add option to diable the fog effect.

I understand it being in sod as that's a new game, but beamdog shouldn't of added the effect into BG2. its been glitchy in sod for me with flickering when scrolling now its in baldurs gate 2 as well. its a major distraction for me hopfully they either fix it or add a classic view mode to the game.
this is what I mean. when I scroll the screen the top and sides will flicker. idk if they added it into the first bg game if they did can somebody let me know?
This will disable the fog
Yes, it will disable those weather effects as well. There is not an option to disable just the fog and I think they will never add it.
Well, except the flickering, that sounds like a bug, but if i understood this correctly, you just don't like fog in general, because it obscures vision.
I have seen more fog in SoD than I have in the past year in real life. Don't get me wrong, it is a great visual effect, and once I realized it was a fog effect I sat back in my chair and watched and enjoyed it roll in for a minute or two. But I got the effect on almost every map, and sitting back and just watching the visuals is not something I play a game for. This visual can arguably make the game harder, which is something a visual effect imho shouldn't do.
I would indeed like a separate option for the fog effect because other weather conditions don't look that way.
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