What's your favourite romance?

I know that there was already a tread somewhere asking "Aerie or Viconia", but in this one I mean between ALL the romance option, male/female, vanilla/mods...
What's your favourite
I must admit that for me the romance is optional, I played for years without npc mods (and most of the times without Anomen romance too), but my favourite romance is probably the npc mod Angelo, it's really well written.
What's your favourite

I must admit that for me the romance is optional, I played for years without npc mods (and most of the times without Anomen romance too), but my favourite romance is probably the npc mod Angelo, it's really well written.
My personal favourite is Jaheira.
I haven't finished Viconia's before, I need to make an evil character and do that. Forget that turning her good nonsense.
Pfff, romances. BG is no dating sim.
You have a point there. It still feels strange to me but maybe that's because the relationship between Khalid & Jaheira isn't explained in depth. I have never read the novel before so their marriage being strained is news to me. In BG1 their marriage seems fine to me. (opposites attract and all that)
I admit I was exaggerating with the "my husband died but I love you" thing.
However Jaheria's may technically be better with a multitude of related quests, scripted events, and what not.
Of the mod NPCs . . . I find it astounding that no one has mentioned the de'Arnise (Nalia) Romance Mod by @jcompton and @Kulyok.
Jaheira is meh at best. If my hypothetical husband died (and if I was a woman that is), I couldn't just move forward. Nah, it seems weak. I am an optimist and sometimes an idealist - love is forever, and so is marriage. Even after death. Jaheira strikes me as weak because of this exact reason. It is my ideals that make her weak, to be more specific.
I think Viconias is the most rewarding in terms of character development (no one else changes alignment over you), I think Jaherias is the best in terms of depth (she has the most quests and love talk dialogue), and I like Aeries for the in-game results (baby in inventory FTW :P). My fav mod romance is Fade, because of its depth and the quests that build it up, and plus I'm a fan of player-initiated dialogue ^.^
That said, I
Viconia is worst than Aerie, she try to play the bitch but in the end all she want is a shoulder to whine too.
So among female romanceables, Jaheira is by far, one of the best romances. I like womans that try to boss around, i never take offense in silence, so i always take fun in the strife mess.
Among Anomen romanceable, i really enjoyed the chaotic neutral Anomen, it's flawed cos the game forget to change and fix a lot of things after the order test, but it's a nice romance if you played it to the end. The ToB part of Anomen romance is a lot cool too as he change a lot there.
Among the mod romances, i can't say which one is the best, but surely i can say which one is the worst: Saerileth.
Tsujatha for the ladies, because a Truely Evil man digs good aligned women... also he slits his wrists and is emo so that's hot or something.
Happy opposite day!
Sounds like excellent fodder for the sacrifice Hell Trial. On Insane difficulty!
For a community mod, it was well-written and far less cheesy than you'd expect.
Too bad there's not a continuation on ToB for it.
I find most of the dialogue options in the romances faintly ridiculous and they always seem to start talking just when you have buffed up the whole party and are about to charge into battle.
After that comes Viconia romance, especially after the shit that happens with her getting raped by farmers etc.
Aerie and Anoman romance I never cared for, Aerie to me is WAY to whiny. Oh I lost my wings, I lost my wings, I never had sex, oh look I have your baby now.... Da hell?!