Give Hexxat Level drain ability

I find it out of character that my vampire character is the only one without level drain ability. Can it be given to hexxat? Either as Weimer did to valen (creating 2 claws dagger alike weapons only usable by her that upgrade as Hexxat progress in levels) or with an innate ability that make all hexxat attacks drain x levels per hit. for 5 rounds (an berserker variation, for example).
Weimer suggestion was more attuned to a vampire party member, but the second suggestion can give a bit more balance to the game (a limited berserker vampire innate ability use with a short time duration).
Weimer suggestion was more attuned to a vampire party member, but the second suggestion can give a bit more balance to the game (a limited berserker vampire innate ability use with a short time duration).
here is an unnoficial source of this info.
Vampires of D&D aren't vampires of vampire: the masquerade or another bram stoker based vampire. They're undead directly connected with the negative energy plane, and that's what make ppl get level drained.
The only BG2 mistake with vampires is make the powerful ones with more than 1 atk per round apply energy drain on each attack, when only 1 level drain attack should be applied per round.
Why only level drain?
Why not also:
- 100% resist cold
- 100% resit electricity
- 75% resist magic
- Ability to turn into bat
- Ability to turn into fog
- Ability drain 50% her dmg as HP
And couple of other things that have experienced vampires in BG2.
Hmm, maybe because it's all incredibly OP?
But I must admit that at least in one thing, you're right.
Hexxat is NOT a vampire, her skills are not strong enough even for half-vampire.
Currently is Hexxat only drugged gothic lady with an allergy to the sun.
( Is she a secret sister of Michael Jackson?
To be honest, the whole Hexxat is incredibly stupid character.
1) Horrible image
2) Horrible backstory
3) Horrible character
4) Boring quests
I have not played original mode, but I know that it was quite popular, so it would not be a waste of time.
You strike me as an expert, can you tell me what was the number of the last release?
Is it v45? ( )
Do you know any other quality "dead" NPC mods?
I could revive more than one corpse...
I absolutely agree.
I think that Hexat should be fan service, which ended horribly wrong.
1) Let's do a sexy vampire! Players love things like sexy vampires! (Good idea)
2) And she will be a thief because BG2 has no pure thief. (Good idea)
3) Hmm, this concept is too much interesting, let's remove 95% of her vampiric powers. (WTF?)
4) And give her the worst portrait of what you can find! (WTF?)
5) And while we're at it, she will be lesbian! (WTF?)
And bad stats!
And boring voice without emotion!
And... and... and...
BTW: Hexxat was originally going to be an archer named Levess that was Neera's sister.
Eventually Dave Gross came up with a "way cooler concept", essentially a vampire James Bond, and Hexxat was born.
This girl looks really interesting.
While dislike her portrait, i have nothing truly against it. Just find it ugly in my view.
Maybe those ring things in the neck bothers me a little, i don't know.
Maybe it's truly an cultural aspect of Chult, maybe it's beamdog taking an cultural and tribal aspect of real world africa and infusing into the game. Either way it's there to stay, so if anyone has an alternative portrait for Hexxat, give me a call plz
@kamuizin Isandir made an alternate, whether it's better or not is ymmv though:
I was really think here that something based in the Queen of the Damned from Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles could fit better Hexxat portrait:
Shame on you.
They should've gone all Twilight and gave her a werewolf boyfriend. Like had her do romantic dialog with Cernd. Also go as emo as Edward Cullen, which is very emo.
But 3) is really crappy. If she doesn't get everything that every vampires in the game has, she shouldn't be a vampire at all.
Because "Lesbian Vampire" is something that occurs only in the worst and cheapest horror films.
And I mean it literally.
And I don't consider vampires (and werewolves) part of horror genre anymore.
It is a similar type of cheap fanservice crap, what you can see in Twilight.
In any case though I don't see how anything discussed here should rightfully be a "feature request". This is clearly moddable stuff and should at best be a "mod request".
The fact that you disagree with something does not mean it's not true.
Nobody is perfect.
Fanservice is not an invention of the 21st century.
Actually if you think making a vampire lesbian is bad because it's something appearing in bad movies then Strahd should also be a bad character because a Dracula clone usually appear in bad movies. Turns out people love him and his setting.
Okay, let's pretend for a moment that it's not complete crap.
1) It's unbelievable cliche.
2) Bioware policy - At least one character MUST be gay / lesbian and at least one must be bisexual.
3) She is NOT vampire! Her features and capabilities are not enough even for half-vampire!
4) Her sexual orientation is not appropriate to her condition and character. She is evil immortal undead monster with dead wish... great time to start a romance!
5) "Educational examples" = Anyone who is not heterosexual MUST be evil. Lot of game studios is doing this bullshit...
I'm not homophobe and in BG is a lot of characters that are suitable for changing their sexual orientation.
Nalia = Bisexual
Aerie = Bisexual
Haer'Dalis = Bisexual (Try to disagree!)
Shar-Teel = Lesbian (Textbook example)
Coran = Gay (I know that during the game he had several romances, but he simply look and acts like gay)
Dorn is also completely out of character.
His sexual orientation is not suitable for his behavior.
This is just a reminder, because this subject has degenerated into personal attacks before.