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Patch 2.0. - feedback and questions



  • DareusDareus Member Posts: 4

    @Dareus You can disable auto update yourself on Steam, and it's been written everywhere that this patch was coming, you could have known to make a back up of your saves and installation if you had mods.

    You can still play 1.3 on Steam by going in the properties of the game and selecting the 1.3 beta.

    Thank you for your intentions to help. I switched to beta 1.3 but was unable to load any crashed every time. Secondly I search a lot to disable auto-updating but when you want to run a game you have to update it.
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2016
    Dareus said:

    Thank you for your intentions to help. I switched to beta 1.3 but was unable to load any crashed every time. Secondly I search a lot to disable auto-updating but when you want to run a game you have to update it.
    How do I switch back to 1.3?

    I tryed to play SoD today, but simply couldn't keep going on. And the main problem is the UI. I don't need to give details, because the post of @Mivsan express all my feelings about it. I'll wait until Beamdog decides to bring back the old BG feel to Siege of Dragonspear... And if they do not listen, then it's a pity, but I won't play it.
  • DareusDareus Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016
    Vitor said:

    How do I switch back to 1.3?

    I tryed to play SoD today, but simply couldn't keep going on. And the main problem is the UI. I don't need to give details, because the post of @Mivsan express all my feelings about it. I'll wait until Beamdog decides to bring back the old BG feel to Siege of Dragonspear... And if they do not listen, then it's a pity, but I won't play it.
    Hello Vitor,

    You go to your steam client -> LIBRARY -> GAMES pick up BG EE right click Properties new window pupup -> BETAS tab and choose bgee_1.3 Look at the screens

  • ifupaulineifupauline Member Posts: 405
    The only way to switch back is to have made a backup of your ee games. don't make the same mistake with iwd.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited April 2016
    @Mivsan You can buy the 'original' BGEE (1&2) on DVD at Amazon UK (I don't know about other countries but I believe Amazon Germany has them as well).
    P.S. They're what I'm running my games on now after the SoD download crashed my digital versions.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    In general, I'm not particularly liking of the new UI changes. My feeling is, why try to fix what wasn't broken? I would prefer for the UI to go back to 1.3, but that's not a huge concern to me in particular.

    A major concern for me is how do I get the console codes working? There are now some preset ones that add gold or XP, but I couldn't figure out how the travel one works, and I couldn't enable cheat keys or create items. Baldur.ini is no longer there.

    The biggest problem I have right now is that none of my 54 saved games will load anymore. I think they were from pre-1.2. I previously purposely delayed updating to 1.2 for a long while because I wanted a bunch of playthroughs to be consistent with each other. But I eventually updated to 1.2 or 1.3 and all the saves still worked. I would have assumed that any update of the same game would be compatible with any save from any previous version.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    edited April 2016
    Please put back the quick character creation. Now you have choose colors, name and stuff when previously you just pressed play (for example on Adrian). This made mod testing (when creating mods) so much easier and quicker. Now it is soooooooo slow :(
  • TohaToha Member Posts: 2
    UI and graphic changes really kill the mood for me. Yes, you have an option to disable outlines, but neverthless, they are still there. Plus, graphic bugs. New UI, with some exceptions, is a complete disaster. Not only does it look completely alien to the spirit of the game, but it's also less functional. Stat changes on equipping something in inventory screen is fine, removing apr value from damage statistics was outright stupid decision. I find new textbar an actual improvement - you have manual control over the size and it stores text better. New spellbooks could be even better then the old one, if you kept tile-arranged spell icons without their names on left page. Single-click - description, double-click - memorization. Right now I consider old books better.

    Using Steam version, and downgrade to 1.3 isn't working. It instanly crashes at clicking "new game","generate character" buttons and loading a save and misses parts of UI.
    While bug fixes, new class and ability tweaks are nice, as well as ability to equip off-hand/shield with two-handers/launchers (now, that is improvement!), some new bugs are born. Difficulty changes without player's even opening gameplay option is one of them. I simply stopped playing it after an hour or two of this disaster, so I can't really say much about bugs.

    Overall, I'm deeply mispleased with this update. And only because of graphic and UI changes. The only changes old UI actually needed was marking the area of AoE spells, maybe casting timer, if needed at all.
    Really, it has been at work for years, perfectly doing its job. And then you just came in and glued Android interface on top of it?

    When I purchased this game, I payed for BG2 EE 1.3 (and would gladly purchase BGEE, too) with its UI and its graphics. These are as much essential parts of game, as the story and combat, and responsible not only for functionality, but for aesthetics and atmosphere, too. What i got now is NOT the product I payed for. Worst part of it, I was not even given a choice whether I want this "new UI/graphics" or not.

    P.S. If reverting to 1.3 on Steam actually worked, I would not be that angered with the update.
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    I can live with most of the patch changes, except the blurry aspect of the characters (even after unchecking the sprite outlines options). Could you please at least re-sharpen them as they were before?
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited April 2016
    I played a bit of Siege and took some screens to compare the changes myself.

    -Love the color scheme and the dragons in the UI
    -The journal looks better. You can also play while keeping it open or drag it wherever you want.
    -The health bars are great. They're functionally the same as highlighting the enemies all the time.
    -Love the sprite outlines. Like both, really. It's a matter of taste. Sprites look more defined and pleasant.
    -Create Party option was long-awaited and very welcome.
    -New portraits look great and fitting. Especially new Viconia, my god that looks good.
    -The voice packs have been named for easier and more convenient selection.
    -I like the Area Map transition. It makes it seamless.
    -I also like the quest pop-up box. Quality of life addition and convenience feature.

    -Big one:
    The main Record screen has bad priorities. The main priorities when I go to the character sheet are HP, XP, AC, THAC0, DMG.
    Information and Combat Stats tabs are redundant, they repeat information.
    Your AC should be one the first things you see when you go on the character screen.
    It's now more useful to just hit the Inventory button to check your damage and AC instead of your Record screen. That's un-intuitive.
    I don't mind the redesign but vital information shouldn't be buried in tabs or by scrolling down.
    You hit R, you check your most important stuff, you close it. That's it.
    The Inventory menu shouldn't be the one to go to check your AC, the Record menu should be.

    -The Biography tab should be shot in some corner. It's by far, the very last priority for a character sheet.
    -Quick Character Selection was buried under Import. Neutral about it.
    -Missed the chance to include a Back button for Rerolling. I wish there was one since I played the originals.
    Basically autosaving the previous roll so you can back to it if you were rerolling and missed it.
    -Is there a quick button for the Reveal Details button? Absolutely should be mappable, probably defaulting to S or D.

    I'm absolutely sure there are more Pros and Cons. This is what I gathered and remember with a quick testing and tinkering.

    I also I really don't miss the selection sound for everything or the scroll over details.
    For the former, I got tired after a while. Especially when you were selecting stuff all the time.
    For the latter, I always found it annoying that you had to wait just a bit longer for the scroll to fully open so you can read what it says.
    Though I would prefer if the selection sound was included when you selected your class.

    Like the new style and new design of the UI and the convenience features.
    Hate the redundancy and bad prioritization of the Record screen.
    Post edited by Archaos on
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    @Archaos I disagree that the record should be your go place to check AC and the like. That's always been inventory for me since I started playing in 1998. The record should be for stuff you check less often.

    Also the reveal details button is mapped to tab. Not sure if it can be remapped.
  • VyrulisseVyrulisse Member Posts: 108
    Is it possible to delete journal entries? The AI kinda fudged up a quest for me and it's broken now due to an NPC dying that should not have, so now the unfinished quest is forever staring me in the face. Sometimes, when I'm playing late at night, I feel like it may be laughing at me...

    I think I should sleep.
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2016
    @Mivsan, when you performed a clean install did you ensure that all game content was removed from the installation folder for the game? The Steam option to uninstall the game will leave behind generated content and stuff the user placed in the installation folder (Like stuff in the Override folder for example). So when you re-installed the game mods and stuff may have been left behind and are buggering things up.

    1) Delete your Override folder
    2) Delete the Expansion folder
    3) Verify integrity of game cache
  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139
    Yes, I manually deleted everything left - I do such clean installs from time to time if only to clean out mod leftovers, to have a different setup for a fresh playthrough, etc.. Unfortunately, the mess that is 1.3. beta is entirely Beamdog's doing, and not a fault of a bad install or any mods. I wish it wasn't.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited April 2016
    illathid said:

    @Archaos I disagree that the record should be your go place to check AC and the like. That's always been inventory for me since I started playing in 1998. The record should be for stuff you check less often.

    Also the reveal details button is mapped to tab. Not sure if it can be remapped.

    Well, the AC was displayed clearly on the Record since the first game.
    Same with PnP, the AC was clearly displayed in the middle-left of the sheet, in a big box.
    In both cases, the AC was found with a first glance.

    It's un-intuitive and bad design to hide the AC, in some line, in a secondary Tab of the character sheet.
    It's also easier to hit "R" than to hit "I".

    About the Reveal Details button, if you click on it, it's a Toggle, it stays there.
    With Tab you need to keep it pressed all the time you're clicking around.

    Perhaps an option should be made where Tab is either Press & Hold or Toggle.
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    I've have just left Baldur's Gate and so far so good. BUT, and this is a big BUT, the new graphics are beyond awful. I'm trying to give them a chance but sorry, it just looks bloody awful. However, hope the actual game is good and that the devs listen to the players and change the graphics back (all work done until ver 1.3 was FANTASTIC!!!). As my dad always says - if it ain't broke, don't fix it...
  • illathidillathid Member Posts: 320
    Archaos said:

    Well, the AC was displayed clearly on the Record since the first game.
    Same with PnP, the AC was clearly displayed in the middle-left of the sheet, in a big box.
    In both cases, the AC was found with a first glance.

    It's un-intuitive and bad design to hide the AC, in some line, in a secondary Tab of the character sheet.
    It's also easier to hit "R" than to hit "I".

    About the Reveal Details button, if you click on it, it's a Toggle, it stays there.
    With Tab you need to keep it pressed all the time you're clicking around.

    Perhaps an option should be made where Tab is either Press & Hold or Toggle.
    I get that it's more intuitive for you but it's not that way for everyone. I'd rather not have information duplication myself. If it's on the record screen it shouldn't be on the inventory screen, and vise versa. Luckily with how moddable everything is now you could probably move it around yourself. Yay for options!
  • TrudeauIsSantaTrudeauIsSanta Member Posts: 161
    I love everything about the new UI but the map zoom. The new health bars are my current favorite feature because in big battles it really slowed things down to hover and wait for the parchment to see who was lowest after an AoE spell to target accordingly.
  • jimw884jimw884 Member Posts: 24
    I quite like the new ui and healthbars.
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307

    I love everything about the new UI but the map zoom. The new health bars are my current favorite feature because in big battles it really slowed things down to hover and wait for the parchment to see who was lowest after an AoE spell to target accordingly.

    Haha strange im the opposite, love the uI, love the zoom and hate the healthbars.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    illathid said:

    Luckily with how moddable everything is now you could probably move it around yourself. Yay for options!

    Removing something that was there for almost two decades and then saying "put it back yourself" is flawed logic.
    Thinking like that, the Record screen should remove THAC0 and HP as well.

    If AC needs to be displayed somewhere clearly, that's the character sheet, not the inventory.
  • ArabaniArabani Member Posts: 25
    Archaos said:

    If AC needs to be displayed somewhere clearly, that's the character sheet, not the inventory.

    Exactly. Developers are supposed to be d&d players, but never in my life I've seen so messy character sheet with so many windows/pages.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    edited April 2016
    Arabani said:

    Exactly. Developers are supposed to be d&d players, but never in my life I've seen so messy character sheet with so many windows/pages.

    I don't mind multiple tabs of information. But I do mind when important information is not plainly visible with a first glance.

    AC shouldn't be displayed in a simple line in a third tab of the sheet. At the very least, it should be brought to Information, right under THAC0.

    Lore and the AI script are insignificant in comparison.
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  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    @Mivsan I would suggest you to try BGEE quickly, BG2EE is on an outdated UI because the design for the new, revised UI, wasn't finished by the patch's release.

    I can't deal with the BG2EE ui but I like the BGEE revised UI.(they had negative feedback during the road to 2.0 and modified the bg2EE current ui to reach the BGEE current UI)
  • MivsanMivsan Member Posts: 139

    What all are you using for mods? SCS and custom portraits?

    Do you mean what I usually use for mods or just this run? For the 2.0. tests I used no mods, so as to experience only 2.0. features and not have anything screwed up by broken mods. Normally I play with varying setups, but Ascension, SCS, BG2Tweaks are a part of every run I do.

    As for the portraits, I made all of them myself, with the exception of one that came from here.

    @Mivsan I would suggest you to try BGEE quickly, BG2EE is on an outdated UI because the design for the new, revised UI, wasn't finished by the patch's release.

    I've kind of addressed this point at the beginning of the "UI - Character and level up related" section of my last post. I've done tests and a quick run of BG:EE 2.0. (and tried reverting to 1.3.) before going through BG2:EE. The UI in BG:EE is a little better, but in my opinion it's still much worse than what we had in 1.3..

    Also, it's not a big consolation for someone who just wants to play BG2:EE at the moment - when the patch hit I was in the middle of a playthrough, about to enter Suldanessellar. I've pretty much given up on finishing it anytime soon - I obviously don't like many features of 2.0. and it broke mods anyway (apparently there's some workaround to make SCS work, but I'm not in the mood to bother with that). I'm probably going to have to start over on a classic BG2 installation, but that's going to require much more effort with modding. compared to just having a functional good ol' 1.3.
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