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Signature Main Characters

I was curious, how many of you have a "Signature Character" ?

You might not play them all the time and indeed you may not play the character class or build much, but when you think of Baldur's Gate and the Bhaalspawn, you think of this character first.

For me it's a CN elf fighter/mage using a two handed sword. I base him on a table top character I played a few decades ago. When the original series came out he was my first character to complete the trilogy.

I am finally getting around to playing him in EE and I thought I'd share.

I was also hoping that some of you would share your "Signature Character"


* 96 stat points, no tomes applied yet and yes my Forum ID is based upon this pale, doomed champion elf, because when I think of Baldur's Gate, I think of Skarose

Which character do you think of?


  • YupImMadBroYupImMadBro Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 347
    I always think of my first character who was an Undead Hunter. Long Sword w/Shield with the occasional flick of the Azuredge.
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    I'd love to make my cleric thief a cleric shadowdancer but it doesn't seem to actually work
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    My first reoccurring character was my Battlemage, Michael Delborn. In 2e, he was a fighter dualed to mage at 5th or 6th level. In 3e, he took 1 level of fighter for every 3 levels of mage. This was the first character I used in the original BG, but I've played versions of him for decades in PnP.

    Lately, I've been running a half-orc named Wulf. In PnP, I usually played him as a cleric or fighter/cleric, but in BG and IWD, I've been playing him as a fighter, mainly just to keep things simple.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I have two.

    The first, as many know, is Val'myr Zaur the Drow Cleric! He worships either Kelemvor, Velsharoon, or Kiaransalee depending on the flavor of Necro I want to go. He uses Necromancy for good! He's suave (in his head) and likes to think himself as a ladies man (though he isn't).

    The second is Piro Faeren, Gnome Bard or Illusionist/Thief. She's super derpy but really smart. The 19 Intelligence but 8 wisdom sort of person. She's quite charismatic as well with a 16 Cha. Just imagine if Alora was more magically inclined and was raised by Fey creatures (Dryads, Pixies, Satyrs, etc) and had really long curly pink hair.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Stoat the Ferret Lord
    Gender: Male
    Race: Ferret
    Class: Fighter/Mage/Thief
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral (for a ferret familiar)
    Starting Spells: Find Familiar, Detect Evil

    When Gorion walked into Candlekeep with a small bundle of joy, everyone was surprised to see that the bundle was actually a baby ferret. When pressed for answers, Gorion simply shrugged and said that the gods work in mysterious ways. The ferret grew up in Gorion's care, growing stronger and smarter with each passing day until one day, he spoke, saying ":cookie:, :cookie:." This surprised all but Gorion, who nodded sagely in understanding and gave him a :cookie: from within his pocket.

    As the ferret continued to grow, he studied magic with Gorion, stole :cookie:s with his childhood friend, Imoen, and fought against the cats of Candlkeep, tooth and claw, for each :cookie: he 'found', until one day, Gorion suddenly told him to buy as many :cookie:s as he needed for a long trip.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Since everyone else (who has participated so far) has offered up a signature character, I'll speak up for the other point of view: no, I don't really have any signature character. I play through with a lot of very different characters, in order to experience the story in different ways. YMMV, but to me that helps to keep the experience fresh and replayable.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    edited November 2015
    Well, after all these years, I finally decided to give my "The Professional" build a whirl. He's focused on *Stealth*/Setting Traps/Detecting Illusions. Imoen handles finding traps and locks. I'm running with the "Irenicus Dungeon Crew". I must admit it's a pretty fun run. Two Mage/Thieves, one Minsc and a Jaheira.

    My tabletop PnP signature character, "Crowe"

    (These are not my PnP table stats but rather I rolled a 98 total with BGEE and thought this would be my Demigod of Mage/Thieves attribute spread, not the most OP I realize, but I hate having an 18 STR on any thief type except for maybe assassins and fighter/thieves.)

    *I realize Stealth and Traps are not a very OP choice for a Multi Mg/Th, but I like them for this character.

    "pfft, amateurs!"

    Post edited by Skarose on
  • I have a couple of signature characters for CRPGs: Nelyo, a half-elf gish (usually a Fighter/Mage, Blade, or whatever the nearest analogue is), and Korin, a female (usually) human Paladin (or other warrior-type with minor magical abilities, or just plain warrior, again, depending on the setting).

    I don't have a signature PnP character, as I try to explore different things with each character I play. I used to have an overwhelming preference for spellcasters, but these days I lean towards skillful characters and other Badass Normal-type characters.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    My signature character in Baldur's Gate will be female, good-alligned arcane magic user. Name's usually Areina, although some details, like her being wizard/sorceror, kit/specialization or even race (human/elf/half-elf) depends on my current interpretation.

    Right now I'm doing SCS out-of-comfort-zone playthrought (meaning with tactical challenges components), where she is Dragon Disciple (it's unbecoming of me to pick a sorceror as a class).
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Skarose , What portrait pack is that? Can you link it? Thanks.
  • BenzoStBenzoSt Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to EE Autoroller for the stats! Educated folks will probably recognize this character from one of my favorite books/movies.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    @BelgarathMTH I don't really have a portrait pack, just custom NPC portraits I've acquired over the years and change them periodically to suit my game theme or current mood.

    @BenzoSt I decided to give a Blade a whirl myself and am playing one right now. He's not a dread pirate, I imagine Styx is more a darkly romantic goth poet. I must admit I'm having fun playing him. He's like a more challenging(Weaker) fighter/mage.image
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited December 2015
    Rogue, either bard or thief. I even made a mod (bardic switch) that allows the player to transclass themselves from thief to bard and back at will. That way i could magic and use all thieving skills as a bard (rather than just pick pockets) as well as backstab.

    Often chaotic neutral elven.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Neutral good wild mage. Casts the most dangerous and explosive spells like reckless dweomer, lightning bolt, cone of cold, death spell, disintegrate/flesh to stone (whichever is in his book) etc.
    However he himself is a very timid, shy and well meaning guy. His personality clashes wth his arsenal of spells.
  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    Mine is my cute little chaotic good elven archer. Named Caeria, obviously. Specializes in shortbows. Is insufferably adorable but surprisingly loves adventuring.
    Obviously, these stats in I played BG1 more than once to get them. This is her at the beginning of Shadows of Amn, since I actually haven't completed a run with her since EE was released...but I'm in the middle of it right now.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Insufferably adorable is the best kind of adorable!
  • Well, considering the only runthrough I completed was with my Chaotic Good Gnome Fighter/Illusionist Orryn, I guess mine would have to be him.

    Being the son of the god of murder, he was quite adept at wielding weapons that were as big as he was. Also he had a green beard, because gnomes.
  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2015
    lroumen said:

    I even made a mod (bardic switch) that allows the player to transclass themselves from thief to bard and back at will. That way i could magic and use all thieving skills as a bard (rather than just pick pockets) as well as backstab.

    That sounds amazing @lroumen! I'd love to try this out (I'm preparing to RP a bard in my next run, but he seems a little 'flat' as a Bhaalspawn idk). Did you manage to upload it somewhere maybe? Could you share? :blush:

    Post edited by Rodrian on
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