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Do you want doppleganger NPC ?

EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
" Doppelgangers are humanoids, infamous for their shapeshifting abilities that allow them to mimic almost any humanoid creature. Doppelganger families tend not to be close; usually a male and female meet, engage in casual sex, then leave one another, with the female being forced to single-handedly rear any resulting newborns—who will leave their mother upon reaching maturity. Some however, form tightly knit family clusters, while others will mate with humanoids, taking malicious delight in using their spouse as a cover for their inhumanity. Children born of such unions have a chance of being a half-doppelganger. "

We can meet many dopplegangers in BG1, so why not at least one doppleganger ( or half-doppelganger ) who do´t want kill us ?

She or he can also have VERY interesting romance...
Imagine that options !
  1. Do you want doppleganger NPC ?122 votes
    1. Yes, i like to see doppleganger ( or half-doppleganger ) NPC in game.
    2. No, i do´t like this idea...


  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I think the possible humorous options of this would be wonderful. Essentially having the doppelganger tease the other party members incessantly, imitating them rather credibly. Would be silly, but fun (in my opinion) to see.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited September 2012

    I think the possible humorous options of this would be wonderful. Essentially having the doppelganger tease the other party members incessantly, imitating them rather credibly. Would be silly, but fun (in my opinion) to see.

    I agree with you, that was my first thought too ! :D
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    I would prefer an undead NPC of some kind. But then again I've been watching way too much Walking Dead...
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    There is already an Illithid NPC mod for BG2, so I don't think that doppelanger would be too much of a problem. As a mod, that is.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    How about a Doppleganger NPC that joins us with seemingly good intentions and then backstabs you later.

    You know, kind of like Yoshimo. Bastard...
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Quartz said:

    How about a Doppleganger NPC that joins us with seemingly good intentions and then backstabs you later.

    You know, kind of like Yoshimo. Bastard...

    With Doppleganger is everything possible...
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    There already exist half-dragon npc mod, so you're quite close.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @Kukaracha, we could make you as an NPC, we would just need to keep potion of genius at hand to keep your character usefull. If we make a horse NPC, with you in the party at least the Horse NPC will have a bestride to use.

    Lemme just remember that here, this thread DON'T ASK for a main char new race, it's an joinable NPC in doppleganger race that is asked.

    Dopplegangers are abundant in Baldur's Gate, as Sarevok control a huge faction of them. it's an inteligent race that can easly addapt with the party (the can addapt with anithing in fact) and with the overflow of dopplegangers many reasons can be made to justify one wanting to join the main char.

    Their presence on BG saga don't need justifies cos they're already original content, we need only a reason to make one join main char, is that so impossible? Or some people just didn't like the idea?

    The versatile of an doppleganger NPC could add a total new perception and contents to Baldur's Gate, i really would like it.

    below is a list of sources for dopplegangers:

    From WotC monster vault.

    From SRD list, with a table of advantages and disvantages for playable dopplegangers.

    From wiki, with the explicit statement of possibility to be used as an NPC (first paragraph).

    From DnD Wikia, pratically a copy of the wiki description.

    But opinions apart, lets just see what will come from this pool.
  • CrazedSlayerCrazedSlayer Member Posts: 130
    They dont necessarily need to join you out of sinister motivations. Apparently some get fed up with their nature and permanently join a human culture which they've come to like. Their half-doppelganger offspring likely wouldn't have known about their heritage or developed their abilities until maturity. This could lead to an interesting plot-line where a half-doppelganger has been outcast from their village for suddenly developing a shape-shifting ability that they dont quite understand yet. Kinda like Dili from BG2 (who i also would welcome in my party ^.^). Having recently fled his/her home , im sure charname could relate to such an experience of being an outcast because of heritage.

    Having a shape-shifter in your party wouldn't necessarily break the game's plot in terms of someone always changing appearance to get into places they shouldn't go. It would probably function alot like charisma.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    Sure, why not? Sounds interesting.
    Better if he/she's a evil or good thief.
    I don't want doppleganger CHARNAMEs, though.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @Raistlin82, me neither :), a main char doppler would ruin the saga plot. But an NPC doppler would be great! I love evil characters but maybe a doppler joinable NPC in this moment would fit better as neutral or good, but this is only my issues, a doppleganger is an open book of possibilities.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    I ask why exactly doppleganger? Why not a vampire or a half-troll or something like that.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Silence said:

    I would prefer an undead NPC of some kind. But then again I've been watching way too much Walking Dead...

    I always wished Koraxx the Ghoul hung around for more than just the basilisk fields, myself.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Doppleganger isn't a problematic monster kind, it's pretty adaptable (by nature) and there is an abundant amount of dopplegangers in Baldur's Gate plot splited in two non linked factions, the ones that work for Sarevok and the ones that reside in durlag's tower.

    Also as i posted before, it's an accetable playable non human class in D&D terms (we only want a NPC doppler here, not a main char, for gods sake, no!). It's behavior is somehow alike any humanoid race behavior.

    I will not make any deep evalation of vampire NPCs cos i really enjoyed "Valen mod", but add an undead as an NPC is something very extreme to do in original content. Trolls can't mate with other humanoids and they are a semi inteligent race.

    Any inteligent monster can be an NPC if you think well, but here, in bhaalspawn saga, we must adapt the possibilities to the already existent content, making the better with the new content without prejudice of the original one. Doppleganger comes as an natural choice here, as there a lot of chances for the game introduce them and a lot of chances for NPC banters.
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I don't see the point and it doesn't particularly interest me either. I'd rather see some other form of unique NPC like an undead or some other monster class before I'd have a doppelganger.
  • PhyraxPhyrax Member Posts: 198
    There would be one problem with this: choosing from all the form-possibilities would be like scrolling through a "I-now-all-spells" sorcerers spelllist. Or her/his shapeshifting capabilities should not be controlled by the player, and he could fool us every time! Bringing the problem of the green selection circle, giving his disguise away...
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    A horse npc. Yes, brilliant, then Beamdog could make a horse armor dlc!
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    For all we know Boo is a doppelganger fellas.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    It seems to me to be an over-conviluted way of trying to make an interesting character. Not to mention you'd never be able to get 4 other NPCs to comply with having such a race in your party.
    I'd rather they just created a human/dwarf/elf etc. NPC, and wrote them well.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    edited September 2012

    It seems to me to be an over-conviluted way of trying to make an interesting character.

    Nah. The idea has potential.

    Also, that's not what "convoluted" means.
    Choosing a race that is interesting (for intrigue, gameplay, dialogue and romance) is a pretty STRAIGHTFORWARD idea, which is the OPPOSITE of convoluted.
    As a side note, "over-conviluted" just isn't a word.
    Not to mention you'd never be able to get 4 other NPCs to comply with having such a race in your party.
    You mean, like they would never team-up with a drow?
    You can't see me, but everybody says I look a lot like Gene Wilder.
    Right now, I look like him even more. Draw your conclusions...

    Stop giving out arguable personal opinions as fact, people!
    The NPCs are following you for several reasons, which often (but not always) trump their objections towards what you do and who you hang out with. Most of them won't stop traveling with them (but, if they're suspicious of him/her, their dialogue with the doppleganger offers a lot of interesting opportunities).
    And let's go back to that "not always": let's say they manage to sneak in a chance for internal conflict with one or more other NPCs (like there already are: Minsc and Edwin, for example)... well... huzzah! The character has just become a bit more interesting! All the better!
    I'd rather they just created a human/dwarf/elf etc. NPC, and wrote them well.
    You're lucky, then. We already have 31 of those. 37 if you count halflings and gnomes.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    It seems to me to be an over-conviluted way of trying to make an interesting character. Not to mention you'd never be able to get 4 other NPCs to comply with having such a race in your party.
    I'd rather they just created a human/dwarf/elf etc. NPC, and wrote them well.

    Cos a Red Wizard of Thay (Edwin), a Drow (Viconia) and a psychopath (Shar-Teel) are a much more acceptable persons, no?

    In my view, the party doesn't even need to know the NPC is a doppelganger until later in the game :), after all infiltrate is their business.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I was totally against this idea, until I saw in another thread that someone suggested Ellen Degeneres as a voice actor. At that point, the whole concept just sort of "clicked".

    I think it would work best, from an engine perspective at least, as a half-doppelganger. You'd be able to use more or less the same avatar as a human or elf, using a specific color of skin and hair, and you wouldn't have to design an entirely new character model for armor and the like.

    I can't decide if I'd make her a thief or a mage. I really could go either way on that.

    But I like this idea a lot now.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I don't care much about the class, the assassin kit would fit better, but a bard, a jester to be more exactly could bring best banters, but if added an doppelganger NPC i would not care in let the class choice for Team BG.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    kamuizin said:

    I don't care much about the class, the assassin kit would fit better, but a bard, a jester to be more exactly could bring best banters, but if added an doppelganger NPC i would not care in let the class choice for Team BG.

    True, assassin si probable profession for doppleganger.

    But dopplegangers are also capable warriors so she/he can easy be Warrior/Thief too.

    Half-doppleganger will be probably best option.

    She/he will be normal NPC with limited ability transformation.
    Special ability change to basic dopplaganger and later to bigger dopplaganger.
    Very similarly like druid werewolf.

    You will not control her/his race appearance and she/he can change between her/his romantic dialogs to man or woman according to CHARNAME ( she/he can also change race )
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Using a half-doppelganger would justify the lack of control over the transformations, but no matter if half or full doppel, i think that transformations should be locked for the direct use.

    The best scenario will be the use of transformations in history plots, events and banter prupose. When i think about a doppelganger NPC i'm not interested on an overpowered character with astounting skills, i'm in fact focused in the pool of possibilities relative to banters, personal history and other social contents.

    If i wanted a killing machine i would ask for a half-dragon NPC (which is an interesting option, but not for BG EE, maybe for BG2 or another D&D rpg).
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited September 2012
    Dopplaganger is weaker then werewolf and bigger dopplaganger is totally weaker then bigger werewolf so this NPC will be less killing machine then lycantrop druid.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    @Raistlin82, in fairness, there are several characters who don't want to, or won't travel with a Drow in BG :P
    *overly convoluted, was what I meant to say. Apologies, my mistake! Though the opinions of an opposing council, so to speak, are taken much better when they aren't delivered in such a condescending manner.
    And furthermore, Shar-Teel is no more psychopathic than Minsc, she's just much more morally objectionable.
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    Sure, why not? At this point, I'm for anything that isn't drow. ;)
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244

    Sure, why not? At this point, I'm for anything that isn't drow. ;)

    Shame on you ! Drows are cool ! :D
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