its like saying "Pretend Barbarian, Monk, and Sorcerer were never added." You're not going to get far discussing things with others.

    That said, its not like dumping more kits in to Baldur's Gate really messes anything up. The precedent has already been set when they started dragging in redundant 3rd Ed classes because WotC has a finger in the pie.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Err. . . Isn't every edition unbalanced? Kind of the whole point of Linear Warriors Quadratic Wizards. Like don't get me wrong, Clerics and Druids in 3e made better fighters than fighters did but there's a lot of 2e cheese that also makes it on par.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    If I'm looking for new kits, what holes need filling the most? My claim is that halflings are the most underserved at the moment, and it would be neat to have the halfling equivalent to the dwarves defender. To my mind, this would be something like the arch kit, but specializing in slings and darts instead. The main problem with that idea is that halflings don't get to be rangers, and as a fighter kit, they already get to specialize in those weapons, so you are gaining little. Ideally, this would be a kit for fighter/thieves - but adding multi-kits is probably way to of scope, so my suggestion would be to implement as a fighter kit, restricting armor types to leathers, and limiting weapon specialization of all but darts and slings. Then throw in 10-15 thief points/level, which seems the same as assassin, but without the backstab, and slower fighter leveling. Might work.

    Why are halflings so needy? Their basic choice of characters is very limited from the start. Elves get triple-classes and sorcerers. Gnomes get specialist illusionists in their multis. Half-orcs can start with two 19 stats, on stats that make a big difference. Dwarves now have the defender. Humans get to dual class with amazing flexibility. Half-elves are somewhere between elves and humans, and that covers the known PC races.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    I would like to see the Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep added. Seriously though mages have like only one real kit albeit awesone kit so another one woukd be good. Unfirtunately arcane scholar was very focused on metanagic which doesnt exist in 2ed but they could come up with some fun abilities. Arcane trickster would be cool too.
  • NoobaccaNoobacca Member Posts: 139
    I'm with @Raduziel, psionics all the way! I loved Psionics Unleashed before the last patch broke it
  • ValamirCleaverValamirCleaver Member Posts: 184

    My claim is that halflings are the most underserved at the moment, and it would be neat to have the halfling equivalent to the dwarves defender.

    Something like the Halfling Guardian as described in Dragon Magazine #129?...
  • byrne20byrne20 Member Posts: 503
    I'd love to see a new Ranger kit. Something a bit more combat focused. Maybe something expanding on the two weapon fighting style, possibly offering more bonuses to the ranger for using it.
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