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Signature Main Characters



  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited December 2015
    My "main" is just a kitless fighter with dual-wield hammers. 18/meh 18 18 10 10 10

    Been using it for all infinity games

    It's damn satisfying to just beat the living %$#?! out of everything hostile and never bother with anything else :smiley:

    upgraded runehammer + crom faeyr is a sight to behold
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Rodrian said:

    lroumen said:

    I even made a mod (bardic switch) that allows the player to transclass themselves from thief to bard and back at will. That way i could magic and use all thieving skills as a bard (rather than just pick pockets) as well as backstab.

    That sounds amazing @lroumen! I'd love to try this out (I'm preparing to RP a bard in my next run, but he seems a little 'flat' as a Bhaalspawn idk). Did you manage to upload it somewhere maybe? Could you share? :blush:

    I don't really support it anymore and I have no idea whether it works for the enhanced editions. If is kind of silly too, my first attempt to mod.
    And now I have been delaying my better second attempt (stuck in area creation, I cannot find the time. ..). I hope you can get it to work on ee.

  • BorderBorder Member Posts: 32

    My typical experience is to try a new character class that interests me; adventure until the wife kicks me off the computer; read the interesting builds you guys write about on these forums; start a new character; rinse and repeat until I get annoyed with myself and then I'll build a paladin to actually play through the entire trilogy. Even then I only get to the end of BG2/start of ToB when the restartitis hits....
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    My signature character is of coarse my huge half-orc wielding a mighty two handed weapon, I just love playing characters like that, my favorite DnD weapon is the warmace but the BG series is unfortunately lacking those, but fear not there be massive two handed swords ( it seems that the original creators love them as well since there is so many and usually they are the most powerful weapons) so without further ado here is my half-orc in his 3 part series:

    Part 1:

    I thought just for kicks I will use the canon team, since my guy is of coarse amazing at melee combat it really doesn't matter who I bring around, but at the same time, its just been so long since I've done a canon run, I thought, ah why not, i'll do it just for poops and giggles so off we went throughout all of the sword coast, exploring every area, unlocking every chest killing every baddie until we would up at the fallen temple where someone waits for the final showdown:


    now before manuals and tomes he had a good roll of 92 ( 19 str, 18 dex, 19 con, 15 int, 5 wis, 16 cha) and in theory I could have rolled 18 for charisma but to me, it doesn't seem fair that half-orcs get +1 to strength/constitution and only -2 to intelligence, so I gave him a -2 to charisma as well, and I even had the liberty of giving Khalid the manual of dexterity ( since in reality 19 dex would really do nothing for this character build) so that made it so my melee guys could have -8 AC each, but now it's off to SoA to continue to part 2 of the 3 part series...
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    sarevok57 said:

    ... since in reality 19 dex would really do nothing for this character build ...

    Except that
    if you intend to stay Good-aligned, then the Hell-tests near to the end of SoA will force you to lose a point of DEX, so
    having a "spare" point of DEX can actually be quite valuable.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited December 2015
    oooo, ooo can I play?

    Hi'keem the Dragonborn
    Gender: Male
    Race: Dragonborn (human, but...shut up)
    Class: Sorcerer
    Alignment: True neutral

    I might draw myself a portrait and use it in the a playthrough o.o

    Literally every game I play, i'm a arcane caster,
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019

    sarevok57 said:

    ... since in reality 19 dex would really do nothing for this character build ...

    Except that
    if you intend to stay Good-aligned, then the Hell-tests near to the end of SoA will force you to lose a point of DEX, so
    having a "spare" point of DEX can actually be quite valuable.
    lol, I definitely don't plan to stay good aligned, the +2 strength and +2 con, AND the +15 HP are way more useful than 10% magic resistance, plus I miss out on the tanari quest in watchers keep if im good aligned :)

  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    sluckers said:

    Cho'Rok is merely the Korean word for 'Green'.

    Is it not also the Arabic word for "sunrise"?
  • sluckerssluckers Member Posts: 280
    edited December 2015

    sluckers said:

    Cho'Rok is merely the Korean word for 'Green'.

    Is it not also the Arabic word for "sunrise"?
    I have no idea. I don't know anything about Arabic, other than that there is a slew of good star names by arabian astronomers with heroic and villainous meanings.

    But I like this possibility. Depending on which way she goes alignment wise, Cho'Rok may herald a new day for Faerun or merely a false dawn that gets one's hopes up only to bring death and destruction.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    My signature character was, is and will always be my Drow F/M/T. Even when I was a child I would play dark complexioned Half-Elf F/M/T, telling to myself my character was a Half-Drow or something like that.

    He also had flashy blue hair when I was a child but that's something else.

    He is always good aligned, mostly Neutral Good but sometimes Chaotic Good aswell.
    F/M/T was always my favorite class and it still is to this day, I like the versatility, the power, the synergy ...
    Plus in BG1 you can actually be some kind of F/M/T/C with the good Bhaalspawn powers which is even more fun and powerful. I nearly exclusively play this character solo and it is the only character I played through BG2 and BP2 entirely.
    Of course he is dual wielding scimitars ... The Drizzt's fantasy ...

    This is his character sheet before fighting Sarevok and doing a 280 damage backstab. A true powergamer wet dream.

  • MrNoobyMrNooby Member Posts: 131
    Oh god, I'd heard the big metal unit was ugly. But I had no idea it was that ugly.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Yeah, I wasn't kidding. I mean, you can totally remove the golem appearance effect in NI, would still know it's ugly at heart.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    to be fair, its kind of a REALLY good item, so the fact that it turns you into an iron golem and makes it hard to move around a little bit, makes it a hair more fair ( usually I don't even bring it along, but this time I thought, ah why not)
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    My favorite character EVER is an Invoker I imported from the Black Pits II at level 17.
    He became so amazing, I actually used that import/export for 2 or 3 more characters. That's how much fun I had with him.
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  • xPersonOfChaosxxPersonOfChaosx Member Posts: 21
    Ever since being roped into playing D&D at a young age by my parents, I've always had a thing for Rangers. She's always a Chaotic Good Half-Elf and I automatically dress her all in green *Ankheg Armour appreciation.* I usually make up her name- something pretentious like "Aerlenda" (my heroine's current name) - or I just steal one from a book character. :wink::smiley:
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459

    Ever since being roped into playing D&D at a young age by my parents, I've always had a thing for Rangers. She's always a Chaotic Good Half-Elf and I automatically dress her all in green *Ankheg Armour appreciation.* I usually make up her name- something pretentious like "Aerlenda" (my heroine's current name) - or I just steal one from a book character. :wink::smiley:

    I always respect actual hero characters. My two characters are usually more morally ambiguous and even Piro of whom is Chaotic Good is primarily motivated by "fun" which can make her do some less-than-good actions sometimes. As for Val, being a Necromancer always has some pull towards evil though the character is mostly good. Not to imply Necromamcy is innately evil just that the worship of evil gods in exchange for necromantic powers can lead to a very dark path.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Vallmyr said:

    Necromamcy is innately evil

  • Vallmyr said:

    Necromamcy is innately evil

    Depends on the rules of whatever universe you're in. In some universes there is no meaningful distinction between a skeleton and a golem, so the only ethical concern is getting permission to use someone's remains. In other universes, you're essentially enslaving someone's soul and adding a hefty dollop of spiritual torture to the mix. I've seen too many conflicting representations in D&D to keep track of exactly how it works in the Forgotten Realms.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Kaigen said:

    I've seen too many conflicting representations in D&D to keep track of exactly how it works in the Forgotten Realms.

    Of course yes, it depends upon the rules of the setting. For Forgotten Realms, however, I'm taking my cue from the Church of Lathander, who certainly regard all undead as inherently Evil.
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    Gotural said:

    Even when I was a child I would play dark complexioned Half-Elf F/M/T, telling to myself my character was a Half-Drow or something like that.

    That's exactly what I'm playing! As I use portraits based on photos of myself - and I don't particularly like shaving off my IRL beard for new BG portraits - a half-drow it is. Also, I kind of think half-elves are cooler/more interesting with their "between two worlds-thingy" than elves .

    At the moment, I'm especially pleased with my newly modded elven chain, where I've replaced the style and green color with something more alike my portrait.

  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    sarevok57 said:

    Ah and now finally part 3 of my signature character:

    So my canon team managed to make it through all the way of ToB, although the battle with abizigal was a colossal pain in the ass, but we got through, and one thing that I figured out that was nice, was 3 mages that have chain contingency with normal contingency already ready to go out once dealing out abidalzims horrid wilting x9 while they all get protected by a stoneskin at the same time, good stuff, but now its time for the final battle and the conclusion to my signature character's quest



    All I can look at is the -21 armor class...
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