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Pool of Radiance

HI all, I am new to the forums. I have purchased everyone of Beamdogs new games they have loaded to steam and am loving playing these games that I played way back when.

I was just curious, has anyone heard if Beamdog is looking into possibly redoing this title? I loved playing it and used to play it with my old disks on an emulator until the disks went bad. Would love to be able to play this game again.

Anyone know?


  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Are you talking about the old-school 1988 Gold Box game or the 2001 game titled Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor?

    Either way, Beamdog has only been working on the Infinity Engine games, so no, not yet. They still have the option to do Icewind Dale 2 and possibly resurrect Baldur's Gate 3 that never happened (or do their own iteration rather than the one that was canceled).

    At some point they are going to have to stop remaking IE games and move on to another engine or start making their own IE games. So Ruins of Myth Drannor is always a possibility. However, it had its own engine so they would have to learn a whole new game without any benefit of reusing that knowledge. That and the game wasn't very successful. So there isn't a lot of business smarts in resurrecting it.

    It would be amazing to re-imagine the Gold Box games in the Infinity Engine. I'd buy those in a heartbeat.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Grayhorse said:

    HI all, I am new to the forums. I have purchased everyone of Beamdogs new games they have loaded to steam and am loving playing these games that I played way back when.

    I was just curious, has anyone heard if Beamdog is looking into possibly redoing this title? I loved playing it and used to play it with my old disks on an emulator until the disks went bad. Would love to be able to play this game again.

    You can play it now...
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938

    Grayhorse said:

    HI all, I am new to the forums. I have purchased everyone of Beamdogs new games they have loaded to steam and am loving playing these games that I played way back when.

    I was just curious, has anyone heard if Beamdog is looking into possibly redoing this title? I loved playing it and used to play it with my old disks on an emulator until the disks went bad. Would love to be able to play this game again.

    You can play it now...
    Didn't know that. Talk about a blast from the past, look at the graphics, and I played those a LONG time when they came out, but at the time and with the trusty ol C64 I suppose they really were the 'stuff'. Trying to imagine them on today's hardware is a real thought. Though to be honest I;d rather see the world of Krynn on the Infinity engine. B)
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Yeah, GOG has a ton of the old games, plus they configured DOSbox for you. Most of them run well, though transferring characters can be a huge pain.

    Some people have remade some of the games in Neverwinter Nights, but I'm not sure how good they are.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Here is a list I made of all the D&D games on GOG:
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    pool of, does that take me back! i think that was the very first rpg that i played on the C64. my favorite game back then. thanks for bringing up a game that i had almost forgotten about. :)
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    welcome to the forums grayhorse! totally forgot to welcome you after being distracted by the mention of pool of radiance. :o anybody who played pool of radiance is awesome in my book. :)
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited April 2017
    @Grayhorse Yes, welcome! By the way, I found Pool of Radiance Remastered for Neverwinter Nights 2. You can download it here:

    It looks like it has a couple of big bugs, but it it still well-loved and better than the other Pool of Radiance remakes made for the original Neverwinter Nights.

    @Zaghoul Apparently somebody has made a Krynn persistent world for the original Neverwinter Nights. The server status says it is down right now, but you may want to watch for it to come back up. I might be trying it myself.

    There also lots of persistent worlds for the Forgotten Realms, a Ravenloft one, a Planescape one, and somebody is working on a Dark Sun one. So you can do a search to find what setting you want. Depending on what you find you will need either NWN 1 or 2, and they may need to be modded.
  • GrayhorseGrayhorse Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the invite and the info. I Will be downloading Pool of Radiance asap. I so loved this game.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Grayhorse - Played these on the C64 as well and remember sitting for hours mapping everything on graph paper... After picking the lot up in a recent GOG sale and for nostalgia's sake, I have just recompleted Pool of Radiance (GOG ver) and am currently midway through the Curse of Azure Bonds.

    If your looking at playing these, I recommend grabbing hold of the Goldbox Companion as well. It works well playing the game in a window as the companion map sits beside DOSBOX and keeps track of your movemnets. It does all the automapping as well as giving you a headsup on your characters (like a char sheet). It also allows for cheating so strong willpower is required :).

  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Gusinda said:

    @Grayhorse - Played these on the C64 as well and remember sitting for hours mapping everything on graph paper... After picking the lot up in a recent GOG sale and for nostalgia's sake, I have just recompleted Pool of Radiance (GOG ver) and am currently midway through the Curse of Azure Bonds.

    If your looking at playing these, I recommend grabbing hold of the Goldbox Companion as well. It works well playing the game in a window as the companion map sits beside DOSBOX and keeps track of your movemnets. It does all the automapping as well as giving you a headsup on your characters (like a char sheet). It also allows for cheating so strong willpower is required :).


    @Gusinda Oh lawd, the graph paper, yep, remember that. I think I still have some of the old graphs in a book somewhere :* .

    Given how I have come to like and play BG, as much as I loved the old games and my C64/Amiga, I am not sure I would enjoy the old games quite as much now (man, mapping done for one alone, is a major step up). Glad they added mapping. I would really like to see these updated or a new adventure on Krynn or something (none of that 5th age mess either).
    Still though, maybe for the sake of nostalgia, and to have good ol mages classified into their three towers.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Zaghoul, Never actually played the Krynn (Goldbox) series but have scheduled it in my to play list (straight after Pools of Darkness). Have been rereading the Forgotten Realms novels of late as well. Read quite alot of the Dragonlance books back then and it would be enjoyable to play as a Kender (fan of the Rogue myself).
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    @Gusinda wow, i remember making maps on graph paper as well. boy does that take me back!
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @ber5nie5, yes there were so many games that needed graph paper - All the Infocom games like Zork, Suspended and the dreaded Leather Goddess..., the Eye of the Beholder series (which thankfully has an automapper as well called 'All Seein Eye'. Finished EOB 1 and 2 recently, wasn't much of a fan for EOB 3), Bard's Tale etc.

    Love all this in game mapping now. Only problem with it is when you take a break from the game to play another, you have to try and recall what was going on rather than having your notes all open in front of you (not that I am complaining...)

    I must thank @Grayhorse for the use of his discussion for this little side bar.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Hello and welcome to the forum @Grayhorse !
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Late to the party. I'm playing this right now and I'm loving it... Taking a long time to slog through it mind. I thought it would be a small game.
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