Male Romance

Looking through the new characters, I still see that the game is still very much male oriented when it comes to the romance. Will there be anything down the line to remedy that do you think?
too many generalisations.
As for the post in and of itself, I really just wanted to emphasize my surprise. I'm not one of those gays with an "agenda" but, being able to roleplay as a gay person without having to alter the rules or flags within the game really does surprise me to a certain extent.
Of course I should have figured as much with Dragon Age: Origins and that elf rogue guy...
(I personally believe the world would be a happier place if everyone was bisexual)
Anyways, I don't like the idea that every man or woman can be romanced into a homosexual relationship. Should every gay or lesbian character be able to romance into a strait relationship?
1 Lesbian woman, 1 Gay man, 3 Bisexual women, 1 Bisexual Man, 1 Straight Male, 4 Straight Women.
Course this has its own flaws... definitely leans towards what a straight male gamer would want. -_-
So, then I thought that it's OBVIOUSLY Rasaad, because COME ON!
Just look at him and then look at Dorn! While Rasaad gives more of a gay vibe, Dorn is something that no man would touch. :P
Now, and I hope I'm wrong... I'm thinking that the bisexual character might actually be Dorn. Why? His quote. It takes a whole new meaning.
He doesn't follow the "regular, standardized, morality of contemporary society"... which of course means he's a blackguard and has his own, twisted, evil rule of conduct that he refuses to question.
But maybe there's something else...
But of course everyone has different opinions on the matter... but yes, quality every time. If I want a shallow, boring and cliched romance I can just go out to my local pub, no need to play a video game! (FYI: I'm totally joking about that last part, I don't genuinely think men are any of those things).
Each NPC (in BG2 anyways) is fleshed out to the point that you feel like you know them. I personally think that if, for instance, you made Jaheira Bisexual (no matter what approach you made to shift it, she WOULD be bisexual) then she would be a different person in some ways, were she to also like women.
I don't know how else to say it, and it DOES create some limiting options for those of us that would prefer to play with a homosexual relationship as opposed to a heterosexual realtionship, but that is, IMO, how it SHOULD work.
I don't know exactly how sexuality is handled in this universe, but if it is handled like it is in most societies (where they need people to have sex to have children) then it wouldn't make much sense for everyone to be totally bisexual (50/50).
I did not like Anomen as a romance at all, but some did. Even so, that is three to one as a ration between the male and the female. I'm just asking for the same variety that the male has for the female, that's all. If they want to start making homosexual romances with new characters, awesome.
Still have seen nothing that implies the two new males are romanceable. On their pages, the sorceress is the only one labeled as a romance. Hope that is just a typo.
So to conclude, everything about all three being romancable and ONE of the three being bisexual WAS stated by the developers.