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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited May 2017
    Half human half drow or half elf half drow?

    Edit: by behaviour proxy it might be half orc half drow
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited May 2017
    lroumen said:

    Half human half drow or half elf half drow?

    Edit: by behaviour proxy it might be half orc half drow

    Jaheira is half human and half drow. My newly rolled blackguard is half human and half orc.

    Dridersdoom is 100% drow but doesn't behave like it being chaotic good like Drizzt. I will continue with her until she expires or succeeds. Then I will try my Blackguard half orc.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Sounds intriguing :)
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    Journal of Dridersdoom

    Dridersdoom joined up with Gavin, Sirene, Vynd and Baeloth. Sirene was given the scroll of protection from petrification and oil of speed and as a result trashed the basilisk area. Gavin summoned a skeleton warrior who weakened Mutamin enough for him to cause few problems.

    The party has returned to Beregost where they will rest. Lighthouse area next.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    When I opened a game up in Shadowkeeper a while back, I there was the option in "Appearances" of having the appearance of a tiefling. That option since I added some more mods has disappeared. I am hoping that I can regain that option by re-installing the relevant mod. Can anyone give advice?

    Weidu log below.

    // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
    // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
    // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Slime Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Beregost Family Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Installing the Babysitting Quest, including the Carnival Encounter...: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Nashkel Monster Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Fallen Paladin Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Undying Love Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Orcish Lover Encounter: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Unexpected Help Quest: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Many Little Paws": v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Drunk near Beregost Temple: v14
    ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #10 // A Warm Place for Noober: v14
    ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Drizzt Saga for BGEE/Tutu/BGT -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: v3.00
    ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #2 // Raise the XP cap: v3.00
    ~DRIZZTSAGA/DRIZZTSAGA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Delayed start: Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower: v3.00
    ~RECOLOREDBUTTONS/SETUP-RECOLOREDBUTTONS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Recolored character's toolbar buttons (BG:EE) -> Golden color scheme: v4.1
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ice Island Level Two Restoration: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Mysterious Vial: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #4 // Finishable Kagain Caravan Quest: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #6 // Kivan and Tazok: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #7 // Branwen and Tranzig: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #10 // Place Entar Silvershield in His Home: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #11 // Scar and the Sashenstar's Daughter: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #12 // Quoningar, the Cleric: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #13 // Shilo Chen and the Ogre-Magi: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edie, the Merchant League Applicant: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #16 // Creature Corrections: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #17 // Creature Restorations: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #18 // Creature Name Restorations: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #19 // Minor Dialogue Restorations: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #21 // Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #22 // Item Corrections and Restorations: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #28 // Prism and the Emeralds Tweak: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #29 // Duke Eltan in the Harbor Master's Building: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #30 // Nim Furlwing Encounter: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #32 // Svlast, the Fallen Paladin Encounter: v14.0
    ~BG1UB/SETUP-BG1UB.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mal-Kalen, the Ulcaster Ghost: v14.0
    ~BYMULTIPORT/BYMULTIPORT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Multi-Portrait Mod: 1.5
    ~SETUP-DARKHORIZONSBGEE.TP2~ #0 #0 // "Dark Horizons" Mod for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition: BG:EE v213
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #40 // Change Viconia's Skin Color to Dark Blue: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #50 // Avatar Morphing Script: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #60 // Weapon Animation Tweaks: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #110 // Icon Improvements: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #130 // Force All Dialogue to Pause Game: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #140 // Fix Boo's Squeak: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #180 // Unique Containers -> Fixes only: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #191 // Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors -> For non-magical shields and helmets: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1036 // Make Cloakwood Areas Available Before Completing the Bandit Camp -> All of Cloakwood Except the Mines: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1070 // Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1080 // Add Bags of Holding: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1090 // Exotic Item Pack: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1100 // Reveal City Maps When Entering Area: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1120 // Stores Sell Higher Stacks of Items: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #1250 // Move NPCs from Baldur's Gate: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2040 // Universal Clubs: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2060 // Weapon Styles for All: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2151 // Wear Multiple Protection Items -> No Restrictions: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2200 // Multi-Class Grandmastery (Weimer): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2211 // Change Grandmastery Bonuses -> BG2 Grandmastery Rules: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2352 // Alter Multiclass Restrictions -> Install both of the above options: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2360 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2371 // Alter Dual-class Restrictions -> Allow non-humans to dual-class: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2380 // Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2420 // Loosen Equipment Restrictions for Cleric Multi-Classes: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2440 // Everyone Gets Bonus APR from Specialization: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2999 // Max HP at Level One: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3000 // Higher HP on Level Up -> Maximum: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3010 // Maximum HP for NPCs (the bigg) -> For All Creatures in Game: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3031 // Easy Spell Learning -> 100% Learn Spells and No Maximum Cap: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3040 // Make Bags of Holding Bottomless: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3050 // Remove fatigue from restoration spells: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3080 // Increase Ammo Stack Size -> Unlimited Ammo Stacking: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3090 // Increase Gem and Jewelry Stacking -> Unlimited Gem and Jewelry Stacking: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3100 // Increase Potion Stacking -> Unlimited Potion Stacking: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3121 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Can Be Angry About Reputation but Never Leave (Salk): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3125 // Neutral Characters Make Happy Comments at Mid-Range Reputation: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3190 // Rest Anywhere (Japheth): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3205 // Stores Purchase All Item Types: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3220 // Sensible Entrance Points: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3230 // Taerom Makes Additional Ankheg Armor (Icendoan/grogerson): Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4000 // Adjust Evil joinable NPC reaction rolls: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4020 // ToB-Style NPCs: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4031 // Consistent Stats: Edwin -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4041 // Consistent Stats: Jaheira -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4061 // Consistent Stats: Minsc -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4071 // Consistent Stats: Viconia -> Use BG2 Values: Beta 5
    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #4090 // Make Montaron an Assassin (Andyr): Beta 5
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Bjornin's Desire, by jastey (adult content): v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #13 // A Lonely Dryad, by Kulyok (adult content): v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Edwin's Softer Side, by Kulyok: v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #24 // A Night with Lais in Imnesvale, by Kulyok: v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Rebecca the Gypsy, by Kulyok: v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #41 // Isabelle's Fears, by gertjanvh (adult content): v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #45 // Rehearsal with Chandra, by Western Paladin: v11
    ~RE/SETUP-RE.TP2~ #0 #52 // Minsc. Takes. A Bath, by Thimblerig: v11
    ~CORANBGFRIEND/CORANBGFRIEND.TP2~ #0 #0 // Coran's Extended BG Friendship Talks: v4
    ~XANBG1FRIEND/SETUP-XANBG1FRIEND.TP2~ #0 #0 // Xan's friendship path for BG1: v9bgee
    ~SETUP-WMART.TP2~ #0 #0 // Deidre and Joluv in BG:EE
    ~S3DISCLUBS/S3DISCLUBS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Distinguisable Clubs: V1.1
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #30 // Improved Specialist Mage Descriptions: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #31 // Replace Berserker Kit with Battlerager for Dwarves: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #900 // Add Red Wizard to Edwin's Kit Description: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #1400 // Give Imoen Adventurer Kit: v4
    ~NPCKIT/NPCKIT.TP2~ #0 #2300 // Change Minsc's Title to Rashemaar Ranger: v4
    ~SETUP-BGEEAR.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Armors for BG:EE, BGT and TuTu Version 1.05
    ~SETUP-BG2EEW.TP2~ #0 #0 // TeamBG's Weapons Pack for BG2:EE Version 1.01
    ~WANDCASE/WANDCASE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Wand Case: v1.3
    ~SETUP-VYND.TP2~ #0 #0 // Vynd for BGTutu, BGT and BG:EE
    ~GARRICK_FLIRT/SETUP-GARRICK_FLIRT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Garrick's Infatuation: b20140925
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #102 // Choose a class for Imoen -> Make Imoen a multiclass mage/thief: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #121 // Choose a class for Jaheira -> Make Jaheira a druid: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #141 // Choose a class for Khalid -> Make Khalid a ranger/cleric: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #161 // Choose a class for Minsc -> Make Minsc a fighter: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #181 // Choose a class for Dynaheir -> Make Dynaheir a sorcerer: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #221 // Choose a class for Coran -> Make Coran a thief: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #242 // Choose a class for Branwen -> Make Branwen a multiclass fighter/cleric: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #302 // Choose a class for Xzar -> Make Xzar a necromancer/cleric: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #321 // Choose a class for Montaron -> Make Montaron a thief: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #464 // Choose a class for Alora -> Make Alora a cleric/thief: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #483 // Choose a class for Xan -> Make Xan a fighter/mage: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #583 // Choose a class for Viconia -> Make Viconia a cleric/thief: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #621 // Choose a class for Neera -> Make Neera a sorcerer: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #2000 // NPC kit choices: v2.6.6
    ~NPC_EE/NPC_EE.TP2~ #0 #3000 // multiclass kit choice: v2.6.6
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new spells -> Only add spells if not present from other mods: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #100 // Cleric Remix: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #103 // Install Silverstar of Selune Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #106 // Install Nightcloak of Shar Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #107 // Install Holy Strategist of the Red Knight Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #109 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #115 // Install Firewalker of Kossuth Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #118 // Install Authlim of Iyachtu Xvim Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #124 // Install Heartwarder of Sune Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #127 // Install Feywarden of Corellon Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #130 // Install Strifeleader of Cyric Cleric Kit: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #600 // Install Battleguard of Tempus Kit for Branwen: v8
    ~DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2~ #0 #610 // Install Nightcloak of Shar Kit for Viconia: v8
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Amount of -ahem- details and BG-style vs. description text!: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Bardolan's Briefing, by berelinde: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Scar's Spare Time, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Kim's Preoccupation, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Extension of Bjornin Encounter (Personal Wound Treatment), by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #5 // No Starch in the Maypole: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Duke Eltan's Spare Minute, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Husam's Personal Preparation, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #8 // Laurel's Post-Hunting, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Bartus' Seduction, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #10 // Lina's Massage, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #11 // First Night with Quentin, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #12 // Chatting Niklos Up, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #13 // Slythe and Krystin, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #14 // No Regrets: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Purchased Love, by Thimblerig: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #16 // Hull: Heavy Duty, by Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #17 // Late Night with Jaheira, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Sil's Blessing, by Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #19 // Melicamp: The Poultry Boy, by Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Reading with Rinnie, by Western Paladin: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Molly the Husband-Grabber, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #22 // The Mourning of Centeol, the Spider Lady, by Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #23 // The Essential End, by Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #24 // The Harvestmen Lair, by Lava (mature content): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #25 // The Great Zudini, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #26 // The Messenger, by Thimblerig: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #27 // Ender Sai, the Hero's Reward, by Thimblerig (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #28 // The Novelists, by Thimblerig: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #29 // The Honest Lies of Two Riversides, By Lava: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #30 // Necromancer's Trouble, by jastey (WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #31 // Dinner with Thalantyr, by jastey: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #32 // Girdle of Gender Reactions, by Thimblerig, Kulyok, Domi, Lava, Lastknightleft, Twani, Jastey, Daisy Ninja Girl: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #33 // The Surgeon's Dream, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #34 // All That Left Was, by Lava and Thimblerig: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #35 // A Childhood Friend, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #36 // Arlene the Working Girl, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #37 // Della May from Thay, by Kulyok: v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #38 // A Dirty Guard in Candlekeep, by Kulyok (mature content. WARNING - refer to the readme!): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #39 // Phoenix Flame, by Kulyok (mature content): v1.6
    ~BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #40 // Mikala the Monk, by Twani: v1.6
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #1 // The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #9 // The BG1 NPC Project: Ajantis Romance Core (teen content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #10 // The BG1 NPC Project: Branwen's Romance Core (teen content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #11 // The BG1 NPC Project: Coran's Romance Core (adult content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #12 // The BG1 NPC Project: Dynaheir's Romance Core (teen content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #13 // The BG1 NPC Project: Shar-Teel Relationship Core (adult content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #14 // The BG1 NPC Project: Xan's Romance Core (teen content): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #15 // The BG1 NPC Project: Female Romance Challenges, Ajantis vs Xan vs Coran: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #18 // The BG1 NPC Project: Alora's Starting Location -> Alora Starts in Gullykin: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #20 // The BG1 NPC Project: Eldoth's Starting Location -> Eldoth Starts on the Coast Way: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #22 // The BG1 NPC Project: Quayle's Starting Location -> Quayle Starts at the Nashkel Carnival: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #24 // The BG1 NPC Project: Tiax's Starting Location -> Tiax Starts in Beregost: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #30 // The BG1 NPC Project: Cloakwood areas availability in Chapter One -> Open four Cloakwood areas (everything but the Mines): v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #32 // The BG1 NPC Project: Sarevok's Diary Adjustments -> Sarevok's Diary Date Changes only: v22.8
    ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #200 // The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues: v22.8
    ~DELAINY/SETUP-DELAINY.TP2~ #0 #1 // Delainy/Durlyle Same-Sex Romance Options -> Always spawn Durlyle.: v0.91
    ~DELAINY/SETUP-DELAINY.TP2~ #0 #3 // Dialogue Fixes: v0.91
    ~K9SHARTEELNPC/SETUP-K9SHARTEELNPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // Install Shar-Teel NPC Mod: v1.2
    ~NORACERESTRICTIONS/SETUP-NORACERESTRICTIONS.TP2~ #0 #0 // BCaesar's No Race Restrictions Mod: Version1.01
    ~SIRENE/SETUP-SIRENE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Sirene NPC for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
    ~SIRENE/SETUP-SIRENE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Sirene NPC for Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear
    ~SIRENE/SETUP-SIRENE.TP2~ #0 #3 // Choose an alternate class for Sirene? -> Cavalier
    ~SIRENE/SETUP-SIRENE.TP2~ #0 #7 // Alternate Portrait (BG2 style) by Isandir
    ~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #0 #0 // The Stone of Askavar for TotSC/Tutu/BGT/BGEE -> Default version: areas connected by travel triggers: 2.0
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Copy all portraits for use by player characters: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #1 // Replace all NPC portraits (AMOK): v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #4 // Alternate Branwen portrait: BioWare edit by XVIII: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #7 // Alternate Coran Portrait -> Alternate by Melisah: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #10 // Alternate Dynaheir Portrait -> Alternate #3 by Amok: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #13 // Alternate Faldorn Portrait: by XVIII: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #19 // Alternate Kivan Portrait: BioWare edit by XVIII: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #23 // Alternate Safana Portrait: BioWare edit by XVIII: v2
    ~BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK/BG1NPC_PORTRAIT_PACK.TP2~ #0 #27 // Alternate Viconia Portrait: BioWare edit by XVIII: v2
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Alternate Aerie Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #1 // Alternate Imoen Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #2 // Alternate Jaheira Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #3 // Alternate Mazzy Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #4 // Alternate Nalia Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #6 // Alternate Viconia Portrait by sporeboy!: v3
    ~SAPP/SETUP-SAPP.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install new portraits to the 'portraits' directory: v3
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Copy all portraits for use by player characters: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install new portrait for Aerie: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #2 // Install new portrait for Anomen: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install new portrait for Cernd: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #4 // Install new portrait for Edwin: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install new portrait for Imoen: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install new portrait for Jaheira: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install new portrait for Jan: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #8 // Install new portrait for Keldorn: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install new portrait for Korgan: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install new portrait for Mazzy: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install new portrait for Minsc: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #12 // Install new portrait for Nalia: v2
    ~PLASMOPORTRAITS/SETUP-PLASMOPORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Install new portrait for Viconia: v2
    ~SETUP-JPS_PORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Alternate Aerie Portrait by JPS: v3
    ~SETUP-JPS_PORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #1 // Alternate Imoen Portrait by JPS: v3
    ~SETUP-JPS_PORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Alternate Jaheira Portrait - Option 2 by JPS: v3
    ~SETUP-JPS_PORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #4 // Alternate Nalia Portrait by JPS: v3
    ~SETUP-JPS_PORTRAITS.TP2~ #0 #5 // Alternate Viconia Portrait by JPS: v3
    ~SETUP-BGII-SUBRACE.TP2~ #0 #1 // GUI changes for subrace mod
    ~SETUP-BGII-SUBRACE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Alternate NPC subraces
    ~SETUP-BGII-SUBRACE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Subrace mini-mod for BGII v1.0
    ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Gavin NPC for Tutu, BGT, and BG:EE: v11
    ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Gavin: Romance (mature content): v11
    ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Gavin: Flirts (adult content): v11
    ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #5 // Gavin: Alternate Portraits (Default portrait is already installed) -> Dawn skies, by Kaeloree: v11
    ~GAVIN/GAVIN.TP2~ #0 #10 // Gavin: Player Initiated Dialogue: v11
    ~SETUP-TGC1E.TP2~ #1 #0 // The Grey Clan Episode One: In Candlelight, BGT-WeiDU/EET/BG:EE edition v1.9 -> Normal edition: v1.9
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Interlude Part 2

    Completed Werewolf Island.
    That is all.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    The Partridge Family

    "So here's the problem as I see it. We need to get into Baldurs Gate to go after Sarevok but the FF are after us for murder, any suggestions?"
    "I can cast invisibility (of course I can, it's as if they haven't noticed my power) but there are some drawbacks"
    "Well you cannot do anything while invisible otherwise you break it"
    "Anything, like what?"
    "Talk to anybody, open doors, pick something up, eat, drink, climb stairs.."
    "Climb stairs? Why would I not be able to climb stairs, it's not that different from walking around, just upwards. What about walking up or down a slope?"
    "Well of course you can walk up a slope, that's still walking"
    "How about running"
    "That's just fast walking"
    "And climbing stairs is just vertical walking"
    "Do you want me to help or don't you?"

    We headed through the city, desperately dodging people, avoiding steps (how bizarre is this rule?) until we were away from the main street. Took a breather in a back alley and broke invisibility. Where next? Needed to get across the city without being seen. Decided to use the sewers.

    As we slunk around the back of the Sorcerers Sundries, we were approached by a woman. And not just any woman, Sarevok's girlfriend, Sarevok's girlfriend who was helping him the night Gorion was killed. I slammed her against the wall and would have throttled her there and then if the others hadn't warned me not to draw any attention. She actually had the gall to try and bargain with me for Sarevok's life, delusional (and that accent, what was she going for, "I would talk to you"). No, next time I see you, you will die.

    So after scaring off Tamoko, another ever so helpful "let me fill you in with all that's been happening" random passerby (sure) stopped to pass the time of day. In a nutshell, Sarevok has taken over the Iron Throne on the death of his father, is angling to be elected a Duke (after killing a couple of the incumbents), and pushing for war with Amn. Scar our contact with the FF has been murdered and Duke Eltan, who sent us to Candlekeep, is on his deathbed being attended by a dodgy doctor.
    We should have joined the squatters in Durlags Tower, there was plenty of room.

    First task, rescue the Duke, we need an ally. Sent Kivan, used invisibility potions (much better than the spell, you can go upstairs), killed the dodgy doctor (who just happened to be a doppleganger, quelle surprise) and carried the Duke to safety at the Habourmasters (don't ask).

    Next, need evidence against Sarevok, Iron Throne building is the best bet. The place was in disarray, made our way to the top, met another girlfriend (Sarevok you naughty dog you), she told us all she knew in exchange for her life, it didn't work. Found some letters to a couple of assasins holed up in the UnderCellars, And Sarevok's diary.

    It wasn't the best written book I've read, not by a long shot. Too much angst and destiny. But very enlightning. So Sarevok is another "child of Bhaal" which makes him a sort of brother I suppose. Though not the "Bhaalspawn" mentioned in the prophecies, that's gotta burn. And the grand plan is to start a war, shed lots of blood and "Daddy" will be reborn and embrace Sarevok as his true heir. Far be it from me to point out the obvious flaw that Bhaal isn't really what one would think of as "father of the year".

    Back down the sewers to the Under Cellar, Edwin led the way, never seen him move so fast, to deal with the assassins, Slyth and Kristen. It's usually nice to see a happily married couple who enjoy each others hobbies...usually. These two took disturbing and deranged to a whole different level. The fight didn't go at all as planned. Kivan was killed with a backstab, then we managed to kill Slyth. Then the widow turned up and knocked all of us out. What saved us was the skellies blocking her in a room while the rest of us had a nap. Complete chance, she couldn't get out of one of the side rooms and roamed back and forth not being able to do anything much. Finally we woke up and she wasted a lot of her spells on the skellies. Found the invitations to the palace for Sarevoks election.

    So we are off to the palace, but needed to do something about the sewer gunk. Branwyn, Viconia and myself borrowed some dresses, not exactly the usual outfits seen in high society. Edwin and Kivan strongarmed a couple of "visitors" for their clothes and carried the weapons. We made it just in time to get through the doors before the election. Potions and spells as we had had to abandon our armour.

    Approached the Dukes and Duchess with the evidence and then Sarevok made his move. Most of the assembled guests were actually dopplegangers and they went for the Dukes. Edwin webbed the whole room, we ran back, then ranged attack, skeletons and Kivan with the spider sword (we'd popped into a temple for Kivan BTW). The only one who gave us trouble was the doppleganger mage.

    Sarevok, his big plan in ruins, ran away. And of course the Dukes looked to us to go after him and stop him once and for all. Teleported us after him, ended up in the Thieves Guild and was told he had gone down the secret, secret passage (which was virtually signposted) to the ancient city lying underneath Baldurs Gate.

  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341

    The Partridge Family

    Would love any comments.

    Repulse Undead?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited May 2017

    The Partridge Family

    "So here's the problem as I see it. We need to get into Baldurs Gate to go after Sarevok but the FF are after us for murder, any suggestions?"

    1) Firstly, I ensure that the FF are never after me. When collecting Duke Eltan, enter the FF hasted and invisible.

    Collect him, nip into the adjacent room whilst the doppelganger casts spells.

    Go invisible again. Take him ro the harbour master.

    You can leave the party in a shop whilst you do this to avoid over-usage of potions.

    2) If the Flaming Fist are after you, you travel through the sewers. It is a good idea to clear much of the sewers before you actually need to use them. Haste is again invaluable (Either from a spell, a scroll, or potions.)
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147

    @UnderstandMouseMagic I enjoyed your write-up of your partridge family. It's hard to do for an entire trilogy. It's your run, do with it as you will. All I can tell you if you keep writing narrative, I'll keep reading it. Have fun.

    Thank you, Glad you enjoyed it.

    It didn't really start as a storied playthrough but just got out of hand. As you can see I have started SOD. I don't like it much but there maybe some fun to be had with the absurdities.
    And I do like M'khiin.
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