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What's your favourite romance?



  • serabietserabiet Member Posts: 52
    zarffyn said:

    That said, if anyone has a IRL shrine, I don't want to know about it. =)

    No physical ones here but the number of hours spent painting, writing and reading fics and fanart border on derpy. \:D/
  • taletotelltaletotell Member Posts: 74
    I like fighting haerdalis for Aerie. I like the drama.
  • StilleStille Member Posts: 3
    Canon-wise, I really like Jaheira and Viconia as characters, and I could definitely imagine charname going for them. As for mods, the Xan romances are really really good - I especially love how they paint him as someone with defects and limitations (some pretty good writing on those two); also, the fact that you can't really fix the guy's problems - at least in the romance where you start as everything he ever wanted in a woman. The Haer'Dalis romance sounds interesting as well, though I didn't get to play through it much yet. As for stuff I didn't play but I read about, Branwen is refreshingly low-drama (in 1 at least, the mod that brings her back in 2 can't spell to save its files from deletion) and Coran seems fun in a proto-Haer'Dalis, carpe diem kinda way.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    I always wanted to try out Xan romance, but it bothers me that you have to be an elf to romance him. It's too restrictive.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2012
    zarffyn said:

    Mmm, yes. Alistair. I support this initiative.
    Thank you for reminding me how much I like Big Al. A big, strong, strapping hunk of a man with royal blood and a claim to the throne? A goofy, funny, playful disposition that belies his incredible strength in combat? A drop-dead gorgeous smile and he blushes at the slightest flirtation? The chance to be the Queen of Ferelden?

    Dang, girl, you've got me wanting to replay DA:O and to become the Queen, since I never played out that ending before, since I decided to bond with Zevran and to continue my adventuring career after letting Big Al sleep with Morrigan and give us an out to having to die to beat the final Big Bad.

    I guess DA:O is a pretty good Baldur's Gate wannabe after all.

    EDIT: not to mention, Morrigan. One of the best npc's ever. I'm a huge Claudia Black fan from my days of being a Farscape fan. Morrigan is basically Claudia Black's Aeryn Sun, and Alistair is basically Ben Browder's John Crichton. Ah, good times. I do believe I will definitely be revisiting Ferlden some time soon.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    @Sophia It is so easy to edit the condition triggers for mod romances even I can do it. Look for the largest filesize script file and open it with wordpad. Look for a line like PlayerRaceIs(Elf) or something similar and replace Elf with whatever race your PC is. Then save the file and you're done. You absolutely MUST do this before installing the mod.

    -Run the .exe or extract the files, then edit the script, then install the mod. At least I think that's how it works... it's been a few months since I tried it.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581

    @Sophia It is so easy to edit the condition triggers for mod romances even I can do it. Look for the largest filesize script file and open it with wordpad. Look for a line like PlayerRaceIs(Elf) or something similar and replace Elf with whatever race your PC is. Then save the file and you're done. You absolutely MUST do this before installing the mod.

    -Run the .exe or extract the files, then edit the script, then install the mod. At least I think that's how it works... it's been a few months since I tried it.

    Thank you!
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    @Sophia let me know if you're having trouble making it work and I'll try and figure it out step-by-step.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    It says in the wikis Khalid had cheated on Jaheira long before and they were unhappily married.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    I haven't really played more than half of BG 1.. twice.

    I -tried-, but something else just managed to pull me away.

    But now it's on an iPad and I can take the game with me on my travels. So I'm really looking forward to playing. And I really like romances and characters that matter. Skyrim has none of this and the game just feels hollow in comparison. Skyrim just has stuff in it. A lot of stuff. That doesn't equal emotional investment.

    So yeah, I'm looking forward to playing a game that has cool character and explore Faerun with them :)
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    You probally tried to play in BG old engine, use BGT mod, it convert the BG engine to BG2 engine and you play BG and BG2 linked (there's a cinematic that make the transition between BG to BG2) and both games are played in BG2 engine.

    It's an option now until BG2 EE launchs.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Viconia for sure. Her personality is realistic and relatable. And she's attractive. On top of that, you get your occasional steamy, hot moments. Pretty well-rounded.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    kamuizin said:

    You probally tried to play in BG old engine, use BGT mod, it convert the BG engine to BG2 engine and you play BG and BG2 linked (there's a cinematic that make the transition between BG to BG2) and both games are played in BG2 engine.

    It's an option now until BG2 EE launchs.

    Yeah, the 400 improvements, the extra characters, the engine tweaks.. and playing it on the f***king iPad are all bonuses for me :) Plus, near the launch date I got two 8 hour flights, so I got no choice but to sit down and play the crap out of it... It's gonna be a hoot :) I think I associate BG with the trip, so that's making the wait so much more exciting.
  • VargnattVargnatt Member Posts: 42
    Xan, Kulyok is a living goddess *__*
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175
    Vargnatt said:

    Xan, Kulyok is a living goddess *__*

    Even as she breaks your heart and makes you cry. ;_;
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    serabiet said:

    Oh Khalid :( and OH Alistair (and Zev and Garrus and and and)!
    Is anyone else looking forward to seeing what the new NPC romances like ridiculously much excited umm will be like? I love the idea of them continuing throughout both EEs, or rather developing into a romance later and so on.

    I would be looking forward to romancing the guys if they weren't butt ugly and one of them evil.

    I would be looking forward to a romance with Neera if I didn't know what a wild mage is and that she would be guaranteed death for me and all my friends.

    I am hugely disappointed by the new NPC selection, and I honestly don't know why the devs chose to make NPC mods that cripple your party and include two hideous males, one of which is evil.

    Fortunately, the fact that I hate the new NPC's without even having met them yet is not a dealbreaker to me, and I will support the devs by giving them money at every opportunity in the future, regardless of whether their content and aesthetic choices suit my tastes or not. One of their best selling points is that they are promising that the new code in the game will be even more mod-friendly than the old.
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175
    @belgarathmth Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (so sayeth The Spectator). While the new NPCs are not Evans and Hemsworth, I think they're reasonably attractive for the characters, not "butt-ugly." :)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited September 2012
    Umm, yeah agree beauty is in the eye of the beholder as zarffyn said. I think Neera looks alright, Rasaad looks alright and Dorn is actually pretty sexy especially for a half-orc. This is coming from a straight male hahah.
  • PaladinPaladin Member Posts: 335
    Viconia, hands down.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    The romances in this game....

    It's the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girls dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day.


    No, the worst.
  • AngeloAngelo Member Posts: 1
    i'm just a mod ...
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    1st Jaheira
    2nd Viconia
    3rd ...there is not 3rd position.
  • FedericoVFedericoV Member Posts: 2
    Jaheira, period.
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    If there's one 'romance' which I distinctly didn't like, it's the one with Aidan (or whatever his name was. Can't remember the name of the mod). He was a paladin ghost iirc. It was a fine mod, but the dialogue kinda freaked me out.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    I remember a mod like this, where the new NPC was a ghostly paladin of Amanunator, but iirc the mod was abandoned before being finished.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Nethaniel mod, he was a Wraith of an old order of kinghts of Amanautor.

    The problem was that you can't even pass near the thief stronghold quest or Nethaniel leaves the party. And the mod really angered me when i finsh the unseeing eye quest of temple district and even in the face of his god's avatar, he didn't spoke a single word.
  • OremusOremus Member Posts: 15
    It doesn't seem to be required to add notes about slight spoilers in posts, so...

    In vanilla BGII my favorate was Aerie. I love turning her depression around and giving her hope. I did find what Cheesebelly said to be hilarious, though; that seems to be the most common criticism of Aerie. It always did amuse me the ease at which you could get her to think that you're romantically involved (simply talking to Quayle in the tent, even after just meeting Aerie, seems to set the romance to active).

    I love character redemption in games and so also enjoyed Viconia's romance.

    My favorite romance, though, is from the Tashia mod. :)
  • RexfaroensisRexfaroensis Member Posts: 134
    Koson said:

    I remember a mod like this, where the new NPC was a ghostly paladin of Amanunator, but iirc the mod was abandoned before being finished.

    If you were referring to me, then I think we're talking about two different mods. This chap didn't join your party. His ghostly apparition just showed up a bunch of times (think it was 13) while you were looking for the Fist of Amaunator (his mace) and chatted with you. Quite lengthy dialogue, and towards the dialogue becomes somewhat more... affectionate. I suppose others would interpret it differently and argue, that it was merely friendly dialogue, but that's what I got from it.
  • KieaKiea Member Posts: 13
    The Kelsey romance was entertaining when you had Anomen around. Kelsey's snarky comments to Anomen's attempts at flirtation crack me up every time.
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