Anybody Playing Tyranny?
Being currently a denizen of corporate America, I cannot try out the game; and even if I wanted to, my main boot drive is currently kaput so I am waiting on that issue being resolved before installing any new games. Regardless, I am curious if anyone has had the chance to give it a try yet, and form an opinion about it?
A couple of reviews I've glimpsed at seem to indicate two things that worry me:
1) combat seems to be rather repetitive and boring, many enemies feel very "samey".
2) companion NPCs don't seem to have "loyalty missions" or something of that sort, which seems to me to be a shame considering several appear to have a lot of depth.
I am looking forward to input from all of you
A couple of reviews I've glimpsed at seem to indicate two things that worry me:
1) combat seems to be rather repetitive and boring, many enemies feel very "samey".
2) companion NPCs don't seem to have "loyalty missions" or something of that sort, which seems to me to be a shame considering several appear to have a lot of depth.
I am looking forward to input from all of you

Luckily there's a way to skip that one for a quick start.
...Should I? Is it good!?
On a technical side, I didn't experience crashes so far. But it is occassionally really slow on my machine. Especially when booting and loading. Hopefully this will get fixed in a timely fashion.
Oh and on a side note, Tyranny uses the same portrait sizes as PoE. And the way of using custom portraits is also the same. So one can simply copy PoE's portrait folders into Tyranny's and have dozen of new portraits in an instant.
Viktor Vran
Expeditions: Conquistador
Conversations are very IEish, probably more similar to Torment than BG. There's skill checks, nice voice acting and lengthy descriptions at times. Then we have reputation/faction gains tied in. And lots of loreish stuff with expandable tooltips.
The reactions of various NPCs and factions do really change a lot based on your choices from character generation and throughout the game. Quests become available, changed, failed or closed off based on decisions you make. So there's a lot of replay value I should think, from the story as much as different characters you can play.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and the combat. The combat is similar to PoE, but it feels a lot more forgiving and less sticky. It's not needlessly complex, but it does require you to use your brain a bit. No different to the IE games or PoE in that regard.
I started playing around 20:00. Only managed to break away from the computer at 05 something through passing like 3 Willpower rolls I guess as I needed at least some sleep before the one lecture I had today.
You could play with Irenicus, Bodhi, Saemon Havarian and Joshimo as your NPC companions and go on evil mischievous adventures along Forgotten realms.
Currently I play "lawful" and pragmatic. For the most part, that means being just and fair and reaching peaceful solutions. That doesn't necessarily mean good though; if mediating a conflict between two evil parties where both have carried out misdeeds against each other it often means punishing one or both sides. Or letting them sort it out themselves, which most definitely doesn't have a happy ending.
Without spoiling too much, the first major quest you have in the game is basically giving a magical death sentence to everyone in a rather substantial area. Allready that is technically "evil" by most people's standards, but when your boss the evil overlord is basically a god, you don't have much choice in the matter. You then have to cancel the death sentence since you yourself, the armies you work with and -everyone else- too will die if you don't. Said armies are undoubtedly evil, lawful evil and chaotic evil respectively, and naturally you can't work with them by only performing charitable and good acts.
That isn't to say you don't have good options. You can show mercy on defeated opponents, you can enforce (since you ARE the law) the law favourably to people who are being exploited/harassed/etc. and you can undermine the evil factions' efforts. As you progress in the game and become more powerful and independent you can break with your former allies to a bigger degree, though that often means using violence; killing your allies to gain control of an area so you can run it in a "good" and fair way is still evil.
I'm unsure if you can truly become the stalwart hero of the lands, defeating the evil empire and have flowers grow wherever you walk and breathe, but I wouldn't rule it out. However, if you need to play "good" and consistently pick only good options just for the sake of it, you're probably better of with every single other fantasy RPG. Tyranny does require you to have some moral flexibility.
Finally, no, you're not locked into one path, character background and you certainly have a lot of choices in how to deal with quests and the story. Part of character generation is basically shaping your background and the state of the world, with choices that really do have a visible impact. It's certainly a great RPG that I could recommend to anyone; unless being able to be -only- good is vital.