On a more depressing note, my newer updated Version 3 files for BG2EE have been wiped out after I did an update. I generally have two more more copies of the game on my computer. One for playing the game, one for modding. I forgot I didn't do that for BG2EE. I haven't even looked at the BG EE games in months. I opened up Beamdog, saw an update for BG2EE an updated the game without thinking that my mod files were in the folder. All gone
Other than the Ninafer dialog problem, need people who are playing this to report problems with this mod. I want 2.5 version problems fixed because I want version 3 near perfection when I get it done.
You know back in the old days of modding, we used to have people post about questions of a mod, suggestions, feedback all sorts of things to keep the potential modder invigorated and motivated to get their work done and released to the masses. These days we have a lot of silent observers. Looking through the topics at my forum, I've been working on version 3 since 2009. I guess these days I don't feel too motivated to get it done. Back in 2002, I had my first mod, for IWD, done, within a week.
All of that work I did to get Dark Side compatible for EE, know how much feedback, or even a thanks I got? ZERO.
Deafening silence fills the air at my modding community's forums as well. I've had months of up to a million hits and not one person posting anything about any of our mods. Now I understand why my community's modders have given up and moved on to other things in life.
I noticed that too and I can feel your pain. Some users here almost started a war because Ascension is not compatible with BG2EE; however, when it comes to write feedback, suggestions and such, they stay silent. It seems that complaining is more easy than praising.
Version 2.53 released Quick beta fix. Fixed a few errors in Nina's dialog file that may have caused her banters to become stuck. Added a SetGlobalTimer line in Callisto's and Ninafer's script files which will hopefully stop them from blabbering off all of their banters with the main character at once. Also increased the timer from 2000 to 3600.
I hope this fixes the above dialog problems with these two NPCs.
Hi there all, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you modders. Sola's right, there are a lot of us who lurk in dark corners. Like me, I've been following your work since the original BG modding days. I've never tried to make a mod, I've never contributed to forums but I have benefited greatly from all your hard work. Thank you modders, you have turned a great game into one that I come back to time and again for many years, you have breathed fresh life into an already wonderful game and it cannot be overstated how much I quietly appreciate it. I'm truly sorry I hadn't spoken up earlier as I know to feel unappreciated it a terrible, heart breaking thing.
I haven't played BG2EE yet, but when I'm going to create my first playthrough, I'll make The Undying mod a part of it. Need to finish BG:EE first, or maybe I'll create a newly rolled BG2 character. Looking forward to it!
I'm eager to try this mod when I'll start my next BG2EE playthrought. I, too, don't write much feedback but I can assure you that your mods are insanely good, since I started to use your Dark Horizons mod I just can't play without it now and I'm telling a lot of people about it. People like you are the true reason these types of games still exist and are still played and I would like to thank you for all your efforts.
Hey @CoM_Solaufein I see you work on alot of these mods and great job as long time BG player but oly recently trying mods now for BGEE, hoping to go through a big playthrough with as many quest mods I can add with some NPC ones too when I finish IWD. Thank you!
Working on version 3 again. Getting the tp2 file set up so I an install *some* of the new content into my BG2EE game. Also need to finish some dialogs up, since the original dialogs got wiped out when I did an update to the game.
Good stuff @CoM_Solaufein - I'm finishing up my 2nd IWD EE playthrough with Mods and when I go back fofr another BG run I am planning to load up on more adventure mods and SCS. Love the game but need new challenges/changes and Mods have helped so much with this as never used them back in the day.
@CoM_Solaufein; I currently have v2.53 Nina in my party just outside the dragon's grove in Suldenessalar (sp) and noticed that I can initiate Moira's dialog as often as I want, and will always earn a curious 20k XP reward. Also, as soon as the party enters the grove, Nina is in her dialog selection status as if she wants to say something to the PC. I click the PC to force her conversation, but she only gives her selection dialog. Same result when I select other party NPCs to start dialog. I have removed her from the party, and had her rejoin and got the same result, same with killing and resurrection.
@CoM_Solaufein threads get buried, but you da man! Helping keep a modding scene like BG's alive for so long was one of the biggest reasons the EE's were even made possible. I always look forward to more places my character can have a cheeky beer! Thanks
I have no idea what mod might be causing this, but my Callisto moves at the speed of light and I can't loot anything because she keeps moving by herself and interrupts the loot action.
@CoM_Solaufein This is long overdue, but I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the dialogue with the barkeep of the Dwarven Hammer. I'm glad the thread popped up so I could say thank you. I'll be sure to offer some constructive feedback for this next playthrough, should only be a few more weeks.
I have no idea what mod might be causing this, but my Callisto moves at the speed of light and I can't loot anything because she keeps moving by herself and interrupts the loot action.
I installed this mod on the Linux version of BG2:EE v1.3 quite some time ago, and the two NPCs were bugged for me as well. The new store items and minor encounters seemed to work though.
Because some of the TRA files use non-ASCII characters, I also patched the mod in the following way to avoid crashes:
After extracting the mod into the game dir, open the SETUP-TheUndying.tp2 file in a text editor.
Find the line at the top that starts with AUTHOR, and insert the following lines right below it:
// Make sure strings are correctly encoded for both EE and non-EE games ALWAYS ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY tra_reload BEGIN setup setup_EE END LAF HANDLE_CHARSETS INT_VAR infer_charset =1 STR_VAR tra_path = EVAL ~%MOD_FOLDER%/tra~ reload_array = tra_reload END END END_PATCH
Then continue to install the mod normally.
PS: Taking a close look at the TRA files, it seems the English ones actually contain just ASCII characters, so patching the TP2 like I did didn't actually make a difference for my game. However, in case someone tries to play the German translation of this mod, they'll likely get crashes on the EE without that patch.
Extract the BiG World Fixpack into the same folder, and run it like its README explains.
Manually apply my HANDLE_CHARSETS patch, if not playing the English version.
Install the mod.
Or, for the English version, just use the Big World Setup to install your mods, then the BiG World Fixpack is automatically applied.
I experienced a problem with the Undying mod 2.53 in BG:EE where Calisto fires of her banters all at once when she's recruited. Will this be fixed if I apply the BigWorldFixpack as you described?
I want to start an Undying campaign with my Illusionist-Thief that's just finished Siege of Dragonspear, but I've been waiting for a release of either version 2.54 or version 3, but it seems @CoM_Solaufein is to involved in other projects (I remember having read somewhere he got employed by Beamdog, if I'm not mistaken) to have time to finish the Undying update.
Been trying this mod with bg2ee v2 lately because it's mentioned as one of the best npcs mods somewhere on internet and since I don't know it... Using v2.53, found only Ninafer (you can't miss her at the beginning of the game !), and she has some curious bug, she looses 2 health points from time to time, but quite regularly, as if an item or an action which never stops. 2 hp is not much, but after a while it stacks. For example it happens when leaving an area, and I noticed everytime I reload the autosave, she looses 2hp ! I thought for a while maybe it was part of some plot, but she doesn't talk about that so it's highly unlikely I would say, it's probably some allergy of the mod to bg2ee... ! Oh well posting this in case someone has an idea for a fix, I didn't try the big world project fixes, because taking this just to fix 1 mod seems quite a lot... I guess I'll probably uninstall the mod then...
All of that work I did to get Dark Side compatible for EE, know how much feedback, or even a thanks I got? ZERO.
Deafening silence fills the air at my modding community's forums as well. I've had months of up to a million hits and not one person posting anything about any of our mods. Now I understand why my community's modders have given up and moved on to other things in life.
Some users here almost started a war because Ascension is not compatible with BG2EE; however, when it comes to write feedback, suggestions and such, they stay silent.
It seems that complaining is more easy than praising.
Quick beta fix.
Fixed a few errors in Nina's dialog file that may have caused her banters to become stuck.
Added a SetGlobalTimer line in Callisto's and Ninafer's script files which will hopefully stop them from blabbering off all of their banters with the main character at once. Also increased the timer from 2000 to 3600.
I hope this fixes the above dialog problems with these two NPCs.
Thanks for all your efforts and mods!
I currently have v2.53 Nina in my party just outside the dragon's grove in Suldenessalar (sp) and noticed that I can initiate Moira's dialog as often as I want, and will always earn a curious 20k XP reward.
Also, as soon as the party enters the grove, Nina is in her dialog selection status as if she wants to say something to the PC. I click the PC to force her conversation, but she only gives her selection dialog. Same result when I select other party NPCs to start dialog. I have removed her from the party, and had her rejoin and got the same result, same with killing and resurrection.
How's it going with v.3? We're all really looking forward to testing it
any update for v3?
The new store items and minor encounters seemed to work though.
Because some of the TRA files use non-ASCII characters, I also patched the mod in the following way to avoid crashes:
PS: Taking a close look at the TRA files, it seems the English ones actually contain just ASCII characters, so patching the TP2 like I did didn't actually make a difference for my game. However, in case someone tries to play the German translation of this mod, they'll likely get crashes on the EE without that patch.
PS: It looks like the BiG World Fixpack has some more bugfix patches for this. So the best way to install this for now, might be:
- Extract the mod into the game folder.
- Extract the BiG World Fixpack into the same folder, and run it like its README explains.
- Manually apply my HANDLE_CHARSETS patch, if not playing the English version.
- Install the mod.
Or, for the English version, just use the Big World Setup to install your mods, then the BiG World Fixpack is automatically applied.I want to start an Undying campaign with my Illusionist-Thief that's just finished Siege of Dragonspear, but I've been waiting for a release of either version 2.54 or version 3, but it seems @CoM_Solaufein is to involved in other projects (I remember having read somewhere he got employed by Beamdog, if I'm not mistaken) to have time to finish the Undying update.
Using v2.53, found only Ninafer (you can't miss her at the beginning of the game !), and she has some curious bug, she looses 2 health points from time to time, but quite regularly, as if an item or an action which never stops. 2 hp is not much, but after a while it stacks. For example it happens when leaving an area, and I noticed everytime I reload the autosave, she looses 2hp !
I thought for a while maybe it was part of some plot, but she doesn't talk about that so it's highly unlikely I would say, it's probably some allergy of the mod to bg2ee... !
Oh well posting this in case someone has an idea for a fix, I didn't try the big world project fixes, because taking this just to fix 1 mod seems quite a lot...
I guess I'll probably uninstall the mod then...