(rant) Drow equipment disintrigration

So I'm mostly through Ust Natha, and I completely forgot about the Drow equipment disintegration until now, and I've already sold the gear it replaced somewhere along the line.
OK sure, I'll just use EEKeeper to fix it, and I don't think the Drow weapons should carry over when the time comes but does anyone else find this 'SURPRISE, DICKHEAD!' moment really inelegant design?
Some kind of warning from Adalon before you venture into the city would seem appropriate, or how about as a reward from her quest being a batch of Darkoil for a single Drow item of your choosing?
I can't be the only one that doesn't carry around masses of equipment just in case and just sells replaced stuff for instant profit/inventory space?
OK sure, I'll just use EEKeeper to fix it, and I don't think the Drow weapons should carry over when the time comes but does anyone else find this 'SURPRISE, DICKHEAD!' moment really inelegant design?
Some kind of warning from Adalon before you venture into the city would seem appropriate, or how about as a reward from her quest being a batch of Darkoil for a single Drow item of your choosing?
I can't be the only one that doesn't carry around masses of equipment just in case and just sells replaced stuff for instant profit/inventory space?
Oh I sell the bulk of it, it's just a crossbow and a piece of armour I've been using. I imagine I'd be a lot more screwed if I hadn't done every single side quest and got every piece of loot on the surface I could in Chapter 2, so I've got mostly better weaponry.
Never noticed it in the item description, as I usually read those. Not sure why I would've glanced over it specifically with this stuff, possibly because they aren't unique items and are pretty plentiful so my brain just goes: 'standard' like finding two-handed sword+1s on Skeleton Warriors.
I don't agree with you @Jouni : if it was tied to underdark, drow wouldn't do raid on the surface, because their armor would just turn to dust.
The whole "turns to dust" effect is a simplification that makes sense in computer games. It would be much more annoying to have equipment that slowly loses its magical properties outside the Underdark, and/or slowly deteriorates when exposed to sunlight.
The Drow attack on Suldanesslar was not so much a raid as a flat out invasion. They'll have commissioned gear specifically for that (which I think is briefly alluded to in the cutscene where Irenicus is talking with the Drow Matron Mother).
or it could just be that drow magic doesn't work that well above ground....?
The drow were created before ECL, something had to be done to keep them in check. After ECL the focus shifted to drow being forced to remain underground due to Lolth's manipulative ways blahblahblah.
The ferret trick was an exploit borderline to cheating, but the game, as it is implemented, cheats no less, the sunlight has no part in item destruction at all, 2 checks in 2 different areas cause the destruction no matter if sunlight is present at those moments.