Signature Main Characters

I was curious, how many of you have a "Signature Character" ?
You might not play them all the time and indeed you may not play the character class or build much, but when you think of Baldur's Gate and the Bhaalspawn, you think of this character first.
For me it's a CN elf fighter/mage using a two handed sword. I base him on a table top character I played a few decades ago. When the original series came out he was my first character to complete the trilogy.
I am finally getting around to playing him in EE and I thought I'd share.
I was also hoping that some of you would share your "Signature Character"

* 96 stat points, no tomes applied yet and yes my Forum ID is based upon this pale, doomed champion elf, because when I think of Baldur's Gate, I think of Skarose
Which character do you think of?
You might not play them all the time and indeed you may not play the character class or build much, but when you think of Baldur's Gate and the Bhaalspawn, you think of this character first.
For me it's a CN elf fighter/mage using a two handed sword. I base him on a table top character I played a few decades ago. When the original series came out he was my first character to complete the trilogy.
I am finally getting around to playing him in EE and I thought I'd share.
I was also hoping that some of you would share your "Signature Character"

* 96 stat points, no tomes applied yet and yes my Forum ID is based upon this pale, doomed champion elf, because when I think of Baldur's Gate, I think of Skarose
Which character do you think of?
Lady Arveene Dragonspear
Cavalier in BG, bg2 and iwd. Paladin/Wizard in iwd2 (possibly with a spash of fighter).
Definitely a more sarcastic good. I also have 2 other signatures:
Elven Ranger (stalker for the longest time, might be an Archer now)
Lia Nailo
And finally, Walkingzippo, my Invoker Specialist Mage (maybe eventually Dragon Disciple) who dreams of being a war wizard of cormyr.
(I also have a fighter based dwarf I use, but she varies between wizard slayer, dwarven defender and fighter/cleric. And she doesn't span multiple games including dragon age, mass effect and wow)
Elf. Light blue and lavender.
High int, Dex, cha, low con.
(those stats were gained throughout the game, one way or another)
Lately, I've been running a half-orc named Wulf. In PnP, I usually played him as a cleric or fighter/cleric, but in BG and IWD, I've been playing him as a fighter, mainly just to keep things simple.
Grimmdane - Dwarf, CE or NE (depends on setting/campaign). usually played as a berzerker/fighter, but in my head he's a dualclassed berzker turned cleric of Abbathor. Fiery red hear and the obligatory thick red beard. Weilds a warhammer in one hand and a dwarven axe in the other, names "Crusher" and "Cleaver" respectively (Grimmdane doesn't have the greatest of imagination, hehe). Greedy, aggressive, unlikable and hated by just about everyone 'cept his fellow comrade Elsydion, an elf mage or sorcerer (depends on game/campaing), who is played by a mate of mine. We still hail eachother by these names irl sometimes (nerdy as hell, but fun). We played through all NVN campaigns with these chars (and portions of SoA) and I've played through BG1-ToB with variants of him.
Skatan - Human (tiefling) bard (blade) - CN or CG (depends on mood, campaign, settings). Charming as hell, suffers from hubris and thinks too highly of himself, but well-liked by most he encounters. Not the greatest fighter but with innate Luck (added Luck spell for RP reasons) he always manages to solve whatever situation he's in. Hates training so he's not that fit or strong, but uses magic to boost himself for battle. Tells the greatest stories and sings the most beautyfull songs, beds the most women and drinks the most beers. This guy is closer to my own IRL persona (though of course much better than I am irl, haha). A classical "scoundrel" guy just out to carve a piece of the world for himself. Kinda greedy though. "Skatan" means "the Magpie" in swedish, a bird famous for its intelligence and its lust for shiny objects, which makes the bard a good class. Have played him as mage/thief as well as I picture him as having more thief skills than just pickpocketing, but usually he ends up as Blade.
No matter what new and cool charnames I create, I play variants of these two chars regularly.
"pfft, amateurs!"
Fighters and clerics are not in the profession so he just considers those he must face as:
"pfft, idiots!"
I like the idea of him as a good guy, fighting from the shadows, looking out for the innocents etc, he would never be able to win a straight up fight, thus he would never, ever fight fair.
I never felt that Baldur's Gate was the place for a good aligned Mage/Thief MainChar, mainly because Imoen fills that role and I always use her in my good aligned runs. It seems too alien and out of sorts not to.
I guess this is why when I play Baldur's Gate I've always considered my signature character as my second favorite type of tabletop PnP Fantasy RPG character, the elven Gish.
Skarose is fun because with a low Strength(14 is low for a fighter.) and a low con, he has to fight intelligently and utilize spells and potions etc. Which is fine, because he is an elven fighter/mage and that alone makes him powerful as all get out (I am one of those players who is convinced the F/M is the most powerful build in Baldur's Gate.)
Maybe my next run will be a good aligned elven mage/thief...
"Pffft, amateurs...."
The first, as many know, is Val'myr Zaur the Drow Cleric! He worships either Kelemvor, Velsharoon, or Kiaransalee depending on the flavor of Necro I want to go. He uses Necromancy for good! He's suave (in his head) and likes to think himself as a ladies man (though he isn't).
The second is Piro Faeren, Gnome Bard or Illusionist/Thief. She's super derpy but really smart. The 19 Intelligence but 8 wisdom sort of person. She's quite charismatic as well with a 16 Cha. Just imagine if Alora was more magically inclined and was raised by Fey creatures (Dryads, Pixies, Satyrs, etc) and had really long curly pink hair.
Gender: Male
Race: Ferret
Class: Fighter/Mage/Thief
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (for a ferret familiar)
Starting Spells: Find Familiar, Detect Evil
When Gorion walked into Candlekeep with a small bundle of joy, everyone was surprised to see that the bundle was actually a baby ferret. When pressed for answers, Gorion simply shrugged and said that the gods work in mysterious ways. The ferret grew up in Gorion's care, growing stronger and smarter with each passing day until one day, he spoke, saying "
As the ferret continued to grow, he studied magic with Gorion, stole
My tabletop PnP signature character, "Crowe"
(These are not my PnP table stats but rather I rolled a 98 total with BGEE and thought this would be my Demigod of Mage/Thieves attribute spread, not the most OP I realize, but I hate having an 18 STR on any thief type except for maybe assassins and fighter/thieves.)
*I realize Stealth and Traps are not a very OP choice for a Multi Mg/Th, but I like them for this character.
"pfft, amateurs!"
I don't have a signature PnP character, as I try to explore different things with each character I play. I used to have an overwhelming preference for spellcasters, but these days I lean towards skillful characters and other Badass Normal-type characters.
Right now I'm doing SCS out-of-comfort-zone playthrought (meaning with tactical challenges components), where she is Dragon Disciple (it's unbecoming of me to pick a sorceror as a class).
@BenzoSt I decided to give a Blade a whirl myself and am playing one right now. He's not a dread pirate, I imagine Styx is more a darkly romantic goth poet. I must admit I'm having fun playing him. He's like a more challenging(Weaker) fighter/mage.
But if I had to pick...
I'd have to go with my fighter/mage elf, the first character I'd ever completed BG1 with, and the protagonist of my BG fanfiction.
(I haven't used any Manual in BG1, because I like the idea of settled vallues of AD&D 2nd Edition. And, as you can see, he was already an outstanding talented character. I really tried to make a younger brother of Sarevok that would be at his same landing place. But I never wanted to surpass his Strength of 18/00, for example).
*****Spoilers from this point, since it's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn*****
Without another reason to live, Oberon roamed the Sword Coast for some time, so one day he was captured by the mad mage Jon Irenicus, interested in his cursed bloodline. After escaping his captivity, he wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he had the chance, but he would not seek it as it was in the case of Sarevok. He just wanted Imoen, his beloved childhood friend back. He needed powerful allies to retrieve her from the Cowled Wizards, so he aligned with Aran Linvail. He judged that, as an older and more solid organization, the Shadow Thieves were more powerful than the new and creepier band led by Bodhi. It was not a choice based on principles.
In the midst of all this relentless pursuit for Imoen back, Jaheira got attracted by the wild spirit of the bhaalspawn, and a feeling bloom between them. They strengthen themselves from their losses, even if the relation wasn't approved by the harpists. He also helped his friend Nalia and became a benevolent and proud Lord of the De'Arnise Keep. With gold and power enough to face his quest, he went to Spellhold to rescue Imoen. He fell in the web of tricks of Irenicus, and was captured again just before seeing what that rascal did with Imoen. He twisted her mind so much that Oberon wanted his head on a pike. The avenger was alive again.
He had to face his inner demons to survive the nasty experiments of Irenicus. He chose to sacrifice youth to achieve knowledge. But what is the passing of time for an elf? He just got more dangerous, because he still had rage, but now he had wisdom as well (*In this momment I edited him in EE Keeper, and gave him the improvements in Wisdom and Intelligence of aging stated in the PHB).
Well... It's been a long post and you know the rest of the story (It's enough to say that he failed the test of greed in the Nine Hells, and now wields Blackrazor).
Despite being now one of the most fearsome persons in the realms, there were still those who would dare to defy Oberon. After surviving an assassination attempt from Illasera, one of The Five - a league compounded by the most powerful bhaalspawns -, Oberon initiated a war against them.
First, Oberon got access to Bhaal's pocket plane, became its master and learnt much more of the Lord of Murder and its offspring by a Solar. Then, he gave a lesser amount of his bhaalspawn's essence to revive and recruit his old enemy Sarevok. Then, assembling his most powerful cohorts, he ignited his fray against the five - a quarrel that would shake the Realms!
Heading to Saradush, Oberon initiated a quest to slay the invincible Yaga-Shura. After beheading the Fire Giant, he turned his attention now to Abazigal, Sendai and Balthazar. After storming encounters with dragons, drow legions and armies of master monks, Oberon retreated to De'Arnise Keep. The battle against the three was far from over, and much more setting was needed. At least the alliance between Balthazar, Sendai and Abazigal was broken, and now we have a complex war scenario with four sides struggling against each other.
(And that's how my Throne of Bhaal ends. In the future I'll DM a campaign for some friends that will proceed the story from this point, and they'll have to choose to align with Oberon, Balthazar, Abazigal or Sendai. This campaign will be called "Baldur's Gate III: Flames of Gehenna". Basically, Oberon's purpose is to fight this war to protect Imoen, wich is secure from the other three in the Pocket Plane. This war will lead the four sides through layers of the Abyss, involving Demon Princes, like Orcus, Demogorgon and Baphomet, because it's the unique way to reach the fifth surviving Bhaalspawn - Imoen).
Often chaotic neutral elven.
However he himself is a very timid, shy and well meaning guy. His personality clashes wth his arsenal of spells.
Obviously, these stats in I played BG1 more than once to get them. This is her at the beginning of Shadows of Amn, since I actually haven't completed a run with her since EE was released...but I'm in the middle of it right now.
Being the son of the god of murder, he was quite adept at wielding weapons that were as big as he was. Also he had a green beard, because gnomes.
I have played her in IWD1, NWN2, DA1 and Pillars of Eternity tho.
The name changes, but she is an average sized and build, caucasian human with light blonde hair and bright eyes (so far I went with either grey or green). Sometimes she has freckles. She has natural straight her, but in some incarnations she wears a perm. She *always* wears a hat, if possible a flashy, pointy one, since she is a book-schooled wizard. Her favourite color is blue and she likes cute and sweet things, which reflects her style of clothing, which often involves bows, flowers and the likes. Classic wizard attire meets lolita.
Personality wise, she is Neutral Good, very curious and open minded. Her motivations to live the life of an adventurer come from her wanderlust and her need to experience and learn new things. But she also likes the quite moments where she can enjoy a good book alongside a hot cup of cocoa. She always sees the good in other people and is very patient but that also let's her often seem rather naive. She is also a pacifist and goody-two-shoes and prefers using spells from the sidelines. She follows the teachings of Oghma and is good with words.
Her prefered company are "fun" people, she doesn't like the gloomy type, but she tries to get along with everybody. Especially witty people are her favourite. As for lovers, she likes men who are kind, smart, capable, down-to-earth and have a good sense of humor. Her falling for the knight in shining armor is not unheard of
[Spoiler=Here are some drawings]Andrea Fildret (NWN2) .......................................................... ??? Fildret (I forgot her first name :X; IWD1)
Yes, they are related, Andrea is the other one's granddaughter.
Fabienne (Pillars of Eternity)
In Baldur's Gate, I only had one comparable character so far, that would be my Paladin Clarissa:
[spoiler=Another drawing]
But unlike the others, she is an overachieving airhead and roughly a head taller than everyone else. She is also not exactly the smartest ... think Minsc as Paladin, but not quite as bad :'D
She is also a granddaughter of my IWD char and a cousin of my NWN2 char. One big "happy" family >:3c